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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

Here are the bugs I have found so far:

Bug #1:
The Main script, by itself, with nothing added at all, makes the game crash before even showing the title screen. It just closes. You had this problem before and it never go fixed. I deleted everything I had for your engine and installed only the download. Still got the error. Not a difference to me, since I plan to use the ATB and CTB, not the default engine or the CT engine, but it could still be an issue.

Bug #2:
Using 'Equipment with skills'. When I go to equip an accessory in Accessory Slot #1 or #2, I get this:

This is what it goes to, and the modules I have loaded:

Bug #3:
Using 'Equipament Sets', Atoa armed with Magic Sword, Mythril Helmet, and Mythril Armor. Fight proceeds as normal until I win. After XP and Gold reward, I get this:

This is what it goes to, and the modules I have loaded:

Bug #4:
Using 'New Resistance System'. I have DarkLuar cast Fire on one of the slimes in medium difficulty fight and I get this:

This is what it goes to, and the modules I have loaded:

Bug #5:
Using 'Individual Battle Commands' and attempting to use Steal for either Atoa or KaHh, I get this:

This is what it goes to, and the modules I have loaded:

Bug #6:
Using 'Skill | Overdrive', with no one having an Overdrive Skill attached to them yet, and attempting to do any attack or spell, I get this:

This is what it goes to, and the modules I have loaded:

Bug #7:
Using 'Skill | Charge', only Tunico had his Charge Skill (Meditate) showing under Wizzardry. No one else's charge Charge or Meditate Skills showed. However, when Tunico used Meditate, then used Fira, I got this:

This is what it goes to, and the modules I have loaded:

Bug #8:
Using 'Skill | Blitz' and using any spell, or any technique with a charge time on the ATB meter, the player has to input the Blitz command twice, once when selecting the skill and once when it goes off. This same error occurs if using the CTB. Here is what I have loaded:

Bug #9:
This is a convoluted one. Using 'Skill | Combination', I fought Celsius. In the battle, I used Fire, Fire, Fira to cast Blazing Hell. Afterwards, I had Atoa, KaHh, and DarkLuar use Super Cut. Super Cut goes off and hits Celsius, doing over 2222 damage, then I get this:

This is what it goes to, and the modules I have loaded:

Bug #10:
This is the last one I got for the night, and I found it when I was using both the ATB and CTB. I fought the 'Fight CCOA style battler' battle and attempted to do Fire+Fire+Fira=Blazing Hell on Wenia. I got this:

This is what it goes to, and the modules I have loaded:

In closing:
Atoa, the bugs here are more complex and less frequent. I tested for about five hours and only came upon those errors. I am certain you are getting close to a final release. Please keep up the good work.

Also, I want to start to integrate the engine into my game project. Are any more radically different builds coming out? Or can I start to copy and paste this into my own project. Please advise.

Thanks again for everything!



Thanks again man, you're helping really a lot!

From now, i won't make any big change on the sctructure, only bug fixing.
All new features will be added as independent add-ons

Glad I can help! :)

I was wondering one thing. Is there a command or a way in your battle engine to change the battler graphic of a party member or enemy? Without changing class or character in the database. Like for example, if a character transforms or powers-up?


Thanks for the information when you get to it! Good luck with your programming!



The actor graphic can be changed via normal event commands, theres a command to change battler graphic.
Now enemy grapchis would need some script calls.

And since the battler graphic patters are set by the filename, you can freely change the graphics without have to worry with the patterns.



Thanks for Atoa for making this script and fixing the bugs , and thanks for mayor anime for reporting all those bugs.

Umm , the battlers of minkoff work fine on this script , but the enemy battlers of minkoff seem to be corrupted , so I'm still wondering is the enemy pack out yet or..? :grin:



There's no relationship beteween actors and enemies to the graphics, since the script take in consideration the battler filename, and not if the battler is an actor or enemy.

Maybe you're using the old 10-pattern battlers.
Hey ive started using Atoa CBS to my engine ive seen its customanization abilities and ive edited alot....and i gotta say this system allows me to make anything i want in CBS.... now all i wonder is that if the attack bar will be customable anytime soon.

cause im basicly done editting but i just want one more push to make it the ultimate CBS for my game thank you for your help atoa

PS: nice engine lol
I have a problem here.

