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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



XRXS! You're missing a link? He/she resides here: http://sboox.hp.infoseek.co.jp/xp/
I love their Battle Status style with its smooth animation. <3
RTH, I've heard that before. From whom did you base your FFX-like CTB add-on off? I came across a script that I had ages back, that this system's add on reminded me of and made me go look for it. It has a similar turn order window style and use of counter points.
Also, Cogwheel: http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/cogwheel/

EDIT: I would use the CT system... if it didn't keep crashing after battle with a 'not responding' error. :[ It even carks out in a fresh demo. ... it can't be because it needs RGSS103J.dll can it?

EDIT 2: I found an older version of the script I had backed up: V2.0 Beta 2 | 14 - 09 - 2009. It doesn't crash, though it also lacks some add ons. Or specifically, trying to carry over the visual equipment script from the latest version does not work. The bug is in the CT battle script - I tried carrying the older version (plus some required definitions) over, so there is something up with the main code.
Anyone know of a pixel movement script that's compatible with this CT battle system? The CT battle system depends on the caterpillar code working, and so most pixel movement scripts fail.



... clearly this CBS has a vendetta against me. I decide to go for the traditional (non CT) system, only to find Battle Advantage freezes after a back attack. After the enemies have attacked, actors will just sit there. e.g KaHn flashes, but the menu does not activate.
In addition, a party back attack will result in enemies not flipping around, so they attack the right side of the actors.

Also, if there is no battle cry for the COLLAPSE pose, the system should probably default to the database specified one. Right now it doesn't appear to, if it's meant to.
I got this error using a normal attack after using Charge. I'm using the ATB battle system at the moment, but I'm not sure if these error will happen with the default or CTB battle system.




Could somebody explain the sprites? I mean, which row has which function and how many rows are possible and stuff like that...couldn't find it in the script ^^'
Cerone":3hgtyaky said:
Could somebody explain the sprites? I mean, which row has which function and how many rows are possible and stuff like that...couldn't find it in the script ^^'

It's in the initial post, as well as in the basic and advanced config parts of the script. Just read through it carefully. There is no limit to the number of rows.

Seriously, it's all there.



MayorAnime":1t0o2xr9 said:
Cerone":1t0o2xr9 said:
Could somebody explain the sprites? I mean, which row has which function and how many rows are possible and stuff like that...couldn't find it in the script ^^'

It's in the initial post, as well as in the basic and advanced config parts of the script. Just read through it carefully. There is no limit to the number of rows.

Seriously, it's all there.

Okay, I looked again and I found it, but I still have no bloody idea how to create my own sprites. For example, take the Ghost1, it has several rows as sprites and several "commands" in the scripts. I don't know what the meanings of those rows is, which row is activated during which "event"...means I don't know which row is used when the Ghost does nothing, when it blocks, when it attacks...it's not written there...so I don't know how to integrate my own sprites...
Cerone":dqfrknfz said:
Okay, I looked again and I found it, but I still have no bloody idea how to create my own sprites. For example, take the Ghost1, it has several rows as sprites and several "commands" in the scripts. I don't know what the meanings of those rows is, which row is activated during which "event"...means I don't know which row is used when the Ghost does nothing, when it blocks, when it attacks...it's not written there...so I don't know how to integrate my own sprites...

Well, it's not clearly documented, but the information is there. The rows are named, the size of the rows and columns are variables. It's all there, just need to look at the lines of the code's configurations.

I'm working on a ACBS Tutorial for newbies, but I am not rushing on it. I need sprites for my game and doing pixel art right now takes priority.

In the meantime, unless someone else answers you, I suggest you experiment. You can't actually BREAK the game by trying out new things.
I get this error whenever I use the "Show Animation" event command while on a map.


