Minkkoff Animated battlers works fine with the system.
You could also use CC0A Battler, but it's a bit harder since you would need to create a custom configuration for each battler.
If you check the demo, there's different styles battlers, the Minkkof's and CC0A's battlers can be found in most rpg maker communities, just search for them.
Also i'm working on scriptes (all with the configuration already done), i have arround 40 'tales of' battlers ready ans i will post when i done all of them.(the ones i have the sprite sheet)
You can install it on your project without problem, just try to keep the scripts in the same order as the demo. And installing the script will probably corrupt the old saves.
And also, if some of the custom script besides the ones of the battle, thy change their position in the editor.
Most scripts works fine if added above the battle script, but some may need to be put bellow the battle scripts.
I will welcome any resource for the script.
If you have the battler set, i can provide the configurations for it.