Line 76 of ACBS | Config 1 - Basic
Move_to_Attack =
If you put false the characters wont even attack, they just stand there, thats what i would call a bug.
Line 97 of ACBS | Config 1 - Basic
Actor_Collapse =
i set it to false so the battlers would stay on screen, i figured this means they use a custom death animation and stay there, but when i put it to false nothing changes they still fade to red, either something else needs changed in the script or something needs to be elaborated on.
Im basically trying to set everything up to work like final fantasy 4 battle system.. but some things go wrong..
Also at one point changed some script parts to make the characters move left and right to attack but not to target.. but later i changed one of the above true or false statements and it stayed stuck to where no one would move, i would just keep picking attack and nothing would happen..
You should put a simple true or false so all the weapons make the characters move forward but not all the way to the target, rather then going down a list and saying this weapon move you forward this one does this one does.. i rather just say true and have it so everything makes you step forward.. i mean it would be easier.
i will say this, i love what you did with the attack numbers customizations to where the numbers could be made to bounce up in different ways, that was and is cool.
So okay.. not a lot of bugs, but a few bugs are present.. some true or false customizations do not work.. i mean good job over all, its just some of those true or false customizes.. some dont work at all or not right
I dont mean to insult or anything, im just pointing out where the problems are...