Status Limit
New Status
New Resistance System
Change SP Cost
Equipment Auto-States
Enemy Advanced Status
Individual Battle Commands
Damage Limit
Skill Reflect
Skill Charge
Skill Auto-Life
Skill Drain
Skill Scan
FF7 Victory Windows

Other Scripts:
Enemy Detection (This one might be the problem)

   1. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

   2. #                   Enemy Detection System

   3. #                   by Gubid - 8/12/07

   4. #                   v 1.2.2 Updated 10/2/07

   5. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

   6. #Description:

   7. #This system allows events that are named something including "ENEMY" then

   8. #that event will be told to approach Game_Player, until Game_Player has gotten

   9. #a specified distance away. At that time event will return to its original

  10. #position if desired. If you happen to get close enough to the returning event

  11. #it will begin to follow you again.

  12. #

  13. #Thanks to Near Fantasia for supplying the slightly modified path finding script.

  14. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  15. #if there are any questions as to the use of this script or

  16. #modifications/additions/etc, please post it to the thread on CreationAyslum.net

  17. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------


  19. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  20. #Update_Detect - How to Stop Detection if desired

  21. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  22. #1. Within a event, add a SCRIPT (3rd page)

  23. #2. type "update_detect(EVENT_ID, TRUE/FALSE)" -Note: it defaults to false


  25. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------


  27. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  28. #Use this to determine if you would like the event to return to its original

  29. #position or not.

  30. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------



  33. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------


  35. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  36. #Use this to set the speed in which enemies will approach after spotting you

  37. #and whether or not their speed will change.

  38. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  39. CHASE_SPEED = 3



  42. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------


  44. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  45. #Use this to set the distance in which you must be in order to start the detection

  46. #process, or escape to stop.

  47. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  48. VIEW_RANGE = 5


  50. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------


  52. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  53. #Use this to set the distance in which you must escape to stop the detection process

  54. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  55. ESCAPE_RANGE = 9


  57. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  58. #Other Notes

  59. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  60. #If the event has a custom move route, they will resume that route when finished

  61. #chasing you, but if you dont set RETURN_TO_POSITION, then they will resume

  62. #their custom route at the location they stopped chasing you.


  64. class Game_Map

  65. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  66. # * Frame Update

  67. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

  68.   alias en_detect_gm_update update

  69.   def update

  70.      en_detect_gm_update


  72.      # Update map event

  73.      for event in @events.values

  74.         if !event.name.include?("enemy")

  75.            next

  76.         else

  77.            if event.character_name != ""

  78.               if event.stop_detect?

  79.                  next

  80.               end

  81.               if check_distance(event.id) == true

  82.                  if event.exclamation == false

  83.                     event.old_type = event.move_type

  84.                     event.move_type = 2

  85.                     if ENABLE_SPEED_CHANGE

  86.                        event.old_speed = event.move_speed

  87.                        event.move_speed = CHASE_SPEED

  88.                     end

  89.                     event.exclamation = true

  90.                     event.animation_id = 98 #98 happens to be the exclamation animation

  91.                     event.f_route.clear

  92.                  end

  93.               else

  94.                  if event.exclamation == true

  95.                     event.exclamation = false

  96.                     if RETURN_TO_POSITION == true

  97.                        if event.x != @map.events[event.id].x or event.y != @map.events[event.id].y

  98.                           route = get_route(event, @map.events[event.id].x, @map.events[event.id].y)

  99.                           event.run_route(route)

 100.                        end

 101.                     else

 102.                        event.restore_route

 103.                     end

 104.                  end

 105.               end

 106.            end

 107.         end

 108.      end

 109.   end


 111.   def check_distance(id = nil)

 112.      unless id == nil

 113.         event = $game_map.events[id]

 114.         range = ($game_player.x - event.x).abs + ($game_player.y - event.y).abs


 116.         if range <= VIEW_RANGE and range > 0

 117.            return true

 118.         elsif range <= ESCAPE_RANGE and range > 0 and event.exclamation

 119.            return true

 120.         end

 121.      end

 122.   end


 124.   def get_route(event, x=0, y=0)

 125.      target_x = x

 126.      target_y = y

 127.      max = (target_x - event.x).abs + (target_y - event.y).abs + 5

 128.      position = [[event.x, event.y]]

 129.      route = [[]]

 130.      more_step = [0]

 131.      for i in more_step

 132.         x = position[i][0]

 133.         y = position[i][1]

