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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



the line itself, i changed the animation invertion system so simply delete this line. (i'm sure i deleted it before repostinf it lol '-')

i will check it
Um i hate to bug again, but im having another prioblem with this script, i cant use menu items now, if i take your scripts out i can use items in the menu, if i put your scripts back in, i cant use menu items..
So i thought id let you know.
I just checked again to make sure it was not a mistake on my end, and its not. your scripts some how prevent items from being used in the menu screen.
No problem, im looking through it thoroughly, it still has a bug where when you tell the enemies step forward they move to target, for now i have them all set to just stand still, but you cant tell whos attacking with stand still lol, rather then stand still for enemies, i would give them a white flash showing you which enemie is attacking lol.. or its just a thought anyhow.

So far most of the bugs seem to be ironed out, everything seems to be working like it should except for the movetype for enemies.
order "MOVEPOSTION/**" in "ACBS | Config 2 - Advanced" do not work , it goes to at a position , X,Y , as a result , TRUE but , it doesn't go to at , A,B ,


order , Skill Combination , use can not ,
if , can use already ,
fix fire1 + fire1 = fire2 can ?,
its antiques can not ,

beg one's pardon, mean "MOVEPOSTION/**" , I writes wrong.



Man I didn't understood half of what you said.
"TIMEBEFOREANIM/**" has nothing to do with movement and X,Y postion. And is working fine.
I Suppose you was talking about the setting: "MOVEPOSTION/**"
I will check this one.

about the second question, i get nothing of it '-'



yea uh hate to sound like a groupie but since i re downloaded like u suggested all MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD skills and items step backwards.




That was already reported by Mikepjr
Since i'm working on the code on better way to set blatters directions i'm sure that it will be fixed.



EDIT: Actually i just rechecked everything and this only happens when evil guy is one of the enemies. when i battle any other enemy even the hell demons everything works fine.

just so u know what to look for? Maybe the shadow effect?
It happens when you move an enemy too close to the middle of the screen, if you move your enemies back further away from the middle of the screen, the players should move back forward again.



I have no ideia when i will be able to relase it. I hope I can do it in less than a month, but not sure.

Just an image to show the progress of the CT Add On.

I'm currently working on the events interation with battle.



In ctb when using union skills, I can use them over and over if I press x to back out after. It doesn't let me choose a target before using the skill. I think that's why. It happens in this order. I choose the skill, the skill happens, then I choose a target. If I press x during the target selection, I go back to the skill selection and I am able to do it over and over again until running out of mp. Also, the turns window doesn't reflect the changes in the other users turns after putting the cursor on the union skill. Also, super cut, just won't work. It acts like a skipped turn. I can choose my target just fine, but nothing happens. This is all in the demo.

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