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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

Atoa":1kl9c7pi said:
I have no ideia when i will be able to relase it. I hope I can do it in less than a month, but not sure.

Just an image to show the progress of the CT Add On.

I'm currently working on the events interation with battle.

Looks promising :> is the battle happening on actual map, or is it just normal battle with picture of the map in the bg?

Good luck mate!



It's the normal battle with the actual map on the BG.

But i'm making an caterpillar and an system to set enmy positions based on the events on map. So the battlers positions will be the same as the map positions.
Atoa":2iauxk7r said:
It's the normal battle with the actual map on the BG.

But i'm making an caterpillar and an system to set enmy positions based on the events on map. So the battlers positions will be the same as the map positions.

I know it might be to much, but maybe you could add verry simple 8 directional pixelmovement, or make it compatible with fotz pixelmovement script?



no, pixelmovement is one of the most buggy systems, causing problems with some event triggers.
8 direction movement depends on the caterpillar i'm making for the script.
This script looks very well done but I can't use it...Why can't I you ask? I am having a problem extracting it, whenever I go to extract it with stuff it I get this message:

"Unable to expand archive
Archive (Location of archive is listed here)
Engine Error: Format Error"

Does anyone know how to fix this?
I just have to say that this is one of the most comprehensive and useful battle scrips I have ever seen, if not the best. I have been reading through it and configuring it to my tastes all day and simply love it! So, Atoa, congratulations on a script that is truly A+!

Atoa, are you still working on this script? If so, are you still looking for bug information? I don't want to go bothering you if you have enough fixes for now.

Once again, jolly good script!



Yes, i'm still working on it. I just had an small delay due to some problems in my forum.

I hope this week i can relase an updant with the new add-ons, and some bug fixes.
Atoa":851feok9 said:
Yes, i'm still working on it. I just had an small delay due to some problems in my forum.

I hope this week i can relase an updant with the new add-ons, and some bug fixes.

Awesome! I love what I have seen so far, and how I can get it to work with other addons, with some minor tweaking. When you get your new release up, I'll test it and send any obnoxious bugs I find your way. Awesome job!

By the way, this may be a n00b question, but is it intentional that some of the comments are in Spanish? Not that it's a problem for me, just curious if this was a translation in progress as well as a WIP.



it's not spanish, it's portuguese.

I first do it in portuguese, then i translate do english. But you already saw that there's thousand lines of comments, maybe something passed without notice.
hi Atoa, I just downloaded your demo and try it but I encounter some error like this...


well, this happens when I try to put "Show Animation" on an event.

what seems to be the problem?
Atoa":15ufj6z7 said:
it's not spanish, it's portuguese.

I first do it in portuguese, then i translate do english. But you already saw that there's thousand lines of comments, maybe something passed without notice.

Show my extreme linguistic skills... >_>

Good luck with that. I'll look for the next release with eager anticipation.



i found a rather small, odd, yet annoying bug.

sometimes when i use a "SEQUENCE" Skill for an enemy with either a "VICTORYPOSE" or an "ENEMYINTRO" the "ANIME" i choose for those "SEQUENCE" skills flickers between the intro and/or victory poses and the chosen "ANIME" pose.

if this is understandable can u tell me what i should do. right now i have just taken out the "ENEMYINTRO" and "VICTORYPOSE" for the enemies with "SEQUENCE" skills.
if want to give Damage popup the back uses skill end must do ?
because still show animetion not in time end an enemy die.

and pertaining to reduction part SP stay where?



Well this is an beta, i will check that and fix it since it wasn't supposed to happen.

I didn't understand a thing. You post is really confusing.



I know this is beta but sometimes its difficult to remember because this script so great. but i found another problem.

The status 'Blink' has no effect in battle, meaning the evade rate is useless. My game is based on speed which is the reason I really like your script but this problem is making things difficult. maybe there is a line in the script that I could change to make it all work?
want to show Damage back uses the skill ends must do ?
because Animetion still don't end but an enemy dies before.

and part script pertaining to reduction SP stay where?

sorry me not dexterous English.



Still don't understand nothing...

Thanks for the info i will check it.
I suppose the problem isn't with the blink but with the evasion itself.
Dangit, it's not SDK compatible. Waaah....
Well, this is the only CBS I want to use. It's probably the best so far, (that works.)

Hurry up with that "use of CCoas battlers" thing. I could use it!




@the cant speak english guy
my guess is use this sub setting
"TIMEBEFOREANIM/**" : Wait time before showing the battle animation
** must be equal the time in frames.
By default it's based on the sprite animation duration. Use this to adjust the time between the sprite animation and the battle animation.
For enemies/actors this is only used on normal attacks

cant understand what u mean as far as your sp difficulties but truthfully 95% of the problems u may have with this script can be solved by completely reading everything in green before you use it.

This Script is already compatible with ccoa's battlers. That's why I use it!

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