 134.         if !position.include?([x, y + 1]) and event.passable?(x, y, 2)

 135.            position.push([x, y + 1])

 136.            route.push(route[i] + [2])

 137.            if route[i].size + 1 < max

 138.               more_step.push(route.index(route[i] + [2]))

 139.            end

 140.         end


 142.         if !position.include?([x - 1, y]) and event.passable?(x, y, 4)

 143.            position.push([x - 1, y])

 144.            route.push(route[i] + [4])

 145.            if route[i].size + 1 < max

 146.               more_step.push(route.index(route[i] + [4]))

 147.            end

 148.         end


 150.         if !position.include?([x + 1, y]) and event.passable?(x, y, 6)

 151.            position.push([x + 1, y])

 152.            route.push(route[i] + [6])

 153.            if route[i].size + 1 < max

 154.               more_step.push(route.index(route[i] + [6]))

 155.            end

 156.         end


 158.         if !position.include?([x, y - 1]) and event.passable?(x, y, 8)

 159.            position.push([x, y - 1])

 160.            route.push(route[i] + [8])

 161.            if route[i].size + 1 < max

 162.               more_step.push(route.index(route[i] + [8]))

 163.            end

 164.         end

 165.      end

 166.      if position.index([target_x, target_y]) == false

 167.         return [2]

 168.      else

 169.         return route[position.index([target_x, target_y])]

 170.      end

 171.   end

 172. end



 175. class Game_Event

 176.   attr_accessor :move_type

 177.   attr_accessor :move_speed

 178.   attr_accessor :old_speed

 179.   attr_accessor :exclamation

 180.   attr_accessor :old_type

 181.   attr_accessor :stop_trigger

 182.   attr_reader    :f_route


 184.   def initialize(map_id, event)

 185.      super()

 186.      @map_id = map_id

 187.      @event = event

 188.      @id = @event.id

 189.      @erased = false

 190.      @starting = false

 191.      @through = true

 192.      @name = @event.name

 193.      @exclamation = false

 194.      @f_route = []

 195.      @step = 0

 196.      @old_type = @move_type

 197.      @old_move_route =   @move_route

 198.      @old_speed = @move_speed

 199.      @stop_trigger = false

 200.      moveto(@event.x, @event.y)

 201.      refresh      

 202.   end


 204.   def stop_detect?

 205.      return @stop_trigger

 206.   end


 208.   def restore_route

 209.      @move_type = @old_type

 210.      @move_route_index = @original_move_route_index

 211.      @move_speed = @old_speed

 212.      refresh

 213.      return

 214.   end


 216.   def name

 217.      return @name

 218.   end


 220.   alias en_det_update update

 221.   def update

 222.      if @f_route.size > 0

 223.         run_path unless self.moving?

 224.         if @f_route.size == 0

 225.            restore_route

 226.         end

 227.      end      

 228.      en_det_update

 229.   end


 231.   def run_route(route)

 232.      @f_route = route

 233.      @step = 0

 234.   end


 236.   def run_path

 237.      if @f_route.size > 0

 238.         if @f_route[@step] == nil

 239.            @f_route = []

 240.         end

 241.         action = @f_route[@step]

 242.         @step += 1

 243.         case action

 244.         when 2

 245.            self.move_down

 246.         when 4

 247.            self.move_left

 248.         when 6

 249.            self.move_right

 250.         when 8

 251.            self.move_up

 252.         end

 253.      end

 254.   end   

 255. end


 257. class Interpreter

 258.   def update_detect(id, set = false)

 259.      $game_map.events[id].stop_trigger = set

 260.   end


 262.   def spotted?

 263.      is_true = 0

 264.      for event in $game_map.events.values

 265.         if event.exclamation

 266.            is_true += 1

 267.         end

 268.      end

 269.      if is_true > 0

 270.         return true

 271.      else

 272.         return false

 273.      end

 274.   end


 276.   def change_switch(id = 0, value = false, type = 0, switch = "A")

 277.      if id > 0

 278.         if type == 0 #for use of main switches

 279.            #id is switch_id and value should set to true or false

 280.            $game_switches[id] = value

 281.         elsif type == 1 #For use of self switches

 282.            #id is event.id and switch is the desired selfswitch. It must be text!

