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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

I'll just leave a list of errors I get when using the Chrono Trigger battle system

Script ACBS Battle code line 5582 Argument error occurred. Wrong number of arguments (3 for 2) during a battle, multiple causes.



Hello first
Can someone please help me?
I have looked in the Thread and read the Script but i dont get it whats wrong ?
I have 3 Problems:

The Atb System isent right. see the Screen for see what is wrong
And i dont have at the beginning the Attack Escape Screen
When i use a Magic Skill the Char attack with the a Battle Animation, but he have to stand and do the Magic.

I hope someone can help, and sry for my bad English.


Hey Atoa, what's the progress on the next version? I am anxious since I want to use the Chrono Trigger battle system, but it has so many bugs right now that it's unusable. Please don't give up, you do amazing work.



Anyway to make this compatible (with chrono trigger add-on) with Neo Mode 7?

As in able to have chrono trigger style battles on Mode 7 maps?

Also, any plans to make the battle camera usable with the Chrono Trigger Addon?

love the script!
I have found an error. It is probably a very easily fixed one as I encounted it ver easily and yet no one else has asked about it from what I've seen skiming through the past pages. It concerns the Blitz Skill addon which I know has had problems in the past, but not like this.

As soon as a Blitz skill is about to be performed in game, this error appears:

Script 'Skill Blitz' line 335: NameError occurred.
uninitialized constant Scene_Battle::Window_Display_Position
I'm not sure if it has been reported and I would not call this a bug per say, but i'm having trouble getting the damage display to pop up from where i want it to.
I'm trying to center it more on who ever gets damaged... and .. i'm trying to get it to land.. more to the bottom of who ever is damaged.. but it seems to wanna be off a bit no matter where i tell it to display from..
I am having to adjust parts of the main code to get it to pop up how i want... but i'm a bit worried to mess too much with main coding, but if i try and tell it to pop up from more center to the character who gets damaged, it still wants to be offset a bit, like i said.. it's not so much a bug, but i'm just having difficulties getting it to be more custom for myself.
Also, i was using an older version of this system, using the latest one i noticed that battle animations for like swords and such are all off center more now as well.
I'm not sure if you would consider any of it a bug per say, but it is a little... annoying... unless i mess with main code more, some things just only seem to wanna go so far.
I'm also having trouble making the characters want to step forward for skills.
I'm trying to adjust everything to be as close to working like Final Fantasy 4 as i can get it.. but some things do not seem to work as they should.
For instance, when casting a spell, the characters do their casting animation over them while they stand there, then they step forward and do the pose they are supposed to do and then the animation from.. say.. healing occurs, that's how the older version i was using would act, the new one however does not seem to want to let them step forward at all, and yes i am setting it up to step forward for each skill in the Advanced section, it seems to ignore it totally and just has them stand there.
I'm going to keep working with it, and see if i can get it to work how i want it, i will report any progress i make, but it's likely i might have to change some things in the main code to get it to work right.

Well, as i thought, i had to modify some of the main code to get the damage to pop up like i wanted it to.
I would post the changes i did, but i rather wait on the next version to come out before i start posting what i did, cause the problems i'm having will probably have been taken care of by the time the next version is released.
But i'm realizing, somethings just can't be adjusted to fully customize what i want without modifying things more thoroughly.
I suck at making scripts from scratch, but i can do some modding fairly well.
My next goal is to get the animations to center correctly, and to get SFonts to work well with the system.
I.. really don't think it's finished..... .. it's always be refined by Atoa.. but i was having some problems myself.. i ended up having to modify the main script to get some things to work like i wanted...
But yeah.. i don't think hes done with it.
Mikepjr":rj93l625 said:
I.. really don't think it's finished..... .. it's always be refined by Atoa.. but i was having some problems myself.. i ended up having to modify the main script to get some things to work like i wanted...
But yeah.. i don't think hes done with it.

Well technically, it will never be finished so long as he adds more to it. What did you have to modify, if you don't mind me asking? :)
It was in the main part of his code, cause some things just can't be modified in his customization sections.

I changed this in ACBS | Battle Main Code
@_damage_sprites[i].ox = dmg_adjust + Dmg_X_Adjust

      @_damage_sprites[i].oy = 20 - Dmg_Y_Adjust

      @_damage_sprites[i].x = self.x + i * Dmg_Space

      @_damage_sprites[i].y = self.y - self.oy / 3
to this
@_damage_sprites[i].ox = -15 + dmg_adjust + Dmg_X_Adjust

      @_damage_sprites[i].oy = 0 - Dmg_Y_Adjust

      @_damage_sprites[i].x = self.x + i * Dmg_Space

      @_damage_sprites[i].y = self.y - self.oy / 7

So now, when the damage pops up, it's more centered, and it falls more to the very bottom of the battler rather than off to the side like it was doing for some odd reason.

I was trying to make the text that pops up look more like it does in final fantasy, i also noticed he added this odd fade out for the damage numbers after they land, i kinda wish he made that optional, i'm trying to get my game to be as much like a classic final fantasy game as possible..
As it stands right now, the game is going to have a very basic turn based version of FF4's battle system.. i finally got the layout like i wanted and everything, and i'm using Atoa's system for battles...
Hello, just wondering if anyone could help me with this.
I have been using rpg maker for like 3 years now, i took a 6 month hiatus and now i want to continue working on my game.
So i downloaded rpg maker xp again, and im currently using the trial until i get the chance to order the legal copy. i already own a legal copy but its on another laptop im letting someone use.

Well im getting this error when i load your CBS demo, it says, this project is from an old version of rpg maker.

Ive used your script before, its amazing, it works perfect on my other laptop. im confused as why its not working on this laptop. anyone have any ideas? did rmxp get updated or something, is that why its not working anymore?

Im sorry if this isnt the place to post it , but it only happens so far with this script.

Also when i use the old version 2.0 it works fine. the new 3.0 wont work for some reason.
Yeah its weird though, the earlier version of atoas script works fine, the 2.0, just the 3.0 isnt working. Is there something im missing ? maybe a file or something.
Well if you got the demo, use it first.. and see how it works... .. i think.. and i could be wrong.. but i think the demo for RMXP is still the same old problem.. no updates to the RGSS or anything.. you might need an updated RGSS file... though.... i could be wrong..
Okay fixed it, i just copied the data,audio, and graphics folder into a new project and seems to be working fine. sadly the chrono trigger battle is not working for me, not correctly at least :( it worked fine on the 2.0 version.

Everytime i attack i get the same error with an undefined constant in acbs::rpg.sprite random_move line559 as soon as the character goes to attack.

Ive read through these posts and it seems as though the chrono battle system is not working for alot of people, so i guess its not just me.

Edit, hmm i just tried using the normal battle system and its doing the same thing, same error code. I wonder what it could be.
Missing a sprite then... you might have to go into the game or script and tell it to use something else..
That's what it sounds like anyhow.

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