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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



When I test play my game an attempt to open up the equip menu I get this error...
Script 'Scene_Equip' line 74: NoMethodError occurred
undefined method 'index' for nil:NilClass

@item_window1.visible = (@right_window.index == 0)
@item_window2.visible = (@right_window.index == 1)
@item_window3.visible = (@right_window.index == 2)



@No ID
Was you using any specific add-on?
I remember that i get this error with New Status, but i think i fixed it...
Anyway i will work on it.
I got an error with my menu because I have a script edit that allows me to see faces rather than sprites (in the default menu). I just put # in front of Atoa's section that runs drawing windows in the menu (can't remember off the top of my head). It is possible that you may have to nullify part of Atoa's script to make it work.



So I downloaded it again (I still get an unknown error when I try to run the game from the demo/project file), and put the code into my own game to try and test it that way. And I get this error:

Sooo.. I thought everything was fine, but in my config 2 - advanced, I'm getting some error on line 805, which all it is is my end. I'm new to scripting and such.. so anyone know what could be wrong with it?
Its in the right spot.. i never messed with it.. so idk
Hi. This may be a dumb question, but I'm a moron when it comes to scripting. I;m using the Chrono Trigger Add-On, and I can't figure out how to change battlers in the battle when there is more than one battle bar full. I.e., let's say I want frog to attack before crono. Crono's bar fills up first, then I wait for frog's to fill up. How do I select frog without having crono attack?

I found the following in the script:

# Key that must be pressed to change the input battler
Next_Input = Input::B

and the line a little below:

# Remember to not leave any equal input
# Input::B = Keyborard:X

I thought that that would mean to hit the X to change between battlers, but it doesn't seem to work.

Could you please help me out?



Download the latest demo, don't use any outdated add-on.

You copied the scripts wrong.
Copy and paste them proplerly and follow the instructions.

download the latest version of the script this will allow to swith battlers by pressing X (or othe key you set on Next_Input)

@No ID
I updated the file, check if the erro still occurs.
Bug report time! You want 'em, you got em!

**Bug #1**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code
Bug: Game closes as soon as it is opened. Program will not run.

**Bug #2**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Atoa ATB
Bug: When attempting to enter a battle (any difficulty), you get this:

**Bug #3**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Atoa CTB
Bug: When entering a battle (any difficulty), after any opening dialogue (such as telling about enemy resistances), you get this:

(You do here the paper-switch-sound of the CTB meter going to the first person's turn though!)

This means that the ATB and CTB cannot be used.

**Bug #4**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Equipment Multi Slots, Two Hands, New Status
Bug: When attempting to equip any weapon, armor, etc, the slot for the character does not update. Whether or not it actually equips is unknown. However, it works when you remove TWO HANDS, so that leads me to believe that the error is in that module.

**Bug #5**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Equipment Multi Slots, New Status
Bug: When attempting to equip any weapon, armor, etc, the slot for the character, while it does update, does not show anything for Accessory #1 and #2. That means no title (As in the word Accessory) and no listed Accessory.

**Bug #6**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Equipment Multi Slots, New Status
Bug: With any advanced status equipment (I am assuming that new status is advanced status), the effects don't seem to work completely. I equipped the Life Armor on Atoa, and his HP and Sp did not regenerate. I equipped the Curse Sword on Atoa, and while he got the powerful bonuses, he wasn't afflicted with any status. I equipped the Magic Ring on Tunico, and while his spells were stronger, the SP cost did not increase.

**Bug #7**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Equipment Multi Slots (any combination of modules actually)
Bug: When I successfully steal, I get this:

(Failure to Steal and Misses do not bring about this error)

**Bug #8**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, New Resistance System
Bug: Equipped everyone with 'Ring of Fire'. As soon as the Phantom cast a fire spell, I got this:

**Bug #9**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Equipment with skills
Bug: As soon as anyone but Atoa (who has Cure and Curaga) moves the cursor over the Healing Ring (just highlights, not select), you get this:

**Bug #10**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Change SP Cost
Bug: Non-magical attacks are also enchanced and raised SP cost. Such as Mutli Attack, Multi Hit Attack, and Animation Attack. Is this intentional?

**Bug #11**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Enemy Advanced Status
Bug: The moment an enemy attacks, after the move-to animation, you get this:

**Bug #12**
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Individual Battle Commands
Bug: As soon as a battle starts, when the command window is about to open, you get this:

That's all for now! But before I go, here are some things that DID work!

Equipament Set appears to function just fine by itself!

Equipment Auto States appears to function just fine by itself!

Status Limit appears to function just fine by itself!

Damage Limit appears to function just fine by itself!
Found an error. When using Chrono Trigger Battle, I am unable to make the player transparent using events, even with the catapillar disabled. It makes cutscenes much harder
Hi. This may be a dumb question, but I'm a moron when it comes to scripting. I'm using the Chrono Trigger Add-On, and I can't figure out how to switch between battlers in the battle when there is more than one battle bar full. I.e., let's say I want frog to attack before crono. Crono's bar fills up first, then I wait for frog's to fill up. How do I select frog without having crono attack?

I found the following in the script:

# Key that must be pressed to change the input battler
Next_Input = Input::B

and the line a little below:

# Remember to not leave any equal input
# Input::B = Keyborard:X

I thought that that would mean to hit the X to change between battlers, but it doesn't seem to work.

Could you please help me out?



I said to download the new demo ¬¬


#Bug 1
lol how is this possible? .-.
The game crashes if you use the main script? But don't crash if using other add-ons?

