# Add special features is quite simple.
# First you must choose the type of setting that you want to add
# They are:
# Actor_Settings = Settings for actors
# Enemy_Settings = Settings for enemies
# Skill_Settings = Settings for skills
# Weapon_Settings = Settings for weapons
# Item_Settings = Settings for items
# After that you must set the ID of the setting "target"
# Actor_Settings[ID]
# in this case I'm making the setting of an actor
# And finally add the effects.
# Actor_Settings[2] = ["NOCOLLAPSE","NODANGER"]
# in this I set that the actor ID 2, won't have collapse effect and won't
# have custom pose for low HP.
# Some effects have "sub settings" like "MOVETYPE/**" and "COMBO/**".
# In these cases you must replace the "**" with pre-defined values.
# These values are shown on the explanation of each effect.
# Adding two equals effects, with different sub settings will have no effect,
# only the first one will be used.
# These effects is effective only for enemies
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "VICTORYPOSE" : Enemy with Victory Pose.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "ENEMYINTRO" : Enemy with Battle Intro Pose.
# These effects is effective only for enemies or actors
# "NOCOLLAPSE" : Don't show collapse (shows the actor dead pose)
# It's essential add to all actors if you don't want the red fade effect
# to be shown when a actor dies.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "COLLAPSE/**" : Advanced collapse animation, don't work with "NOCOLLAPSE"
# ** must be equal the Collapse Effect ID: 1, 2, or 3,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "NODANGER" : Don't use the Low HP pose.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "LOCKMOVE/**" : Set an permanent movement type.
# This value ignore all values of "MOVETYPE" from other actions
# So all actions will have this type of movement, no matter of their settings
# ** must be equal one of the following values:
# - NOMOVE : No movement.
# - STEPFOWARD : One step foward.
# These effects is effective only for skills
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "CRITICAL" : Skill can cause criticals.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "CONSUMEHP" : Skill consume HP instead of SP.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "COSTMAX" : Skill cost is based on Max HP/SP.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "COSTNOW" : Skill cost is based on Current HP/SP.
# These effects is effective only for weapons
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGVARIANCE/**" : Sets an custom variance for weapons
# an numeric value between 0 and 100, can be decimals.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "STARTTHROWWEAPON/**" : If an actors is equiped with this effect, all
# attacks and physical skills will have this effect added to them, unless
# the effect "THROWWEAPONIGNORE" is added to the action
# This is one of the most complex configuration of the advanced settings.
# Be very careful to avoid erros.
# ** must be written this way:
# (the values must be separated by coma.
# SOUND = Name of the sound file used on the throw start. leave nil for no sound.
# CURVE = Curve angle for the throw. Numeric value, can be decimal.
# Default Value for straight throws = 0.
# Default Value for angled throws = 10.
# DOWN = Animation ID when the battler is facing down
# LEFT = Animation ID when the battler is facing left
# RIGHT = Animation ID when the battler is facing up
# UP = Animation ID when the battler is facing up
# SPEED = Objetc speed. Numeric value. Default 300.
# X1 = Start X position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# Y1 = Start Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# X1 = End Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# X2 = End Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# Ex.: "STARTTHROWWEAPON/101-Attack13,0,122,123,124,125,300,-20,0,0,0"
# "STARTTHROWWEAPON/nil,10,126,126,126,126,200,0,-20,0,0"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "ENDTHROWWEAPON/**" : If an actors is equiped with this effect, all
# attacks and physical skills will have this effect added to them, unless
# the effect "THROWWEAPONIGNORE" is added to the action
# This is one of the most complex configuration of the advanced settings.
# Be very careful to avoid erros.
# ** must be written this way:
# (the values must be separated by coma.
# SOUND = Name of the sound file used on the throw start. leave nil for no sound.
# CURVE = Curve angle for the throw. Numeric value, can be decimal.
# Default Value for straight throws = 0.
# Default Value for angled throws = 10.
# DOWN = Animation ID when the battler is facing down
# LEFT = Animation ID when the battler is facing left
# RIGHT = Animation ID when the battler is facing up
# UP = Animation ID when the battler is facing up
# SPEED = Objetc speed. Numeric value. Default 300.
# X1 = Start X position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# Y1 = Start Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# X1 = End Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# X2 = End Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# Ex.: "ENDTHROWWEAPON/101-Attack13,0,122,123,124,125,300,-20,0,0,0"
# "ENDTHROWWEAPON/nil,10,126,126,126,126,200,0,-20,0,0"
# These effects is effective only for skills or items
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "HELPHIDE" : Hides window showing item/skill name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "HELPDELETE" : Remove window showing item/skill name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "CAST/**" : Action with cast pose different from the default. You can add
