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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

Here's a nice one: I am running with just the Main Module and the ATB, Chrono Trigger Battle removed, and I get this:


I get the exact same error when I use just the main module and the CTB.

In other words, I can only use the Chrono Trigger battle now.

Just thought you'd like to know! :wink:
Imported all your scripts into my game project (thank god I made back ups). I have CTB, Blitz, Overdrive, Charge, Summon, and Victory Window 3. I run the game and before anything comes up, I get this:


That references something called: attr_accessor: overdrive_gain

Now, to be fair, I went back and tested it with your newest release, nothing modified for my game. I got this as soon as I selected 'New Game':


(at least it started up this time...)

Anyway, looks like I'll have to go the slow route and import all my config settings to your new code. That is once the ATB and CTB work so that I can test it.

Ah well. No biggie. Still an awesome system!
Okay, one more for this afternoon, then I'm going to get busy doing other things for now. (if you ever want me to REALLY TEST things, I can crank out about 10 to 20 errors a day...just let me know if you can handle that much and I'll do it)

Here we go, I put back the Chrono Trigger Battle, took out Overdrive, and just the following: Chrono Trigger Battle, Charge, Blitz, Summon, Victory Window 3. Went into the Chrono Trigger Map, got into the first fight, and selected 'Fire' for Frog. I successfully inputted the command, and got this:


By the way, this is a totally passing thought, but since the Chrono Trigger Battle is so different from the Default Battle, ATB, or CTB, would you consider maybe making the two totally separate? You're the Developer, so I'll understand if your goal is to make this all-in-one, and will test regardless. Just wondering if that may be a good idea?

Either way, I'm gonna crank out two more today just for the heck of it. :wink:
I've got dejavu...

I have these scripts running: Main Battle, Chrono Trigger, Charge, Summon, Victory Window 3. I go into the Chrono Trigger Map, go to the first battle, tell Chrono and Frog to Charge, and Lucca to Mediditate (I gave them the skills in the database). Immediately, I get this:


That's the same error I got with Blitz, right? I think something is up...

Good luck with that! :smile:
Alright, another one. I have these scripts running: Main Battle, Chrono Trigger, Victory Window 3. I go into the Chrono Trigger Map, go to the first battle, tell Chrono and Frog to Fight, and Lucca to Summon Zakk (I gave her the skill in the database). Frog attacks, but when it's Lucca's turn, I get this:


Which this reminds me, I don't see where in the documentations, it says where new summons will go, pending they do NOT replace the summoner, for Chrono Trigger Style fights. Any idea where they'll show up?
Okay, I lied. One more! :wink: I removed everything but Main Battle, Chrono Trigger Battle, and Victory Window 3. I go into the Chrono Trigger Map, go to the first battle, tell Chrono, Frog, and Lucca to Fight. As soon as I beat the three Goblins, I get this:


On a hunch, I try it with Victory Window 2 instead of Victory Window 3, and get this:


Then I try it with Victory Window 1 instead of Victory Window 2, and get this:


Okay, so it was almost a clean run. I have to admit, I was really hoping that all three windows would be bug-free, but it seems that Victory Window 1 doesn't pull the information properly.

On a side note: The diagonal movement on the Chrono Trigger Map is sluggish at best. Anyway you can double that speed. I seem to recall that in Chrono Trigger, diagonal movement was twice as fast as horizontal and vertical.

Anyway, that's all for today. If you want a more aggressive bug hunt, I'll start cranking out much more.

Thanks again for a great system!



No idea why, but I cannot seem to do ANYTHING with this code.

Like, I opened the file, looked at the script, and tried to playtest, and it was a no-go. Tried doing just a battle test, also a no-go.

My own game runs fine (cept I need to tinker with the settings as I get errors when I try and use it) and I don't get an error message.

Anyone know what's up?



You can send as many error as you find
I't hard to me for make the tests and fix them.
So send all bugs and glitches you can.
I can handle them.

Can you maker yourself mor clear? what excatly the problems?



Atoa":32dac5vo said:
Can you maker yourself mor clear? what excatly the problems?

Honestly, I wish I could give more information...

I try to run the game file, or playtest the file straight from the project file. I hear a beep, and that's it. No error window telling what the problem is, or if it's a Syntax error or not. Just a beep, and that's it.



Do you have the latest version? the overdrive line 90 error, and the "after main" errros was already fixed.

I'm currently checking the CT Battle + Summon and the result windows.

I will soon upload an new demo. so you can try it.



You're right everything is working perfectly so far. If I find anything else I'm sure you know I'll be quick to let you know. :shades:

Edit: Found one
Script 'Skill Overdrive' line 205: TypeError occurred.
nil can't be coerced into fixum

self.overdrive += self.overdrive_gain['Eva']



Atoa, can you tell me how I could change the position and size of the active battler and command window? I've looked all through the script switching any related line I saw but I just couldn't find a way to get this done.
ATOA, love your script. I have only one question. In the Chrono Trigger battle system, how do you make it so the player can continue even if they lose the battle?



i forget to tell that.
add this code on the script call:
$game_temp.battle_can_lose = true (not 100% sure if that spelled right because i'm at work)

@No ID
Another typo presented by atoa \o
To fix that search on the overdrive skill for ['Evade'] and change it to ['Eva'].

About the window dimensions, you can change window height with the Individual battle commands. But only that.

I will make an small add-on to configure the command window.

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