#Bug 2
I forget to add an new file, it's nothing with the script. so just ignore (use "Maranguape" instead of DarkLuar when testing the ATB)

#Bug 3
+1 Typo
Thanks for reporting

#Bug 4
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 5
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 6
The problems is with the icon graphics file names, it's nothing with the script.

#Bug 7
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 8
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 9
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 10
It's not a bug, the SP cost change affects all skills, not only magics.

#Bug 11
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 12
lol, i'm sure that i already had fixed this one .-. Well lets fix it again \o

I will check this one.
More bugs!

Bug #14:
Loaded Modules: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Skill Reflect
Bugs: Even though the effect works, there is nothing to show that the status (reflect magic or reflect physical) is active. That means the player no only has no way of knowing which status is on which character, they have no way of knowing when it wears off.

Bug #15:
Loaded Modules: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Skill Charge
Bugs: As soon as someone uses a Charge or Meditate Skill, you get this:

Bug #16:
Loaded Modules: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Skill Blitz
Bugs: When you set a Blitz skill, in the script, to false, meaning it should do reduced damage if the Blitz fails, and fail at a Blitz input, the character powers up the attack, and then you get this:

Bug #17:
Loaded Modules: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Skill Scan
Bugs: No matter what enemy you yse the Scan Skill on, and no matter how many times you use it, it always comes up as a 'Miss'.

Bug #18:
Loaded Modules: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Skill Combination
Bugs: The Super Combo, initiated by the player, works great, but when the enemies Wenia and Soldier attempt 'Enemy Union', on their turn, you get this:

Bug #19:
Loaded Modules: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Enemy Name Window
Bugs: When you go into battle, you see this:

(Note that I had this line: Enemy_Name_Window_Dimension = [160,160] also be Enemy_Name_Window_Dimension = [320,160] and the result was the same as shown above.)

Bug #20:
Loaded Modules: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Battle Animated Faces
Bugs: As soon as you input a single command, you get this:

That's it for today. However, here are some things that worked well:

Skill Reflect worked great on its own!
Skill Overdrive worked great on its own!
Skill Auto-Life worked great on its own!
Skill Drain worked great on its own!
Skill Combination (Fusion and Sequence only) worked great on its own!
Weapons for Skills worked great on its own!
Consum Items Actions worked great on its own!
Victory Window 1 (Blizzard) worked great on its own!
Victory Window 2 (KGC) worked great on its own!
Victory Window 3 (FF7) worked great on its own!

I'll tackle some more tomorrow. Good job so far! I can really see it taking shape.
Atoa":2yplpo5e said:
#Bug 1
lol how is this possible? .-.
The game crashes if you use the main script? But don't crash if using other add-ons?

As insane as that sounds, yes. The Main script, by itself, with nothing added at all, makes the game crash before even showing the title screen. It just closes. Odd, eh?

Atoa":2yplpo5e said:
#Bug 2
I forget to add an new file, it's nothing with the script. so just ignore (use "Maranguape" instead of DarkLuar when testing the ATB)
Okay. Just please make sure to add the file to the next release so I don't gloss over that. It's an easy thing for a bug-tester to forget about. :)

Atoa":2yplpo5e said:
#Bug 6
The problems is with the icon graphics file names, it's nothing with the script.
Noe problem. Again just be sure to include the graphic in the next release, in case time passes and I (or someone else) forgets.

Atoa":2yplpo5e said:
#Bug 10
It's not a bug, the SP cost change affects all skills, not only magics.
Just verifying. That is intentional behavior, correct? If so, I will remove it from my bug log. :P

Atoa":2yplpo5e said:
#Bug 12
lol, i'm sure that i already had fixed this one .-. Well lets fix it again \o
Happens to the best of us! ^_~
Atoa":27lxiiyb said:
#Bug 2
I forget to add an new file, it's nothing with the script. so just ignore (use "Maranguape" instead of DarkLuar when testing the ATB).

Test the ATB like that and it works great by itself! I will move to testing it with other add-ons once I get through the list.

Good job!



@Mayor Anim
#Bug 14
It's not a bug. Just didn't add any animation and icon for the reflect state.
The user can set an animation and icon for the reflect if he want.

#Bug 15 (and @No ID)
No bug on the code, just more missing graphics XD
Using the picture damage display, any text string that would be Displayed as damage needs an Digit. If ans skill have an charge/meditate effect don't deals damage or heal, it shows "Charge" or "Meditate" as damage. So you need an file for each letter.

#Bug 16
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 17
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 18
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 19
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

#Bug 20
This one was not reported yet, i will check it thanks.

Too Many thanks for all the help, thats will make the Final version to come sooner ^^

About #Bug 10 it's a normal behave of the scrip, but that was an good feature to add to this system. ;D (allow to set if the "magic", "physical" or both types will have the cost reduced)
Atoa":2ve731kh said:
Too Many thanks for all the help, thats will make the Final version to come sooner ^^

About #Bug 10 it's a normal behave of the scrip, but that was an good feature to add to this system. ;D (allow to set if the "magic", "physical" or both types will have the cost reduced)

Woo hoo! I am helpful!

Seriously, though, I'm looking forward to your final/stable version to come out. Then I can make a 'base' for all my projects and just plug-and-play different add-ons as I see fit.

Once you have a stable version out, if I can think of any suggestions, I'll let you know. Right now, though, I am too far into 'testing mode'.
Bug #21
Modules Loaded: ACBS | Battle Main Code, Chrono Trigger Battle
Bug: As soon as a battle starts, after the opening battle poses, but before the music starts, you get this:

(The same is if you also have the Anti-Lag module loaded)

Edit: changed bug # to #21 >_>

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