# more than one value to make the pose random.
# ** must be equal the Poses ID, separated by comas.
# Ex.: "CAST/9"
# "CAST/8,9"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "MIRAGECAST/**" : Add mirage effect for casting animation
# you can set and different color for the images.
# ** can be the value of RGB and Alpha. RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA
# or nil for no color.
# (ALPHA is the opacity level of the color on the sprite)
# Ex.: "MIRAGECAST/255,64,0,160"
# These effects is effective only for weapons, skills or items
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "STEAL/**" : Action with Steal effect.
# ** must be equal one of the following values:
# - BOTH : steal item or gold.
# - GOLD : steal only gold.
# - ITEM : steal only item.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "SPDAMAGE" : Action causes SP Damage.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "NODAMAGE" : Action causes no Damage and don't show Miss Message.
# These effects don't have any restriction about when you can use them.
# Note.: for enemies and actors, these effects are applied only during unnarmed
# physical attacks for actors or normal attacks for enemies.
# In case of skills, items or armed attacks, the setting of skill, item or
# weapon will be applied instead.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "MOVETYPE/**" : Set the action movemente type.
# ** must be equal one of the following values:
# - NOMOVE : No movement.
# - STEPFOWARD : One step foward.
# - SCREENCENTER : Moves to screen center.
# - MOVETOTARGET : Moves towards the targets.(only for magics)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "EXCLUDEUSER" : The user will not be target.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "INCLUDEUSER" : The user will always be target.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "TARGETSWITCH" : Allows to switch targets between actors and enemies.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "TARGET/**" : Special target settings.
# ** must be equal one of the following values:
# - ALLALLIES : Targets all allies.
# - ALLENEMIES : Targets all enemies.
# - ALLBATTLERS : Targets all battlers.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "RANDOM" : Random target, can be used toghter with the "TARGET/**" effects.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "FAST" : Action will be always the first of the turn. (don't work on ATB/CTB)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "SLOW" : Action will be always the last of the turn. (don't work on ATB/CTB)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "FREEZEATB" : Action stop time bars even if the battle is set to be 100% active
# Works only with the ATB
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "HIDE/**" : Allows to hide battler exhibition during actions
# - BATTLER : Hides user graphic.
# - PARTY : Hides user party.
# - ENEMIES : Hides user enemy party
# - OTHERS : Hides all battlers, except the user
# - ACTIVE : Hides all battlers, except the user and his targets
# - ALL : Hides all battlers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "MOVEPOSITION/**" : Action with special movemente settings
# ** must be expressed with the following form: X, Y, A, B, SPD (the values must
# be separated by comas ",")
# X = Initial battler position X, the higher, the more far. Default = 0
# X = Initial battler position Y, the higher, the more far. Default = 0
# A = Battle X Movement. Default = 0
# B = Battle Y Movement. Default = 0
# SPD = Movemente Speed. Default = 200
# Ex.: "MOVEPOSTION/10,0,50,0,250"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "ANIMATIONDIRECTION/**" : Allow to set different battle animations based on
# the battler direction.
# ** must have the IDs of the Animations for each direction
# following this pattern: "ANIMATIONDIRECTION/down,left,right,up
# Ex.: "ANIMATIONDIRECTION/10,12,14,16"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "COMBO/**" : Actions with multiple repetitions
# ** must be equal the number of hits, for random hits add an min value and
# after the max value, separated by "-".
# Ex.: "COMBO/5" Combo with 5 hits
# "COMBO/3-7" Combo with 3 to 7 hits.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "HITS/**" : Actions with multiple hits.
# ** must be equal the number of hits, for random hits add an min value and
# after the max value, separated by "-".(like the Combo)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "SEQUENCE/**" : Skill sequences.
# ** must be equal the IDs that makes part of the sequence, separated by ",".
# Ex.: "SEQUENCE/57,58,59" The skills ID 57,58 and 59 will be used after the
# action with that effect.
# Obs.: Even for actors, enemies, weapons or items, the subsquent acions after
# the first will be *always* skills.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "ANIME/**" : Action with pose different from the default. You can add
# more than one value to make the pose random. Leave 0 for no pose change
# ** must be equal the Poses ID, separated by comas.
# Ex.: "ANIME/0"
# "ANIME/12"
# "ANIME/12,13,14"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "ADVJUMP/**" : Action with jump during advance movement.
