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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



"#Bug 1
lol how is this possible? .-.
The game crashes if you use the main script? But don't crash if using other add-ons?"

"As insane as that sounds, yes. The Main script, by itself, with nothing added at all, makes the game crash before even showing the title screen. It just closes. Odd, eh?"

Yes, very odd. A bit of a noob so was hoping to see all the functions in the demo, but I can't even start it. What would I go about adding to make it run? Thanks in advance.



"Script Updated, now with all files needed to run the demo.
I hope this fix all bugs reported 'til now."

Wow, very quick response! Thanks. Now where can I get this updated script? It looks like the demo is not updated on the first page. Thanks again, you're the best!
There is still a problem with changing the opacity of the player when using the CT battle system. I am unable to make the player invisible, even with the catapillar turned off.
It works without the chrono trigger add-on. There must be something in that script that is causing the player to not be able to turn transparent. If you'd like, I will give you a demo



There was a thing that was making the transparency not work, and i've made some changes

Did you test it on an new game or on a old save?

In any case i updated the demo link again to add an small fix to the CT caterpillar to make the movement better. (no the distance is set by pixels, and the party members don't go across blocked tiles if the leader change his direction when the other members are far.)
I tried it on the new one. However, I will test it on the one you just uploaded.

I also had a question. It seems as though the chrono trigger battle is moving really fast. The only scripts I have are the 3 required and the chrono trigger add-on. Where is the area of code that controls the time between actions? For example, if I have all my players just "attack" it seems like they are cycling through really quickly. Thanks

Atoa":1yeuuqb7 said:
In any case i updated the demo link again to add an small fix to the CT caterpillar to make the movement better. (no the distance is set by pixels, and the party members don't go across blocked tiles if the leader change his direction when the other members are far.)

Hey Atoa, slight suggestion if you will. Whenever you update the demo, can you update the date on the first post. That way people who may not know/want to read all the posts so far, and just want your latest version, will know what day the latest version was released?

Just a suggestion. Will get back to testing this evening.



It's the ATB Speed, you can change it at the ATB Settings.

i will tray do that xD (yes i'm lazy '-')
Hi! I was wondering if you could add a few things to the chrono trigger add-on:

1) Add a line to the script so if the character in the front of the caterpillar system is pushing a crate, you can customize a character_push pose

2) Have each character have a special ability f he/she is in the lead of the party. For example, if you have a very strong character in the lead of the party, then maybe he can push boulders, or maybe if you have a swordsman in the party, he could cut through bushes etc.



This has nothing to do with the battle itself.
So i won't add this.

And you can do that easly with events.
I think I found an error. When I set the screen color tone darker than just 0, when I enter Chrono Trigger battle, the screen gets darker for battle for some reason. When I have it brighter than 0, the screen gets brighter only when in battle. Not sure if you noticed this or not.



Anybody wanna see this battle system in action, here is a little test for you.



@No ID
I liked the way you did the things ;D
I was also thiking of making videos.

The only thing i would change is the action bar on the top, altrough i added both active on the demo, i think it would be wise to use only the metters on battle window or only the bar on the top./

The skills was also very good (too bad the last hit of Relick special missed xD)

And i think you will like the new add on for the final version, wich will allow you to customize the command windows and skill/item windows.



yea i was thinking the same thing about the atb bars. I just like the way the top bar is but I'll most likely take it out. I didn't know you finished the script, so i'll deff check that out.
Hey Atoa!

Again man, sorry I have been gone so long, but my sister had a baby, so I'm an uncle now!

Anyway, downloaded the latest version and will be testing tomorrow!


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