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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

It takes alot of balls to write your own Battle System from scratch Atoa, and yours looks really cool I just dropped in to say great job on it so far and keep up the good work! When I get off of work tonight, if I have time, I'm gonna test it out and see if I can try and give you a hand at fixing some bugs maybe.
I'm using the Overdrive script, but the Overdrive bar only shows in the Main Menu, but not in the battle menu. What am I doing wrong? :blank:
i think i got the updated version but i still get this error with the Bestiary plugin

Script 'ACBS | Bestiary' line 543: NameError occurred
uninitiliazited constant Window_Bestiary_Info::Exp_Name_Text
This is just the sort of thing I've been looking for, since I intend to have fully animated battles in my game.

by the way. I can't play the demo. Whenever I try to play, an error comes up that says "RGSS103J.dll could not be found"



Ryanide":2hnfsfpt said:
This is just the sort of thing I've been looking for, since I intend to have fully animated battles in my game.

by the way. I can't play the demo. Whenever I try to play, an error comes up that says "RGSS103J.dll could not be found"

Try this:

Open the Game.ini file in the game directory, and modify the line with "Library=RGSS103J.dll" with "Library=RGSS102E.dll" without quotations.

If you have the legal RGSS102E in the Windows folder the game should work.

Also awesome job Atoa. I was expecting a top notch script but this is highly above my expectations. Also the tons and tons of plugins ypu provide within the project itself are handy and obviously they are 100% compatible. Too bad it seems to have still some few bugs.



That's why i still working on it to solve the bugs ;D

You must configure the bar positions on the battle screen in the Overdrive script.

Omg an Typo o/ it will be fixed on the next update

@Road Rocket
I tested the Victory window 2 with all scripts and didn't get any erros, you didn't try to use more than one victory window at same time did you? If not, could you give more info about the situation the error occur? (enemy gruop, party status...)
Yay it worked, thanks.

This battle system is looking great so far. I'll test it out properly once I have some custom character animations to use.

I have a question though. If I've already started making my game in the default RMXP, will I be able to transfer my game over easily to start working on it with your script, or do I have to make it from scratch?

Sorry for the noobish questions.
Well this is, this is, this is super !! this is one of the best battle systems ever seen ( even though i am having a problem adding some battle charas of my own hehe ) well so far ive cleared to add some characters like

Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora Final Form ( not full set yet )


Stahn( not full set yet )

if you want me to make a KH2 Character set i can try to help you, but i dont have all of my time to work on this.

but once again Super !



Minkkoff Animated battlers works fine with the system.
You could also use CC0A Battler, but it's a bit harder since you would need to create a custom configuration for each battler.

If you check the demo, there's different styles battlers, the Minkkof's and CC0A's battlers can be found in most rpg maker communities, just search for them.

Also i'm working on scriptes (all with the configuration already done), i have arround 40 'tales of' battlers ready ans i will post when i done all of them.(the ones i have the sprite sheet)

You can install it on your project without problem, just try to keep the scripts in the same order as the demo. And installing the script will probably corrupt the old saves.
And also, if some of the custom script besides the ones of the battle, thy change their position in the editor.
Most scripts works fine if added above the battle script, but some may need to be put bellow the battle scripts.

I will welcome any resource for the script.
If you have the battler set, i can provide the configurations for it.
So I got around to installing it. So far I think it's great. I haven't made any custom animations of my own to test that aspect yet, but I enjoyed the level of customisation you allowed.

Perhaps a suggestion for future updates: allow the player to decide if the battle starts with the players on the left/right of the stage? It'd be handy for people who've already made their sprites but change their minds about it.

Also, do you think you could include the option to set the minimum damage dealt by any attack? I'd like all attacks in my game to deal at least 1 damage insted of 0. I'm not yet confident enough to muck about with any of the code (wouldn't know where to start).



You can set the actors battler positions.
If i'm not mistaken, the lines are something like

It's one of the first configuration of the script.
Also you can use the custom formation where you set the position of each battler.

Sadly, I don't have RMXP here to give the exact names of the commands.
Hi, thanks a lot for putting all this together, I really love it, especially the CTB addon. I keep coming to this thread wanting to ask how to do something with some script or another, but then I figure it out before I'm done typing, which is saying a lot considering how much work must have gone into programming a lot of the features. Posting now because I thought I should show some appreciation anyway. Awesome job, keep it up. :thumb:
Atoa":3dn8d9ae said:
You can set the actors battler positions.
If i'm not mistaken, the lines are something like

It's one of the first configuration of the script.
Also you can use the custom formation where you set the position of each battler.

Sadly, I don't have RMXP here to give the exact names of the commands.

Sorry I wasn't being clear. What I meant was to have the sprites flipped depending on what side of the stage you would like your team/enemy to start out on.

For example, your starter set has the characters on the right and the opponents on the left. Since I made my character sprites facing in the other direction, I needed to flip all my character sprites so the battlers weren't facing away from each other.
One more thing, Atoa.

Do you think you could please add a simple on/off switch for allowing the characters to attack as soon as you've given them a command?

I don't really like that "Give everyone their commands for the whole turn and then they'll attack all at once" battling style. I'd like the option to have something similar to Pokemon or Magical Starsign, where the characters will attack one at a time.
Ryanide":z2ily4ew said:
One more thing, Atoa.

Do you think you could please add a simple on/off switch for allowing the characters to attack as soon as you've given them a command?

I don't really like that "Give everyone their commands for the whole turn and then they'll attack all at once" battling style. I'd like the option to have something similar to Pokemon or Magical Starsign, where the characters will attack one at a time.

The CTB addon does this.
it does? Ah I'd better check it out. The CTB looked good, but I didn't find a way to disable the turn window. I'd better look harder.

Edit: yeah silly me. It was right there. >_<

Well then how about an option to have battlers being 'blown back' after a hit? Say...I attack an opponent with a special move that knocks them back a few paces, then the opponent walks back to their original spot?

Sorry for making all of these silly suggestions, but I think this is such a great battle script, and I'm really enjoying it so far.

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