# ** must the the jump height modifier. Default 100
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "RETJUMP/**" : Action with jump during return movement.
# ** must the the jump height modifier. Default 100
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "ADVPOSE/**" : Action with different pose during advance movement.
# ** must be equal the Pose ID.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "RETPOSE/**" : Action with different pose during return movement.
# ** must be equal the Pose ID.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "JUMP/**" : Action with jump animation
# ** must the the jump height.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "JUMPSPEED/**" : Velocidade do salto.
# ** must be the jump speed, default is 100. If the value is higher than 100
# the speed is increased, if it's bellow 100, it's lower
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "LIFT/**" : Action with jump animation, stops when reach the top (and stay floating).
# ** ust the the jump height.
# The battler will left this position if the next actions have the effect
# "FALL", or at the action end
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "FALL" : Cancels the "LIFT/**" effect.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "HEAVYFALL/**" : Cancels the "LIFT/**" effect with an uniform fall
# ** Must be the fall speed.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGIMPACT/**" : Set impact movement when recive damage
# The target is pushed.
# ** must be expressed with the following form: DIRECTION, DISTANCE, EXTRA_X, EXTRA_Y
# DIREÇÃO : numeric value that set de direction that the target will be pushed
# 0 = direction aligned with battler current position
# 1 = same direction as battler
# 2 = opposite direction as battler
# DISTÂNCIA: distance that the target is pushed
# EXTRA_X: Extra X push psition
# EXTRA_Y: Extra Y push psition
# Ex.: DMGIMPACT/1,50,0,0
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGBOUNCE/**" : Set impact movement when recive damage.
# The target is lauched up and falls afterwards.
# ** numeric value, the distance that the target is launched
# recomended values between 1 and 200, above this the target may be launched off screen
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGRISE/**" : Set impact movement when recive damage.
# The target is lauched up and stops when reach the top (and stay floating)
# The battler will left this position if the next actions have the effect
# "DMGSMASH" or "DMGRELASE" or at the action end
# ** numeric value, the distance that the target is launched
# recomended values between 1 and 200, above this the target may be launched off screen
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGSHAKE/**" : Set impact movement when recive damage.
# The target shakes when damaged
# ** shake effect duration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGWAIT/**" : Set impact movement when recive damage.
# The target stay frozen on the position he was when recived the damage
# for an set time.
# The battler will left this position if the wait time end, if next actions
# have the effect "DMGRELASE" or at the action end
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGSMASH" : Set impact movement when recive damage.
# The target is lauchend down, effective only if the target is rised up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGFREEZE" : Set impact movement when recive damage.
# The target stay frozen on the position he was when recived the damage
# The battler will left this position if the next actions have the effect
# "DMGRELASE" or at the action end
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGRELASE" : Set impact movement when recive damage.
# Cance the effects of "DMGRISE/**" or "DMGFREEZE"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "IMPACTDELAY/**": Wait time between the battle animation and the pose change
# ** must be the time in frames.
# By default it's ist's varies according to the battle animation duration.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DAMAGEDELAY/**": Wait time between the damage pose change and the damage pop up
# ** must be the time in frames.
# By default it's ist's varies according to the pose duration.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "DMGANIMTIME/**": Duration of the Damage pose.
# ** must be the time in frames.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "TIMEBEFOREANIM/**" : Wait time between the action pose and the animation show
# ** must be the time in frames.
# By default it's ist's varies according to the pose duration.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "TIMEAFTERANIM/**" : Wait time after the battle animation.
# ** must be the time in frames.
# By default it's ist's varies according to the animation duration.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "MIRAGEADVANCE/**" : Add mirage effect for the advance movement
# you can set and different color for the images.
# ** can be the value of RGB and Alpha. RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA
# or nil for no color.
# (ALPHA is the opacity level of the color on the sprite)
# Ex. "MIRAGEADVANCE/255,64,0,160"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "MIRAGERETURN/**" : Add mirage effect for the return movement
# you can set and different color for the images.
# ** can be the value of RGB and Alpha. RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA
# or nil for no color.
# (ALPHA is the opacity level of the color on the sprite)
# Ex. "MIRAGERETURN//255,64,0"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "MIRAGEACTION/**" : Add mirage effect for the action animation.