 283.            #value is true or false

 284.            key = [$game_map.map_id, id, switch]

 285.            # Updates self switch

 286.            $game_self_switches[key] = value

 287.         end

 288.         # Refresh map

 289.         $game_map.need_refresh = true

 290.         return true

 291.      end

 292.   end

 293. end


Charlie Fleed's SLS

EDIT: I tried it without the detection script and I en up with the same error, so it can't be that.
Does anyone know of a way to set up icons as weapons for the ATB like in version 2.0? I've tinkered enough with the animation settings to mostly restore using charsets as battlers like in the previous version, and I don't want to create the hundred or so new spritesheets required for the equipment sprite add on, but I haven't yet figured out how to work icon-weaponry yet, and battles look silly without weapons.

Edit: I may have mistaken this system for another similar one... <.< It's a great one either way. Ignore what I said if I sound insane.

Yes. Yes I definitely did. z.z
Hey Atoa.
I had problems buying RMXP.
But i finally have it now.

But i have an error when i go to the status menu(oops i forgot):

Scripts i have in order:
1(alll the atoa battle system stuff that's there by default)
2 Atoa ATB
3Enemy Name window
4Individual battle commands
5Atoa Bestiary
6Skill Scan
7Skill Drain
8UMS(CCoa's universal message system) v6.3
9 Quest log system by game guy 3.0
First i used your demo as a base
Then i copied it(EVERYTHING!) to the UMS base(Because UMS wouldn't work in your demo)I used UMS as a base. But it also happens on the other version.

You can download the project here if you need more information:



Hey I'm having an issue with a few things. Um, I'm having the "RGSS has stopped responding" issue once I finish or escape from a battle in the chrono trigger system and I can't seem to get it fixed. I'm using the demo btw. Also, I want to change the menu system in battle to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX1EW8P7VUw It says in the link that it's using this battle system, but I can't figure out how to do it.

One final thing, um.... I want to make custom skills to show chrono use something like "Confuse" from the actual chrono trigger game. I know I need the battle animation, but even if the battle animation shows, how do I make the sprite of the character invisible after it approches the enemy? Or if there's an easier way to do it, I'd really like to know.

PS. can the skill combo system work with chrono trigger system?
don't forget to answer my other question 2 posts above.

I have another question:
Is it possible to create larger battlers?
Yes it is possible, you don't even need Atoa to tell you that, it's very possible, i have made all kinds of sizes, even battlers bigger than the screen.
dylstew":2lpglf42 said:
I have another question:
Is it possible to create larger battlers?

For my Kingdom hearts game, I have created giant Darkside Heartless. It's easy, you just need to follow the instructions to make battlers.

Granted, dylstew, if you make something REALLY big it may flicker and stuff, but that is par for the course. Use common sense and don't make one battler be something the size of three screens! ;)



it's been a long time since the last time i posted here.

I'm posting just to let people know that i didn't gave up on the ACBS. I'm commenting all the script, in two languages, and it's an HUGE work.

So don't worry, sooner or later i will relase the next update.
Atoa":21ur24zw said:
it's been a long time since the last time i posted here.

I'm posting just to let people know that i didn't gave up on the ACBS. I'm commenting all the script, in two languages, and it's an HUGE work.

So don't worry, sooner or later i will relase the next update.

Nice notice,xD. A idea: you might want to release a developers version, with the scripts like you might have them(or at least i have like 12 different scripts that sum in one when releasing... and not only based on classes), because its a pain in the ass searching for nothing, even with comments... 6000 lines of code, lol.

Anyway its a great thing.

Now i use a little script where im putting all the things i have to modify or that i think i have to use...
Atoa":njzkm1vz said:
it's been a long time since the last time i posted here.

I'm posting just to let people know that i didn't gave up on the ACBS. I'm commenting all the script, in two languages, and it's an HUGE work.

So don't worry, sooner or later i will relase the next update.

Good to hear from you, Atoa! Hope things are well and your updates are coming nicely as well. Can't wait to see what's next!

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