Hey Atoa!
Still no major errors, but I have some functionality questions. I believe that after reading all the ReadMe and FAQs for the engine, there is nothing to answer my question for me:
1) Right now, you can attached effects like random, multi-hit, etc to weapons, items, and skills. Is there a way to attach this to armor of any kind? My reasoning is that for a game I want to develop, I want a certain accessory to give multiple hits to whomever is wearing it. Is this something easily modified in the configs? Or would this require a major redesign on your part?
2) I figured out where this bug that was previously reported is coming from:
Status Screen Error: If I want to access the status screen from the menu.
It happens due to some conflict coming from the most current version of the IBC and the Main Code. I cannot figure out what it is, since I am not a coder, but I replicated that error, and removed one module at a time. When I removed the IBC, the error stopped. I'm hoping that helps.
3) Does your Overdrive Plugin only support FFX style overdrives/FF7 overdrives? I am guessing that FF8 overdrives/limit breaks (where they are available after hit points of a character drop below a certain percentage) and FF9 overdrives/trances (where they automatically kick in after a certain amount of damage and then wear off) were not a part of your original design? I know that sounds n00bish, but please understand that I've always tested your code for bugs, not for functionality from a design perspective.
4) I am still learning your Custom Window plugin, so if the answer is there, just tell me, but does your code support room on the battle window or the main game menus for 5 and more characters, in the case of max party being 5 or more, or summons that appear? For example, if I have a party of 4 and summon, making it 5, will that summon's name and information be able to appear on the battle window? Is it just a manner of configuring the batle system from the top to have that many spaces?
5) One of the neat features of RPGMaker 2000, 2003, and VX was the ability to assign a character to be controlled by the computer. Does your summon code or battle engine in general support the ability to make a character, specifically a summoned one, controlled by the computer?
So far, exploring the full functionality of this battle engine, it's the most comprehensive I have ever seen. Good work!