# you can set and different color for the images.
# ** can be the value of RGB and Alpha. RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA
# or nil for no color.
# Ex. "MIRAGEACTION/255,64,0"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "ACTIONPLANE/**": Adds an Plane image (wich loops) during actions.
# ** must be expressed with the following form: TYPE, FILENAME, OPACITY, MOV_X, MOV_Y
# TYPE = Exhibition type.
# - ABOVE: Image is shown above battlers
# - BELLOW: Image is shown bellow battlers
# FILENAME = Graphic file name, must be on the Pictures folder.
# OPACITY = Image opacity, Numeric value from 0 to 255.
# MOV_X = Numeric value, X axis movement speed, can be omited.
# MOV_Y = Numeric value, Y axis movement speed, can be omited. (only if MOV_X was
# also omited)
# Ex.: "ACTIONPLANE/ABOVE,black_tone,160"
# "ACTIONPLANE/BELLOW,wave_image,255,20"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "STARTTHROW/**" : Add throw animation for the action
# This is one of the most complex configuration of the advanced settings.
# Be very careful to avoid erros.
# ** must be written this way:
# (the values must be separated by coma.
# SOUND = Name of the sound file used on the throw start. leave nil for no sound.
# CURVE = Curve angle for the throw. Numeric value, can be decimal.
# Default Value for straight throws = 0.
# Default Value for angled throws = 10.
# DOWN = Animation ID when the battler is facing down
# LEFT = Animation ID when the battler is facing left
# RIGHT = Animation ID when the battler is facing up
# UP = Animation ID when the battler is facing up
# SPEED = Objetc speed. Numeric value. Default 300.
# X1 = Start X position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# Y1 = Start Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# X1 = End Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# X2 = End Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# Ex.: "STARTTHROW/101-Attack13,0,122,123,124,125,300,-20,0,0,0"
# "STARTTHROW/nil,10,126,126,126,126,200,0,-20,0,0"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "ENDTHROW/**" : Add throw return animation for the action
# This is one of the most complex configuration of the advanced settings.
# Be very careful to avoid erros.
# ** must be written this way:
# (the values must be separated by coma.
# SOUND = Name of the sound file used on the throw start. leave nil for no sound.
# CURVE = Curve angle for the throw. Numeric value, can be decimal.
# Default Value for straight throws = 0.
# Default Value for angled throws = 10.
# DOWN = Animation ID when the battler is facing down
# LEFT = Animation ID when the battler is facing left
# RIGHT = Animation ID when the battler is facing up
# UP = Animation ID when the battler is facing up
# SPEED = Objetc speed. Numeric value. Default 300.
# X1 = Start X position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# Y1 = Start Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# X1 = End Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# X2 = End Y position of the throw. Numeric value. Default 0.
# Ex.: "ENDTHROW/101-Attack13,0,122,123,124,125,300,-20,0,0,0"
# "ENDTHROW/nil,10,126,126,126,126,200,0,-20,0,0"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THROWWEAPONIGNORE" : Action Ignores an setting of "STARTTHROWWEAPON/**" and
# Actor_Settings[ID] = [Effects]
# ID = Actor ID
# Effects = Special Effects, look the list on the begin to know wich effects are
# avaliable for actors.
Actor_Settings[1] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[2] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[3] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[4] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[5] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[6] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[7] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[8] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[9] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[10] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[11] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[12] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[13] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[14] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[15] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
Actor_Settings[16] = ["NOCOLLAPSE"]
# Enemy_Settings[ID] = [Effects]
# ID = Enemy ID
# Effects = Special Effects, look the list on the begin to know wich effects are
# avaliable for enemies.
Enemy_Settings[1] = ["NODANGER","ENEMYINTRO"]
Enemy_Settings[11] = ["VICTORYPOSE","COLLAPSE/2"]
# Skill_Settings[ID] = [Effects]
# ID = Skill ID
# Effects = Special Effects, look the list on the begin to know wich effects are
# avaliable for skills.
Skill_Settings[1] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[2] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[3] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[4] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[5] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[6] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[53] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[54] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[55] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[56] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Skill_Settings[73] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[74] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[75] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[76] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[77] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[78] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[79] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[80] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[82] = ["STEAL","MOVETYPE/MOVETOTARGET"]
Skill_Settings[92] = ["HITS/5"]
Skill_Settings[93] = ["COMBO/2-4"]
Skill_Settings[94] = ["FAST"]
Skill_Settings[95] = ["SLOW"]
Skill_Settings[96] = ["RANDOM"]
Skill_Settings[97] = ["INCLUDEUSER"]
Skill_Settings[99] = ["HIDEBATTLER","MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Settings[110] = ["SEQUENCE/111,112,113,114,115"]
Skill_Settings[111] = ["ANIME/13"]
Skill_Settings[112] = ["ANIME/14"]
Skill_Settings[113] = ["ANIME/15"]
Skill_Settings[114] = ["ANIME/16"]
Skill_Settings[115] = ["ANIME/17"]