I understand generally how the chrono trigger custom script works, but..
I try to make a simple graphic for battlers

I'm following Chrono's pattern. I try both to replace Chrono's but The graphic still disappeared sometimes.. specially when he move to attack and when victory pose. Is there something wrong? Or i'm mistaken the pattern?

And one more thing, how to add event in the middle of battle? In Normal battle call, we can set battle event in enemy troop, but how about this scipt calling battle?
Example, I want to make the hero lose the battle without being "Game Over" and continue normally



If you're talking about the "Fight"/"Run" window, and command window.
In the next update i will make an add on for editing these windows.(and also the item and skill windows)

Remember that the patterns are set by the *filename*, so even if you follow the pattern of an battler that works (like you said that was following cronos pattern), you still need to add the patterns settings on the script for this new file.
That unless you change the default pattern (The default pattern is minkoff based, so all pose have 4 frames), if you make the default pattern like the "crono" pattern, all files will use these settings, so it wouldn't need to add new settings.

About the events in battle, I suposse you didn't noticed one of the options of the "call chrono battle" script call.
One of the values is the "troop id".
So all you need to do, is to make an troop event, and then, when calling the battle, add the id of this troop.

Also the "can lose" option is set the same way, you must set it on the "call battle" script call.



I hope I can relase the next update til the first half of december. (if nothing unexpected happens)

Here's an video to show some of the "power" of the ACBS
The only custom script was an custom cursor script, the rest is the ACBS with an good setting and custom graphics.



Wow a lot better then my video. To bad i suck at mapping or i would of kept making my game. But im just a writer so im gonna post all the battlers i did so far. Good battle animations.
Hmm... still got problem

I believe it is said "enemy ID" not "Troop ID" like you said.
Or they are same? Where's the line that mention it?

And I'm kinda a dull in scriptting, where's exactly the line to edit the battlers graphic pattern? I tried to search in Chrono Trigger Battle script but I can't find it (or I'm missing it somehow). There's no text description about that. Or you placed it in different script?
According to your demo, the movement pattern can be different for each character, are they based on character position (1st,2nd,3rd--may get error if they change position of course) or by name (Like Crono for Crono,Crono_down,Crono_up--Frog for Frog,Frog_down,Frog_up etc.) so he can be placed at any position?

and about "can lose" is it works in the same way with "can escape"? written in the script call?

I still get confused about auto self switch "D". I try to add some event in the self switch "D", but nothing happened. Eeven if I try to change it to "autorun" process. It suppose to do any event in the "D" right? (Nothing happened if we leave it unedited of course)
Same goes with "Magus" in your demo. The self switch "D" won't work and make it stuck on that map after battle. I too of course had tried to change it both to autorun and paralel process.

Sorry, I'm kind of more and less beginner, but in training to go at least to advance hehe..
But really, I do love this Crono trigger style script! I owe u a lot!



It's not a matter of know rgss or not...
Did you read the instructions on the main post? I suppose not...
Configuring custom battlers

This is one of the better funcions of this script, allowing you to configure different patterns for the animations frames according to the battler graphic file name.

In the Advanved Configurations, you will find a place named "CUSTOM GRAPHICS POSES CONFIG"
In that place you can configure the poses individually for each graphic

In red: This is the battler graphic file name.

In green: These are the basic configuration.
'Base' => [X, Y, SPD, Mirror]
'Base' = this is the value that sets the base settings, don't change.
X = number of horizontal frames. Numeric value higher than zero. Default 4.
Y = number of vertical frames. Numeric value higher than zero. Default 11.
SDP = Movement Speed. Numeric value higher than zero. Default 200.
Mirror = invert graphic. true or false. Default false.

'Base' => [4, 11, 200, false]

In blue: The blue values are the configuration of each pose.
Pose_ID => [Frames, Time, Loop]
Pose_ID = The Pose ID. Numeric value higher than zero.
Frames = Number of animation frames. Numeric value higher than zero.
Time = Duration of each frame pose.Numeric value higher than zero.
Loop = Animation Loop. true or false.

5 => [4, 4, true]

See, it's explained on the topic (also these same explanation are on the script).

I believe it is said "enemy ID" not "Troop ID" like you said.
Or they are same? Where's the line that mention it?
Troop ID is different from enemy ID.
Take a look at the instructions on the add on, there's all info about the call battle script call...
Atoa":205j0qe1 said:
It's not a matter of know rgss or not...
Did you read the instructions on the main post? I suppose not...

