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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



"Script ACBS | Battle Main Code' line 1600: NameError occurred.
uninitialized constant Sprite_Battler::Battler_Position_Style

if relative_y.abs > relative_x.abs and Battle_Position_Style == 3
@battler.direction = relative_y < 0 ? 2 : 8
elsif relative_x.abs >= relative_y.abs
@battler.direction = relative_x < 0 ? 6 : 4

I didn't use the chrono trigger version



Quite strange.
On my demo this "and Battle_Position_Style == 3" doesnt exist .-.
(i used ctlr+shift+F and didn't find this constant)
This constant was removed from the settings.
In any case, just add an # before the "and"



ok now i get this

"Script ACBS | Battle Main Code' line 1703: NameError occurred.
uninitialized constant Sprite_Battler::Battler_Position_Style

dir = Battle_Position_Style == 3 ? set_direction : ''
if @name_init == '%'
begin; self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(@battler_name + dir + '_' + @pattern, @battler_hue)
rescue; self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(@battler_name, @battler_hue); end
begin; self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(@battler_name + dir, @battler_hue)
rescue; self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(@battler_name, @battler_hue); end



That line is actually the same as what this in the old versions.
"Battle_Style" (without the quotes)

2 ways of fixing that. Just create the constant on top and put 0, 1, or 2 in or you can just add the word Position to Battle_Style, making it Battle_Position_Style.



Script updated.

I think now you all can test the CT add-on properly.

And don't forget to report any error/gitch you find



Error 1: When the ATB is added
"Script 'Atoa ATB' line 1001: NameError occurred.
uninitialized constant Scene_Battle::Next_Input

if Input.trigger?(Next_Input) and @input_action

Error 2: When Skill Overdrive is added
"Script 'Game Actors' line 24: ArgumentError occurred.
wrong number of arguments(1 of 0)

@data[actor_id] = Game_Actor.new(actor_id)
return @data[actor_id]

Error 3: When Charge Skill is added
"Script ACBS | Battle Main Code' line 3985: ArgumentError occurred.
wrong number of arguments(1 of 0)

@wait_time = 0

Error 4: When Enemy Name Window script is added - When enemy is defeated
"Script 'Enemy Name Window' line 54: RGSSError occured
failed to create bitmap

self.contents = Bitmap.new(@pos[2] - 32, height)
self.height = height + 32 if Auto_Adjust_Height
self.z = 499

All I got for now...



@No ID
I didn't get this error with Enemy name window, wae you using another add-on?

About the other erros i think they're fixed now.
Thanks for you help ^^




I was waiting for this new update before I disappeared. I love this system, so I'm glad it's still being worked on.

I'll download and check it all out in a bit. If I find any errors, I'll let you know Atoa.



"Script 'New Resistance System' line 398: NoMethodError occured
undefined method 'each' for nil:NilClass

for set in @set_state_resist
value += set if set != nil
element_size += 1 if set != nil and set != 0

But this only happens when you add the ATB. So I'm pretty sure I know what your gonna say. :shades:

Edit: Oh and every time a battle is finished this script error pops up.
Scipt 'Skill Charge' line 133: SyntaxError occurred
Even though the script is below the main and not in use.

Double Edit: Add another one
Script 'Skill Overdrive' line 205: NoMethodError occurred
undefined method 'overdrive_gain' for #<Game_Enemy:0x3979030>
Hey! Got some more errors (sorry, was out the day before!)

Okay, first one, when fighting Yakra, we see this:


(I take it that we're not supposed to see the white... ^_~)

Next bug. When Magus attempts to cast Mass Venom, we get this:

...followed by this:


I didn't have the 'Consume Items Skills' Add0on active, just the 'Chrono Trigger Battle' and the 'Anti Lag (for Chrono Battle)' add-ons.

Finally, a question. Did this update add anything new, or fix any bugs, to the ATB, CTB, or other addons, such as summons, individual battle commands, Overdrive, Blitz, or etc...? I want to know two things:

(A) Do I need to replace any of the code from this update to the previous versions I am using to build a game framework


(B) Are any of the non-Chrono Trigger Battle parts dependent on the Chrono Trigger parts? Do I need to import the entire new battle engine to my project? (I am guessing yes, but I want to make sure, as I have customized the piss out of things.)

Anyway, gonna test some more this evening. Good job so far!



I had the same problem with the second screen shot. What happen was your character tried to use a technique put the skill missed. So the problem is with the miss animation. go to the digits folder in the graphics and look for the graphic with this file name "i_ss" and change it to "i_mss".



Another typo by Atoa \o\

The Yakra Graphic was an mistake, i forget to zoom it and set the transparency. But it's an graphic mistake, has nothing to do with the script itself.

About the consum item action, thank \o

About you doubts.
All codes where revised. BUT you don't need to replace the whole code.
Just replace the the code starting from this part

# ■ Atoa Module

This isn't valid for the following add-ons because theis configuration were drastically changed:
- Skill Combination
- Skill Overdrive

Also, some add-ons had some Constants added-like the Atoa ATB, that had two new "Input" constants.

And the add-ons are completely independent.
So you don't need one to use another (some has extra feature if combined, like Multi Slot and New Status).

Even the Chrno Trigger add-on don't need the anti-lag directly.
I added the anti-lag zeriab because using the CT add-on would make some maps very laggy and i needed it to be compatible with an powerful anti-lag.



@No ID
No, what i said is that you cant port the overdrive and combination settings.

The ATB you can port, but you need to add two new constants.

About the other add ons, there wasn't any change on the settings so you can keep any change done.

BTW the combination is *more* compatible with the ATB than before. Only the 'Fusion' type combination doesn't work with it.

Did you copy the 'Cosum Item Action' properly, because my code have 234 lines.
And i didn't get any errors with it.



please don't be annoyed but I was wondering if their was anything I could do to allow the blink status to be effective?
Atoa":1ebet0f6 said:
@No ID
Did you copy the 'Cosum Item Action' properly, because my code have 234 lines.
And i didn't get any errors with it.

I haven't ported anything yet. I think I will just jot down my settings and go from there. I'll let you know how it works out.

Side Note: I noticed in your last run version that Blitz didn't work with either CTB or ATB (one of them, but not the other, don't remember which). As in the Blitz box didn't even come up. Was that ever reported?

Anyway, off to testing!



Tha ATB x Blitz bug is quite old. i suppose that it' s no longer occur.
You can check it by yourself. just test it on the demo (i'm at work so i can't do it now)

@No ID
sorry i forget about that.
The problem isn't with the blink status, it's with the evasion itself.
I will fix that

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