# Weapon_Settings[ID] = [Effects]
# ID = Weapon ID
# Effects = Special Effects, look the list on the begin to know wich effects are
# avaliable for weapons.
Weapon_Settings[17] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Weapon_Settings[18] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Weapon_Settings[19] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Weapon_Settings[20] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Weapon_Settings[21] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Weapon_Settings[22] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Weapon_Settings[23] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Weapon_Settings[24] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Weapon_Settings[36] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Weapon_Settings[42] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
# Item_Settings[ID] = [Effects]
# ID = Item ID
# Effects = Special Effects, look the list bellow to know wich effects are
# avaliable for items.
Item_Settings[1] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[2] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[3] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[4] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[5] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[6] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[7] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[8] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[9] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[10] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[11] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[12] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]
Item_Settings[30] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
# Here you can configure the sound effects of actors and enemies.
# The configuration form is very simillar to the othe settings.
# Configuration of Sound effects based on battler poses
# Useful for sound effects syncronized with poses (setep sound, weapon swing and even voices)
# This one is file based, so all battlers with the same graphic will have this sounds.
# Pose_Battle_Cry['File Name'] = {POSE => {FRAME => Settings}}
# Settings for actors sound effects
# Actor_Battle_Cry[Actor ID] = {'EFFECT' => Settings}
# Settings for enemies sound effects
# Enemy_Battle_Cry[ID do Inimigo] = {'EFFECT' => Settings}
# Então deverá adicionar os atributos. Porém, a condiguração dos atributos é
# mais complexa
Pose_Battle_Cry['Leon'] = {7 => {2 => ['064-Swing03',100,100]},
5 => {1 => ['016-Jump02',80,100], 3 => ['016-Jump02',80,100]},
6 => {1 => ['016-Jump02',80,100], 3 => ['016-Jump02',80,100]},}
Actor_Battle_Cry[1] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Actor_Battle_Cry[2] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Actor_Battle_Cry[3] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Actor_Battle_Cry[4] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Actor_Battle_Cry[5] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Actor_Battle_Cry[6] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Actor_Battle_Cry[7] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Actor_Battle_Cry[8] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[1] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['011-System11',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[2] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['012-System12',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[3] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['012-System12',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[5] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['012-System12',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[6] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['012-System12',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[7] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['012-System12',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[8] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['012-System12',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[9] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['012-System12',80,100]]}
Enemy_Battle_Cry[10] = {'COLLAPSE' => [['012-System12',80,100]]}
# All sound configurations follow this sintaxe:
# ['file name', volume, potch]
# You can add more than one effect, if you add, the effect will be selected randomly.
# These sound effects are used syncronized with poses
# They're written that way: POSE => {FRAME => [Settings]}
# POSE = Pose ID
# FRAME = Frame wich the sound is played
# Settings = ['file name', volume, pitch]
# Ex.:
# 7 => {2 => ['shout01', 100, 10], 3 => ['shout02', 100, 10]}
# On this example, during the 2nd frame from pose ID 7 the sound effect 'sound01' is used,
# during the 3rd frame from pose ID 7 the sound effect 'sound01' is used,
# These effects are used on "static" actions.
# They're written that way: 'EFFECT' => [[Settings]]
# In this case you must add all the sound effects on the first array.
# E.g.:
# 'INTRO' => [['shout01', 100, 100],['shout02', 100, 100],['shout03', 100, 100]]
# The intro sound used will be 'shout01', 'shout02' or 'shout03'.
# 'INTRO' => [[Settings],[Settings]]
# Sound effect for battle intro.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'DAMAGE' => [[Settings],[Settings]]
# Sound effect for reciving damage.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'EVADE' => [[Settings],[Settings]]
# Sound effect for evade attack.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'DEFENSE' = [[Settings],[Settings]]
# Sound effect for start defense.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'COLLAPSE' => [[Settings],[Settings]]
