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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

You have to open the "Game" folder in your project.

Are you sure that the first line is:

"Library = RGSS103J.dll" ?

If this is not the case and that the first line calls the file "RGSS100J.dll, you have to rename the file RGSS103J.dll and replace it by "RGSS100J.dll".

I have met the same trouble and I easily solve it doing this (and with Atoa's help too). ;)

If the game still does not work and that the first line of the "Game" folder is really "RGSS103J.dll", maybe you would have to rename directly the folder "RGSS100J.dll" in "RGSS103J.dll"... If it is a RGSS100J.dll.

To be sure you have the good version, you should search for a really RGSS103J.dll on the web.
I get an error on line 543 on the bestiary script. The only other add-on I'm using is Skill | Scan. I am using the current 2.0 beta which as far as I know is the most current version.

def draw_enemy_exp(enemy, x, y)

    self.contents.font.color = system_color

    self.contents.draw_text(x + 12, y, 92, 32, Exp_Name_Text)

    self.contents.font.color = normal_color

    self.contents.draw_text(x, y ,92, 32, enemy.exp.to_s, 2)

Error message:


EDIT: I saw this error in a few other posts in this topic, but no solution listed. Is it just a typo, right?

EDIT 2: The script "Equipment with Skills" doesn't seem to work either. When I equip an item that is supposed to teach a skill, it doesn't show up in the skill menu. (This is without Multi-Equipment slots.)

Been away on business and then vacation for the month of December, but am back. Are we still waiting on the latest release of this?

Still very excited man. This still looks to be the best battle system for RMXP ever!
I completely agree with you.

This battle system is the best of everything that we can find on the web.

I saw Atoa had recently updated his introductory message on this topic. Did he also update the ACBS ? We can gratefully thank this man for his dedication.



Atoa, I was wondering if you could make a little add-on for me. You know how you have the skill reflect add-on? I was hoping there was a way you could make it to where if you pick the defend action the screen will then give you the choice of magical or physical defense. (for magical or physical null). Like if you pick the wrong defense the enemies attack does critical damage but if you pick the right one it nullifies the damage.



This error is caused by the message system.
The ACBS has an native Shadow Text snippet. maybe your message script also have something like this and both are conflicting.
Try to delete this part of the script:

# ■ Bitmap


class Bitmap

  alias draw_text_original draw_text if !method_defined?(:draw_text_original)

  def draw_text(x, y, width = 0, height = 0, str = '', align = 0)

    last_color = font.color.dup

    font.color = Color.new( 0, 0, 0,last_color.alpha)

    case x

    when Numeric

      draw_text_original(x + 1, y + 1, width, height, str, align)

      font.color = last_color

      draw_text_original(x, y, width, height, str, align)

    when Rect

      rect  = x

      str   = y

      align = width

      shadow_rect = x.dup

      shadow_rect.x += 1

      shadow_rect.y += 1

      draw_text_original(shadow_rect, str, align)

      font.color = last_color

      draw_text_original(rect, str, align)




@No ID
You can Acheive something like this using the Individual Battle Command, make an reflect skill that targets the user, then make it an "Usable_Command" with the IBC (if you're using the defalult turn system, you may also add the "FAST" attribute to the skill, so it is cast before any other actions).
Atoa":uksngpwj said:
This error is caused by the message system.
The ACBS has an native Shadow Text snippet. maybe your message script also have something like this and both are conflicting.
Try to delete this part of the script:

Thank you, everything seems to be working fine now.



I tried it and it didn't work. I even tried removing the message system. I am using Ccoa's Universal Message system V1.5.0



How this didn't work? if you remove the Shadow Text snippet from the ACBS, there's no way it can return the error you posted.



Also having a problem with the "Equipment Multi Slots" add-on.
For one, it doesn't seem compatible with the "Two Hands" add-on because if both are added the "Two Hands" add-on overrides "Equipment Multi Slots". Maybe I'm doing something wrong since I could never get the "Two-hands" add-on to work anyway but that's not my real problem.

The real problem is when I use the "Equipment Multi Slots" add-on and I unequip a Shield item, that item is then unavailable for reequip. Or if I have a shield item in my inventory it is also is unavailable for equip. Now the shield items are visible in the regular items menu but not when I go to equip them. All other equipment seems to work fine.

I hope this makes sense, since after proof reading, it barely made sense to me. But this was the best way I could explain.

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