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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

Hi, Atoa.

For the demo, I wish I could send it, but I do not really know how ...

I tried to do one a few months ago (to expose a problem on a French forum), but had failed to do so.

Regardless, when I used your battle system before the last update, command names appeared in the battle window. The problem must be in this new version of the scripts, after the update.

However, the name of the hero did not appear.

Here are the results before updating scripts:


And here's a video I made (before adding the overdrive bar).

Vidéo combat script Atoa

Sorry for the demo, but if you can explain quickly how to build one, I'll post tomorrow.

Thank you again for trying to help me. ;)
Oh, I forgot.

On the ATB bar, the problem is that the script (after the last update) ignores the first sprite (circled in red) which contains the "Wait" word (in my game it's called "Attente" that means "waiting" in french).


Normally, the first sprite should remain in place permanently.



These erros never happened here and i have absolutely no idea of what can be causing them.
That's why i need the demo, to check the differences between your settings and mine settings.
Yes, I just have learnt how to make a demo. I hope it will work, because it is a redacted version, and I have deleted many things to reduce the size.

Here is the download link to the demo

The game will look like this (sorry if the download time is a bit long) :


I thank you with gratitude for the time you spend helping me.



Like i suspected the problem with the atb was a bug with the old version.

About the font, it's worked fine with me. i was able to see all text.
You could see all the text ? Damn, how can I solve this problem ?

Perhaps this is due to my version of RPG Maker XP. Which version do you have?

About the problem with the ATB, It must be something to change the script "ATB", but I have seen the old script and the last, I can not find what is different.

EDIT : Ah, I just have read your private message in which you explained to me what to do in the script, and everything works perfectly !

Thank you again my friend. Now I am able to concentrate on setting the script "Individual Battle Command." ;)
Hey guys!

I'm here to tell you about a new bug. I browsed again (and again :wink: ) this whole topic and I have read that someone told about it on page 1 or 2, but the solution does not appear to have been found.

Here's the problem.

I just have finished to try the script "Atoa Summon". I managed to set it properly so I launched the game.

My summon is summoned, and the battle takes place normally.

But if I use the skill "Summon Return", or if my summon is killed during the battle (the moment where my characters would have to be back), the bug is appearing.


It seems that the script "Atoa Summon" is not compatible with the script "Atoa ATB", because the bug affects it. If I remove the script ATB, everything works fine.

The bug is at line 1488 of ATB script, and I do not know how to repair it.


Atoa, are you able to tell me if it is just a configuration problem or if it comes from the scripts themselves, please ?

If it is a configuration error on my part, I return to the job immediately.

Otherwise, we'll have to find together a solution to this bug (We will reach to make this battle system a perfect battle system :wink:).

Thank you, my friends.



Try to put the add-ons in the same order as they are bellow main.

In any case i will check it, i suppose this is caused because the script try to check the atb bar of the summun, wich was disposed because the summon disapeared.




First of all I would just like to thank you for creating such a great CBS. Ive been looking for a system with a CT style interface for quite sometime.

Ive been tinkering around with the ACBS for a few months now and for the most part it has worked great. There was just one minor problem that I encountered when I tried to change the screen tone while using the Chrono Trigger Battle Add-On.

This is what the screen tone looks like on the field map.

However, when I initiate a battle it looks like this.

Ive read through all of the directions included with the script but so far Ive been unable to find a way to fix it. Did I over look something or is this a problem with the script itself?

I apologize if Ive missed something obvious.
Atoa":1x65rpz7 said:
Try to put the add-ons in the same order as they are bellow main.

In any case i will check it, i suppose this is caused because the script try to check the atb bar of the summun, wich was disposed because the summon disapeared.

I just tried but it still does not work.

I'll try to do more extensive testing in trying to understand the ruby language. But it will not be easy ...

I hope I will soon find a solution. Anyway, thank you again :wink: .



oyaji : find "@viewport2.tone = $game_screen.tone" on the "ACBS | Battle Main Code" script and just put a # before it (on the same line). This should fix it. You could delete it but since I'm not sure it's the best way to fix this, just do this for now.



This bug was caused by an mistake i did, just do as MicKo said to solve this.

So it may really be an bug on the code, i will check it out.
Ok, Atoa, and thank you for your availability.

I'm pretty sure it's a bug with the code, but it's probably a very small modification to do.

I wish I could help you to change it, but unfortunately my level in ruby is rather rudimentary :blush: .
Got a really weird bug that I just can't wrap my head around. I had some skills in the higher range which the ACBS replaced. So I deleted all the other skills and placed mine at the top of the list (no worries, I'm using all custom skills anyway).

But now, for some inexplicable reason, my characters are always poisoned, muted, blinded, and SP buffed. I even made the armor the character was wearing provide defense versus every status effect and element in the game. Something is overriding this and since I switched over to ACBS from Tankentai this bug has shown up I assume it has something to do with ACBS.

In fact, after some testing, it turns out the very same Parka I was using to make sure the player didn't get any status effects is giving the player those status effects anyway; despite the fact that it is resistant to all of them.



that probably something related with equips.
There's some equips with auto states to show that feature.

Check the weapon settings.
Hi everyone.

Well, I'm sorry to come back with my summon problem, but I did further research and new tests.

Nothing really prepared, but I think the bug must be in the summon script, not in the ATB script, as shown in the error message.

I just make a video of my project where you can see the bug.

http://www.wat.tv/video/bug-summon-uplo ... nakm_.html

In fact, I'm sure we must add a few lines at the summon script to indicate that the ATB bar summon must disappear when the heroes are back, and also bring back the heroes' ATB bars.

On the video, just before the bug, you can see that the heroes are present but that the summon's ATB bar is still on the window.

It must have to add a line something like this:

def summons_change_sp (sp)
for in @ summon summons
+ = sp summon.sp unless summon.dead?



hi atoa and huckleberry,

huckleberry i have exactly the same trouble as you except that i'm using the horizontal mode. when i want to withdraw my summon the game does'nt understand that the atb gauge must go away in the same time that the summon actor. Did you finally find a solution? i use this system for three weeks without any obstacle, but this time this damned problem is really impossible to solve please HELP !!!



Hey, so I got my old laptop back, so I went to test this again, and I got an error before I could even open the project.

It says RGSSJ103.dll could not be found. I'm using the one you posted on the first page. I can run any other script just fine. Any help is appreciated.

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