# Sound effect for dying.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'VICTORY' => [[Settings],[Settings]]
# Sound effect for victory.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'ESCAPE' => [[Settings],[Settings]]
# Sound effect for escaping.
# These are sound effects that changes according to the base action.
# Estes são efeitos sonoror que variam de acordo com a ação base.
# They're written that way: 'EFFECT' => {'BASE' => [Settings], ID => [Settings]}
# The 'BASE' value must always be added, and will be used if the action don't
# have it's own settings.
# E.g.: 'SKILLUSE' => {
# 'BASE' => [['skill shout01', 100, 100],['skill shout02', 100, 100]],
# 1 => [['skill ID1 shout01', 100, 100],['skill ID1 shout02', 100, 100]],
# 2 => [['skill ID2 shout01', 100, 100],['skill ID2 shout02', 100, 100]]}
# The skill ID 1 will have the sounds 'skill ID1 shout01' ou 'skill ID1 shout02',
# the skill ID 2 will have the sounds 'skill ID2 shout01' ou 'skill ID2 shout02',
# any other skill will have the sounds 'skill shout01' ou 'skill shout02'.
# 'SKILLCAST' => {'BASE' =>[[Settings],[Settings]], ID =>[[Settings],[Settings]]}
# Sound effect for skill cast.
# 'SKILLUSE' => {'BASE' =>[[Settings],[Settings]], ID =>[[Settings],[Settings]]}
# Sound effect for skill use
# 'WEAPON' => {'BASE' =>[[Settings],[Settings]], ID =>[[Settings],[Settings]]}
# Sound effect for weapon attack
# 'ITEM' => {'BASE' =>[[Settings],[Settings]], ID =>[[Settings],[Settings]]}
# Sound effect for items.
# Configuration of the 'slip effects' (poison and regen)
# Slip_Pop_State[Slip_Type] = { State_ID => [Type, Constant, Rate, Dmg_Pop, Kill]}
# Slip_Type = Order of damage/regen exhibition
# Must be equal 'Slip_1' or 'Slip_1'
# State_ID = ID of the state
# Type = 'hp' for HP effects, 'sp' for SP effects
# Constant = Fixed value applied.
# Positive values are damage, negative values are healing
# Rate = % value applied, based on HP/SP Max.
# Positive values are damage, negative values are healing
# Dmg_Pop = true/false. The damage/regen will pop?
# Kill = true/false. The effect can kill the target?.
# There's no real difference between 'Slip_1' and 'Slip_2', since what define the
# damage/heal is the value configurated in 'Constant' and 'Rate'.
# The difference is in the order that the effect will be applied.
# If you create an regen and a poison of the type 'Slip_1' both will be applied
# at the same time.
# E.g.: You have an poison that deals 49 damage, and an regen that heals 42 HP
# the value shown in the screen will be 7 (49 - 42 = 7)
# If the effects are of different types, each value will be shown separately
Slip_Pop_State['Slip_1'] = {3 =>['hp', 0, 10, true, true], 21 =>['sp', 0, 10, true, true]}
Slip_Pop_State['Slip_2'] = {22 =>['hp', 0, -10, true, true], 23 =>['sp', 0, -10, true, true]}
