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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



You must give me a list of ALL add-on you're using, and the EXACT situation that caused the error, the info you gave isn't enough for me to map the error.. Provide full info about the error so i can try reproduce it here and find the cause.

My mistake, the $game_actors[2].active_strategy('Attacker') is right.
The only addons I am using are your summon script and the KGC Victory window script. The battle freezes when I summon that Zeke guy for some reason. That's the best I can describe it.



If the summon name is "Zakk" it's because you're using the english version and as I said many times here, the english version is glitchy... In any case, if there was an bug in summon, the bug is gone, i've made several tests here and this bug didn't occur anymore here.
It still doesnt work...
I tried just calling this script: $game_actors[2].active_strategy('Attacker')
and it showed this error:ArgumentError occurred while running script. wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

so i tryed calling these scripts: $game_actors[2].active_strategy('Attacker') and $game_actors[2].add_strategy('Attacker' , [[4, 2, 0, 0], [7, 2, 25, 2], [9, 1, 1, 0], [2, 3, 0, 0]])
and the error: SyntaxError occurred while running script.... if i dont call the script and it runs just fine without any errors... hopefully i can get this script to work if possible? thanks
im assuming the script is not properly called.... does anyone actually have gotten this "Automatic Action Script" to work? please help me out with the proper calling script code. Thank you in advance :girl:
Whoa, whoa, easy there susan.
I dunno about this, but isn't there any rules for double posting? If there is, susan, you should stop posting more than once a day or else you might get caught.

Btw, Atoa, thanks for your response, I don't really need that thought, just suggesting some ideas. And I don't really know about this melody BS, but here's what I found >> http://wiki.pockethouse.com/index.php?t ... ine_Melody
And here's the so called Custom Target Options, looks cool and strategic >> http://wiki.pockethouse.com/index.php?t ... et_Options

One more thing, I know I AM asking too much, but I want to point out something.
The 4th DYNAMIC ACTIONS SETTINGS, the one when if true, when an actor mets all conditions to act, he will act even if his target is moving
Doesn't really work, I set the enemies into slow motion, but the battlers didn't attack them when the enemies are walking (which I hope they would)

And if there's a fix for this one, I was hoping if you can make it compatible with "Force Action", since it's not compatible with any of the DYNAMIC ACTIONS SETTINGS and I really need this...

(I was hoping to make a Tower Defense like RPG)



Thaks for the link i will take a look on the Melody CBS, i have all the area system planned, i already know how to do some area effect (line from caster to target and rectangles) but i didn't have any idea how to make circle/elpitical areas whitout causing an enormous lag.

# If true, when an battler mets all conditions to act, he will act even if
# his target is moving.
So to be able to hit an moving target all other conditions must be met.
I will add some more settings on the dynamic actions to allows an better usage of this option.

As nisamerica you shouldn't post repatdely, if you have something else to say, and the last post is yours, edit it.

Also i don't know what may be happening, since the commands seems right, and i don't get erros here on the demo. I will look further on this.
I'm sorry for over posting thanks for letting me know =)

Atoa can u give me an example line please to a command call script
Can u please copy and paste the lines that you are using to properly call the automatic action script? Thanks



maybe the problem is the damn rmxp script call editor, it's sometimes automatically break lines and causes erros. It's not the first time i see people complaing about script calls returning erros even if the command is right.

I just copy and paste your code and it worked fine here.

Could you post an screen the script call command with the code?
$game_actors[2].active_strategy('Attacker') $game_actors[2].add_strategy('Attacker' , [[4, 2, 0, 0], [7, 2, 25, 2], [9, 1, 1, 0], [2, 3, 0, 0]])

Those are lines I put on script call. Thanks for reply Atoa



I need an SCREENSHOT, to see how they are on the Call Script box.
The code is right so it's most likely the problem is in the call script command, not in the code.
oh im sorry... u mean this one :unsure:
heres the script i used to call it...

heres what it does when i start a new game with the call script:



As i imagined the problem is with the break lines.
You can't make an break before the (),


This is how it should be.

If you cant make it fits right (some versions of RMXP had the bad habit of breaking the code lines automattically if the code don't fit the box)

you can so make this:
- Create a new section on the script editor
- Create methods and add the codes, add how many methods you need

- Then make the script call only using the method.
I will add some more settings on the dynamic actions to allows an better usage of this option.
Well thank you very much, I appreciate it. :D

The only 2 things I need is: Battlers can hit any enemies that are walking, attacking, etc (Well, only to be able to hit walking enemies are fine though).

And Battlers can attack at the same time when the "Force Action" event command are used.

If those two conditions can be realized, I can immediately start making my game..
Sweet! It worked! only problem is that, this error pops up when battle starts:
When I removed the individual battle command script from editor.... the automatic actions script worked... I was wondering if there is a way to turn off the individual battle command script from editor by calling a line from script and be able to turn it back on later on different battle scene instead of having to delete the script from script editor since automatic actions seems to work without the individual battle command script? The image below is an error that occurs when automatic actions starts in battle with individual battle command script on script editor:


how can you end the battle and return to map when you die in CT battle instead of it going to game over when you die? I just want certain battles to where when I die it doesnt go to game over but will go to a cutscene instead in CT battle



The only 2 things I need is: Battlers can hit any enemies that are walking, attacking, etc (Well, only to be able to hit walking enemies are fine though).
Hitting battlers during their actions would be bad since it would break the battler actions and would cause a lot of glitches.

Battlers can attack at the same time when the "Force Action" event command are used.
The force action command just force an action, but it will be done together with another only if all dynamic actions allows it.

I will check this glicht with IBC + Auto Actions. Thanks for the report.

how can you end the battle and return to map when you die in CT battle instead of it going to game over when you die?
You can use an script call and call the code $game_temp.battle_can_lose = true
I should add this to the instructions but i forgot, maybe i add an method for that too.
the $game_temp.battle_can_lose = true worked... thanks atoa! :biggrin:

Ive been looking for how to disable a script thats in the script editor and I couldnt find any.... below is the individual battle command script that im trying to disable in certain battles while the automatic actions script is on... im trying to disable the battle command script since it conflicts with automatic actions script when auto action is on...



I tryed calling the script $atoa_script['Atoa Individual
Commands'] = false
and nothing happened... it still showed the same error...


so im assuming im not calling or disabling the script properly? If I delete the individual battle command script off the editor and rerun the battle... it runs fine such as actors in automatic actions... but once i reinput the individual battle command script back to editor then it shows the above errors... so, im assuming that i need to disable the battle command script temporarily when i get an actor using the automatic actions in battle... could it possibly work? I dunno, i havent tried it cuz I dont know how to disable a script LoL :haha: How do u disable a script?



There's no way to completely disabe scripts, some have on/off options, but if it don't have, there's nothing that can be done.
the $atoa_script['Script Name'] = true are only set for compatibility purpouse, so i can check in onther scripts if another is being used. So just remove it if you're not going to use it for now.

So all you can do is wait for the fix.

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