Actually, Atoa, I wanna say one thing; however, please do not think I am discounting your instructions. I'm really not. You've put together an excellent set of instructions and a phenom of a battle system. However, since you are translating from Portuguese to English, and are a programmer first and foremost, sometimes the things you write can be intimidating.

I propose that when you get your gold release out, someone (Perhaps even myself), works with you privately and creates a set of instructions for newbies, something that any layman can understand. It will help people who may be reading your first post and not make any sense of it. I know I had to read it several times, and I'm a college educated adult. It's not that you don't explain things well (again, you've done so much already) but that this system is so robust it needs a more extensive manual.

Make sense, buddy? :wink:



I spent hours making these instructions...
And some guys don't try even read the topic where they donwloaded the script?

I hate lazy people from the bottom of my hart.

The basic instructions are some centimeters above the download link, so why the hell people don't read them?
I think i know why this: there are a lot of instructions, and most people are lazy to read them, so they come here to ask specifically for what they need, without even trying!

And the ACBS isn't for noobs, most intructions are very well explained. Only some instructions that aren't very clear, and in that case, i will gladly help.

Making "instruction set for noob" wouldn't help, because the problem isn't the dificulty, but the fact that they don't read.
They look at them and think "omg! it's huge, i won't read it, i will ask on the topic for what i need!"

The ACBS is a huge system with hundred options, there's no way to make the explanation smaller, withou making them insuficient. In some parts i think it's need *more* explanations..
Atoa":327bp773 said:
I spent hours making these instructions...
And some guys don't try even read the topic where they donwloaded the script?

I hate lazy people from the bottom of my hart.

The basic instructions are some centimeters above the download link, so why the hell people don't read them?
I think i know why this: there are a lot of instructions, and most people are lazy to read them, so they come here to ask specifically for what they need, without even trying!

And the ACBS isn't for noobs, most intructions are very well explained. Only some instructions that aren't very clear, and in that case, i will gladly help.

Making "instruction set for noob" wouldn't help, because the problem isn't the dificulty, but the fact that they don't read.
They look at them and think "ong! it's huge, i won't read it, i will ask on the topic for what i need!"

The ACBS is a huge system with hundred options, there's no way to make the explanation smaller, withou making them insuficient. In some parts i think it's need *more* explanations..

:haha: I think that is a fair enough explanation...! :wink:

Okay, okay...let me help you, when this goes gold organize everything and make sort of a 'beginners' FAQ, compiled off of the most frequent questions we see on here. Then I'll make an instruction booklet that organizes things by topic. Then when someone asks something, you can just paste the hotlink to the pdf (or whatever format) file and tell them to read page X.

So no need to defend yourself to me any further. I get what you are saying and agree. Let's just make things even more organized for those who are afflicted with the tl;dr syndrome.

Conversely, you can just tell me now that anyone who gets the tl;dr reaction to the current instruction set is one of the lazy people you cannot stand, and they deserve to be confused. In that case, I won't go any further with this...but I'll want to know why you answer their questions.

I don't like lazy people either. But the world, and the internet, is full of them.



Well if you want to do it go ahead.

This would help not only the lazy ones but the not lazy ones.

Maybe I will make an page for the ACBS settings.
Hello everyone.

I come here to ask you some help. I use this Atoa Battle System for several months and I am very satisfied.

I spent dozens of hours to program it, and here I am facing a problem.

I could see that the demo had been updated when I wanted to try the script "Individual Battle Command", so I re-download the demo.

But some new problems have emerged.

First, the names of heroes no longer appears in the window, ditto for the names of commands.

Then, as regards the ATB bar, you no longer see the "Wait" over the bar, however, the file is located in the "windowSkins" which is called "ATBMeter" is present, and contains the "Wait", but this is not the most important.

I am more annoyed by the lack of command names and heroes.

Here's what happens.


As you can see, I am far from being lazy, and I worked on this project since last July. I created each hero and I want to customize this game as best I can.
I even talked to a french forum where I am encouraging other members to help on what I understood.
Link to this french forum.

Thank you to you for your help on this wonderful script.



Maybe the problem is the font, some othe people had this problem also and I couldn't map this error.

About the ATB, maybe it's caused by some combination of settings.

Could you send an demo with these gitches via PM so i can take a look what made this happen?

Thank you for viewing

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