# Enemy_Drops[ID] = {'ITEM' => RATE}
# ID = Enemy ID
# ITEM = Item type and ID. Must be expressed as 'xY'
# where x = item type and Y = item ID
# x must be 'a' for armors, 'w' for weapons, 'i' for items
# E.g.: 'a12' = Armor ID 12
# RATE = Item drop %. An value between 0 and 100, can be decimals
# E.g.: '5.4' = 5.4% drop rate
# E.g.: Enemy_Drops[15] = {'w6' => 22.5, 'a9' => 12}
# That means enemy ID 15 (Enemy_Drops[15])
# has 22,5% of dropping the weapon ID 6 ('w6' => 22.5)
# and have 12% of dropping the armor ID 9 ('a9' => 12)
# Repeated items won't be considered
Enemy_Drops[2] = {'i1' => 30}
Enemy_Drops[3] = {'i1' => 22.5, 'i4' => 0.5}
# Enemy_Steal[ID] = {'ITEM' => RATE}
# ID = Enemy ID
# ITEM = Item type and ID. Must be expressed as 'xY'
# where x = item type and Y = item ID
# x must be 'a' for armors, 'w' for weapons, 'i' for items, 'g' for money
# E.g.: 'a12' = Armor ID 12
# RATE = Item drop %. An value between 0 and 100, can be decimals
# E.g.: '5.4' = 5.4% drop rate
# E.g.: Enemy_Drops[15] = {'w6' => 22.5, 'g900' => 12}
# That means enemy ID 15 (Enemy_Drops[15])
# has 22,5% of dropping the weapon ID 6 ('w6' => 22.5) when stole,
# and have 12% of dropping 900 gold ('g900' => 12) when stole.
# Repeated items won't be considered
Enemy_Steal[1] = {'g100' => 50, 'w1' => 50, 'a1' => 15}
Enemy_Steal[2] = {'i3' => 22.5, 'w2' => 5}
# These settings allows you to show battle animations togther with the
# battlers pose animations
# Pose_Animation[NOME] = POSE => {FRAME => [Atributos]}
# NOME = Name of the battler graphic
# POSE = Pose ID
# FRAME = Frame wich the animation is played
# Atributos = [ID, loop]
# ID = Animation ID
# loop = Looping Amimation. true ou false
# Ex.:
# Pose_Animation['Test'] = {4 => {1 => [15, true]}, 7 => {2 => [30, false]}}
# The battler with filename 'Test', during the 1st frame of the ID 4 pose will
# play the animation ID 15, it will repeat until the chages the pose. During
# the 2nd frame fo the ID 7 pose will play the animation ID 30 once
# Pose_Animation['Leon'] = {4 => {1 => [128, true]}}
# Pose_Animation['Zelos'] = {4 => {1 => [128, true]}}
# Pose_Animation['Chelsea'] = {4 => {1 => [128, true]}}
# Pose_Animation['Klarth'] = {4 => {1 => [128, true]}}
Pose_Animation['FrioFighter'] = {20 => {1 => [128, false]}}
# Configuration of the poses pattern
# You can set differen patterns for each pose.
# Pose_Sprite['Name'] = {Settings}
# The Settings are the following.
# Base Setting - this is the graphic dimensions settings
# 'Base' => [X, Y, SPD, Mirror]
# 'Base' = this is the value that sets the base settings, don't change.
# X = number of horizontal frames. Numeric value higher than zero. Default 4.
# Y = number of vertical frames. Numeric value higher than zero. Default 11.
# SDP = Movement Speed. Numeric value higher than zero. Default 200.
# Mirror = invert graphic. true or false. Default false.
# Pose Settings - These are the setting of each pose.
# Pose_ID => [Frames, Time, Loop, Speed]
# Pose_ID = The Pose ID. Numeric value higher than zero.
# Frames = Number of animation frames. Numeric value higher than zero.
# Time = Duration of each frame pose.Numeric value higher than zero.
# Loop = Animation Loop. true or false.
# Speed = Move Speed, Numeric Value higher than 0, Default 200.
# can be omited or nil. If so, the default speed (set on 'Base') is used.
# Extra Settings - These are optional settings.
# Remember that if you add these settings here, *all* graphics will have these
# settings (except the ones you set individually on the ACBS | Config 2 - Advanced)
# The extra settings are "Shadow" and "Jump"
# 'Shadow' =>['Name', X, Y]
# 'Shadow' = this is the value that sets the shadow setting.
# 'Name' = Name of the shadow graphic file.
# X = Shadow position X adjust. Numeric value.
# Y = Shadow position Y adjust. Numeric value.
# 'Jump' => {Direction => Height}
# 'Jump' = this is the value that sets the shadow setting.
# Direction = Here you set wich movement action will have.
# Can be one of the following value, or both.
# 'Advance' the battler will jump during the advanve movement
# 'Return' the battler will jump during the return movement
# Altura = jump height. Numeric Vaule. Default 10
# Ex.: 'Jump' =>{'Return' => 10}
# 'Jump' =>{'Advance' => 12,'Return' => 8}
# 'Adjust' => [X, Y]
# 'Adjust' = Value that sets an adjust for battler sprite X/Y position.
