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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



Atoa, I was wondering if a could have a copy (if you still have it..) of the acbs v1.0 (march 11 i believe??)
because I was able to make the blitz script work with that one..



forget about the old version, the next update will have major changes, and will come with an fully working blitz.

The older versions have too many bugs.



Finally the script is updated to v2.0 Beta

I would like to remember that this is an BETA version, so it may contain some bugs and glitches.

I would ask people to test and give feedback so i can fix any eventual bug.



I still think this is the best turn based battle system available, however the blitz skill script still doesn't work..
I swear it worked in the first beta you released back in march



Yes i noticed that, but i already fixed that.
if you don't want to redonload the demo just go to the line 256 of the blitz script and replace @active_battler.current_action == 1 with @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1

But i suggest redownloading it becase of other small bug fixes (and one major bug fix in the summon add on)



I still get an error on the blitz script, when I fail the combination:

line 278: NOMethod occurred.

undefined method "frame_max" for nil:NilClass



wich message?
The file is working fine here.
Make sure to use licenced rmxp.

fixed \o thanks for reporting.



Victory Window 2 gets an Error Code

Script 'ACBS l Victory Window 2' Line 87: TypeError Occurred
no implicit conversion from nil to integer

Victory Window 3 has a slight glitch

When Enemy has no collapse; the action menu shows even after battle is finished and it shows on the Victory Window overlapping the stats and actor pictures.

Other then that everything is great and I like how this script is simplified and complex at the same time.
The rar file when i open it in winrar is giving me an error message.
It still extracts properly, but i just get an error when im extracting it.

I have this other problem, i set all weapons and spells and everything in the main code to make the hero battlers step to the side to attack, but if an enemy is too close to the center of the screen, the players will step backwards instead, any idea how to fix it?

If i have to i will show you all the false messages i changed to true in the core script to make the heros and monsters just step to the side, the reason i did this in the core script is because i did not feel like going through changing each weapon and spell to make the players take a step rather then moving to the monsters, besides, it was not working that way.

Just let me know and i can tell you each line i changed from false to true to get them to do that.

If your wondering why i wanted it changed like this, im trying to get your battle system to work just like Final Fantasy on the NES works.

Also, i noticed the damage numbers pop up right when the animation occurs on a player or monster.
Is their a way to make it wait until after the animation is done to make the numbers pop up?



Thanks for the info, i will check it right now

Well, like i said the file is workin fine here so i don't know what can be happening.

About the postion glitch, normally you woudn't need to set any line true/false to make the battlers stepfoward. I suggest don't messing with the main code ulness you kwnow what you doing.
It's not hard to add the "NOMOVE/STEPFOWARD" effect to all battlers and actions, just do some ctrl+c > ctrl+v.

But i will check the glitch of the hero seteping back if the enemy is too near.

About the damage popup.

  # "TIMEAFTERANIM/**" : Wait time after showing the battle animation

  #   ** must be equal the time in frames.

  #   By default it's based on the battle animation duration.

  #   Use to adjust the time between the battle animation and the damage display.

If you have any problem with this let me know.
Ouch, i did not even see that for actor settings lol, well i can change the main code back like it was, i was just looking for a quick way to tell all skills and attacks to use stepping forward.
Thankyou, i totally missed the actor settings part.

Um.. okay i tell the actors and enemies to have a move type of stepforward and they still move to target.
Not sure if its a script bug or what.
Is their a specific order i should put the special settings in?
I have it in this order.
Does the order matter?



Slight Error With the Skill Reflect Add-On

Script ACBS l Skill Reflect' line 151: Name Error Occurred
uninitialized constant Scene_Battle::Enemy_Animation_Invert

I Tried to Install the old Version of this Script add-on hoping it would work but to no avail, (which i figured) i received a somewhat similar message.

P.S. I actually use this script add-on so if u could please let me know when you have fix this problem or leave a spoiler with the correct code u would b the man.



the order doesn't matter, but the text is case sensitive, so if you pated this line from the script, this is the error: MOVETYPe
Also if you want the battlers to step foward, like in final fantasy, use "MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD" instead of "MOVETYPE/SCREENCENTER".

Also the MOVETYPE settings for actor works only if they're unnarmed.
If they have an weapon or are using an skill or item, the weapon/skill/item setting will be used.

The victory window 2 and reflect add on are fixed, about the victory window 3 glicth, i wasn't able to reproduce it, did you use another add on or something different happened on the battle?
Okay, i went back rechecked and fixed everything, but the enemies are still moving to target.. i have everything set.. so... maybe a bug?

yeah, i just checked through fallowed your instructions to the letter, and the only move type that works when you put it for enemies is NOMOVE, if i put STEPFOWARD or SCREENCENTER, the enemies still move to the players and attack rather then what i put, so it must be a bug.
I Had A Look...Liked It ALOT But I'm Not Going To Use It In My Current Game. Also The Enemy's When They Attack Me With Magic And I Have Reflect It Doesn't Reflect At All It Defeats The Whole Object So I Got Rid Of The Add-On Reflect And Used A Different Reflect Which Worked Well. One Of The Best Things About This Script Is That It Is Compatible With Mostly Everything! Well Done!



yea uh reflect sill doesn't work. sorry.

whats wrong with this line?

151: animation_mirror(@active_battler) if Enemy_Animation_Invert and not @active_battler.actor?

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