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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



sorry man I saw move position but I didn't really understand what is was for lol. Thanks!

EDIT: It won't show the battle animation
I download Atoa Custom Battle System - ENG.rar, unfortunatly i can't dezip files : file is corrupted
Thanks to re-upload your demo :)



The file ins't corrupted. i can't re-upload it now, but i dowloaded to check and it's fine.
Are you using winrar to unzip it?



I suppose you don't know what BETA means.

wikipedia":37wnd1fn said:
"Beta" is a nickname for software which has passed the alpha testing stage of development and has been released to users for software testing before its official release. It is the prototype of the software that is released to the public. Beta testing allows the software to undergo usability testing with users who provide feedback, so that any malfunctions these users find in the software can be reported to the developers and fixed. Beta software can be unstable and could cause crashes or data loss.

A "beta version" is the first version released outside the organization or community that develops the software, for the purpose of evaluation or real-world black/grey-box testing. The process of delivering a beta version to the users is called beta release. Beta level software generally includes all features, but may also include known issues and bugs of a less serious variet

Instead of saying "very bug, more and more", why you don't point the bugs so they can be fixed? ;D
It would be really far more useful than an empty comment.

l'm using your atoa with all scripts inclusive. (the demo iirc)
And now l'm stuck with the front battle style. its working, expect the animations.
l copied the "CUSTOM GRAPHICS POSES CONFIG" lines from the front battle demo and used the same battlers in my game. I already figured out that l have to change the 0 into 'base'. though the animation flow in the demo is still different... and l dont know why.

l need your help.



Did you set the battle layout do the frontal? (The first Constant from the basic setting)

And what exactly is different?

Sorry to bug you, but when is the next version due out? I want to really test the spit out of this script, but not if a new version is about to be released.

Thanks and good luck!



I juts need to finnish the translation of the Chrono Battle Add-On.
I hope i can relase it today.

I will check it.



I think the "MOVEPOSTION" bug was caused by the old strcuture of the code.
In my tests i get no bugs with it.
Unless another thing i missed is causing that.



Version Beta 2 of ACBS 2.0 relased

Pemember that this is an beta version, so it may have errors.
If you find any error/bug/glitch, please report it on this topic so they can be fixed the soon as possible.
Okay, found one. Loaded up with Chrono Trigger Battle and Anti Lag (for Chrono Trigger Battle) active. Went to CT Battle Map, got into first battle, told Crono, Frog, and Lucca to fight. Frog moved to hit enemy, and got this:


More to come later. Must get some rest. Good job on the new scripts, though! ;)



Ok this is as far as I got...

"Script ACBS | Battle Main Code' line 1604: NameError occurred.
uninitialized constant Sprite_Battler::Battler_Position_Style

Script 'Skill Overdrive' line 90: SyntaxError occurred.

Script 'Skill Charge' line 137: SyntaxError occurred.

...I see some nice upgrades, can't wait to test them out.



I didn't find this Constant from the error on the line 1604. Did you update the Battle Main code?

The other errors was already fixed.
Thanks for the fast feedback



For the people who is helping with the tests.

I completely forgot to add an new folder that added to the system.
I re-uploaded the demo with the folder now.

Sorry for that xD

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