# Must be used if the battler is not well aligned
# X = X position adjust. Numeric Value
# Y = Y position adjust. Numeric Value
# 'ThrowStart' => {Pose =>[X, Y]}
# 'ThrowStart' = value that set the throw start point.
# By default, the start point depends on the frame height.
# Must be used if you have an battler with throw.
# If needed, you can set different start points for each pose
# Pose = ID of the pose that will be adjusted
# X = X position adjust. Numeric Value
# Y = Y position adjust. Numeric Value
# 'Center' => {Pose =>[X, Y]}
# 'Center' = Value that sets the sprite "center", used to set the target point
# for battle animations and throws.
# By default, the center is based on the frame dimensions, but don't take
# into consideration the position of the sprite inside the frame
# If the sprite is on an uncommon position compared to the center (like an
# fying enemy that stays above the center).
# Pose = ID of the pose that will be adjusted, can be equal 'Base', setting
# the center for all poses by default, unless the pose has it own setting.
# You don't need to add all values here, only the ones that will be changed.
# E.g.:
# The sprite with file name "Test Sprite" have 4 horizontal poses and 10 veriticals.
# You also want that it have jump when advancing.
# All the poses follow the same configuration as the default.
# So you just need to add the changed values, in this example "Base" and "Jump"
# Pose_Sprite['Test Sprite'] = {'Base' =>[4,10,200,false],'Jump' =>['Advance']}
Pose_Sprite['Sora'] = {'Base' =>[13,15,200,false],
'Shadow' =>['Shadow00', 0, -3], 1 =>[6,8,true], 2 =>[1,4,false], 3 =>[1,4,true], 4 =>[1,4,false], 5 =>[8,2,true],
6 =>[8,2,true], 7 =>[5,2,false], 8 =>[5,8,true], 9 =>[4,8,false], 10 =>[11,4,false],
11 =>[1,4,false], 12 =>[6,3,false], 13 =>[7,4,false], 14 =>[5,2,false], 15 =>[6,3,false]}
Pose_Sprite['Sora_Wood'] = {'Base' =>[13,15,200,false],
'Shadow' =>['Shadow00', 0, -3], 1 =>[6,8,true], 2 =>[1,4,false], 3 =>[1,4,true], 4 =>[1,4,false], 5 =>[8,2,true],
6 =>[8,2,true], 7 =>[5,2,false], 8 =>[5,8,true], 9 =>[4,8,false], 10 =>[11,4,false],
11 =>[1,4,false], 12 =>[6,3,false], 13 =>[7,4,false], 14 =>[5,2,false], 15 =>[6,3,false]}
Pose_Sprite['Shadow_Heartless'] = {'Base' =>[7,12,200,false],
'Shadow' =>['Shadow00', 0, 0], 1 =>[7,8,true], 2 =>[4,4,false], 3 =>[1,4,true], 4 =>[1,4,false], 5 =>[7,4,true],
6 =>[7,4,true], 7 =>[6,2,false], 8 =>[7,4,false], 9 =>[6,8,true], 10 =>[7,4,false],
11 =>[4,4,false], 12 =>[7,4,false]}
Pose_Sprite['Darkside_Heartless'] = {'Base' =>[7,12,200,false],
'Shadow' =>['Shadow00', 0, 0], 1 =>[7,8,true], 2 =>[4,4,false], 3 =>[1,4,true], 4 =>[1,4,false], 5 =>[7,4,true],
6 =>[7,4,true], 7 =>[6,2,false], 8 =>[7,4,false], 9 =>[6,8,true], 10 =>[7,4,false],
11 =>[4,4,false], 12 =>[7,4,false]}
# If a battler have some different pattern from the default you can configure
# them individually.
# E.g.: you set "Defense_Pose = 4", so the defense pose will be the fourth.
# But you have a graphic that the defense pose is the seventh.
# If you don't want to edit the graphic you can add to the battler setting
# this Setting: 'Defense' => 7
# That way, for that battler, the defense pose will be the seventh
# 'Idle' = Wait pose (Recomended never change, because it can cause funtion losses)
# 'Hurt' = Pose when Taking Damage(Recomended never change, because it can cause funtion losses)
# 'Danger' = Idle pose when HP is low
# 'Defense' = Idle pose when guarding
# 'Advance' = Moving foward
# 'Return' = Return move pose
# 'Attack' = Pose when attacking
# 'Skill' = Pose when using Physical Skills
# 'Magic' = Pose when using Magical Skills
# 'Item' = Pose when using Items
# 'Dead' = Dead Idle pose
# 'Intro' = Pose used in the begin of battle
# 'Victory' = Battle Victory pose
# 'Evade' = Pose when evade an attack
# 'Escape' = Pose when escaping from battle
# 'Critical' = Pose for Critical Attacks
# 'Advance_Start' = Pose for advance start
# 'Advance_End' = Pose for advance end
# 'Return_Start' = Pose for return start
# 'Return_End' =Pose for return end
# 'Magic_Cast' = Pose for Magic Skill Cast
# 'Physical_Cast' = Pose for Physical Skill Cast
# 'Item_Cast' = Pose for Item Use Cast