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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



Yin":3c0ynurv said:
And the blitz skill won't even work with my setup. I get an error on line 261 which points to this:
if (@active_battler.actor and @active_battler.current_action == 1 and not

says actor is an undefined method for game_enemy or something? There's more but I didn't take note of them.

That happens in his demo as well, it means he didn't check for errors before releasing it!
Atoa, your battle system would be great if you fixed those bugs and if you cared to test it before releasing it :smile:
Yeah their are a lot of bugs, a lot of the true or false parts of the scripts, like the one for if players stay on screen when they die, does not work.

I am having to bypass a lot of the true or false parts of the customizations to get some things to work.

Anyone figured out how to make the enemies blink after the strike then have them dissapear if they die?

When i strike them everything pretty much happens at once... you strike, it does damage and the enemy dies all right then and there .. when what should be modifiable is like.. strike the enemy... then the enemy blinks with a sound effect, then if he is out of HP he dies.. as is it happens all at once.. it needs to wait until after the animation is done..

Lots of bugs and it could use some more add ons, i do love the HP number pop up.. and how you can make it pop up like old FF games, thats cool.

Keep up the good work, and i hope for a newer version soon with less bugs.



It's not a matter of testing or not testing.
I do a lot of tests, but theres *hundresds* confugations, and it's not possible for me to test all combinations.

it would help more if instead of saying, "there's a lot of bugs", you point me the bugs. So it can be fixed faster.

And there's not a lot of bugs.
This is an *customizable* script, and it won't configure itself alone.
Most of the "bugs" are wrong configuration.

What i'm working now is easier configurations commands.

And like i said to dani3, it would help more if you point the bugs.

The more complete feedback, the faster the bug fix.



I already did! When I try your demo with the blitz skill script it does not work..
I get an error on line 261:

"if (@active_battler.actor and @active_battler.current_action == 1 and not"
Line 76 of ACBS | Config 1 - Basic
Move_to_Attack =
If you put false the characters wont even attack, they just stand there, thats what i would call a bug.

Line 97 of ACBS | Config 1 - Basic
Actor_Collapse =
i set it to false so the battlers would stay on screen, i figured this means they use a custom death animation and stay there, but when i put it to false nothing changes they still fade to red, either something else needs changed in the script or something needs to be elaborated on.

Im basically trying to set everything up to work like final fantasy 4 battle system.. but some things go wrong..

Also at one point changed some script parts to make the characters move left and right to attack but not to target.. but later i changed one of the above true or false statements and it stayed stuck to where no one would move, i would just keep picking attack and nothing would happen..

You should put a simple true or false so all the weapons make the characters move forward but not all the way to the target, rather then going down a list and saying this weapon move you forward this one does this one does.. i rather just say true and have it so everything makes you step forward.. i mean it would be easier.

i will say this, i love what you did with the attack numbers customizations to where the numbers could be made to bounce up in different ways, that was and is cool.

So okay.. not a lot of bugs, but a few bugs are present.. some true or false customizations do not work.. i mean good job over all, its just some of those true or false customizes.. some dont work at all or not right

I dont mean to insult or anything, im just pointing out where the problems are...



The bug was already reported, so be patient.
Pointing the same bug several times won't help me to solve it.

If you put false the characters wont even attack, they just stand there, thats what i would call a bug.
And so i am, that's why i already solved it.

i set it to false so the battlers would stay on screen, i figured this means they use a custom death animation and stay there, but when i put it to false nothing changes they still fade to red, either something else needs changed in the script or something needs to be elaborated on.
You figured wrong, this one is for the actors have the same normal collapse effect as enemies (the red fade). To set custom collapse for enemies, the line is:
No_Collapse_Enemy = []
then the enemy won't have the red fade.

Also at one point changed some script parts to make the characters move left and right to attack but not to target.. but later i changed one of the above true or false statements and it stayed stuck to where no one would move, i would just keep picking attack and nothing would happen.
That's what i'm working on. There's a lot of settings, but some of them are really a pain to configure.

im just pointing out where the problems are...
Now you're pointing the erros, and now you recive my thank ;D



I hope this hasn't been mentioned, but in battle, I can press x and keeps going to a different person. I'm using the ctb. Also, when I do that, the ctb doesn't change order and the others keep blinking like it's still their turn. I can do this even at the start of a battle when nobody has gone yet.
So is their any way to change it to where all the monsters use a custom animation for deaths?
Like a set true or false to make them use the red fade or not?

I was planning to customize all the deaths to use a row of animation for dieing.
Im having this problem with Victory Window 1, it shows #a.name and #a.exp.d[7] EX!
Anyone got any ideas why its doing that?
Im asuming its supposed to show the name of the characters or something.

And i think Leggerrr is asking if you can have the battlers hold a different weapon.. or in this case have a different animation for the battlers depending on what weapon is equipped.

And you can change the animations that apear on the enemy depending on what is equipped, but i think what ever they hold in battle is the same no matter what.

Their is a way to do it through events.. by changing the battle sprites depending on what weapon is equiped.. but that would mean a ton of the same graphics reused and thus a bigger file when your game is done...

it would be something in common events that are going paralel with like.. say.. if this is equiped, change battler to such and such.. but that would mean a larger game file when your done.... i can see why you would want something different.. say later on in the game my main character starts using axes.. you dont want to see a sword in your hand yet your using axes... i guess the best thing to do would be to stick with one weapon type per character...



If it's only about the weapon, i will add some new options to easy graphic change depending on the weapon, but only for the weapon.

Could you post an Image?
Sure.. let me get a screen shot..

It has some weird text.

It would be cool if i could just find a classic final fantasy styled battle result but no one has made one thus far... so i went with Victory Window 1, and it just displays that weird text, even when i go up a level.. its odd.



How would I go about using VX Algorithm for Attacks, but XP for Skills?
Nevermind, I figured it out and it was a stupid idea, I forgot some stats are completely ignored.



Oh em gee!!

After taking a break from my project for a couple of weeks due to problems in my battle system, it's GREAT to come back and find this. Put it in my game and everything works amazingly! Definitely planning to use this.

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