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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



Next time you wouldn't need to update all script.
That update was an major update that why you needed to change all

On next updates, you will need to update only the scripts listed on the version history. (But most likely you will have to always update the Battle Main Code)
I understand.

Whatever, before coming to ask you, I will first make these updates. That's funny, because sometimes you think you will never find the solution, so you browse the whole script editor, and the solution is close to you.

Thank you again, and good night. ;)



Hey Atoa,

Glad to hear youre still working on the ACBS. Just thought Id pass along a few problems that Ive had with with your most recent update.

When using the Chrono Trigger add on, after winning a battle I get the following error message.


Also, I am having problems with the screen tone when using the Chrono Trigger interface. Before I was able to fix this problem by placing a "#" in front of "@viewport2.tone = $game_screen.tone" on the ACBS | Battle Main Code.

However I was unable to find this line of code in the most recent update of the script. Did I just miss it or is there another way to fix the problem?



Hey Atoa, here you have a fan of your work :D
But got 2 "glitches"
I got no error message that's why i didn't post any screen.
First glitch: Using ATB + Blitz Skill - You input the combination once and then when the "chanting" bar (the red one that appears when you select a skill) is full you have to in put the combination again. I think that's a glitch :/
Second glitch: Using Battle Animated Faces didn't work for me. No errors just didn't show up any face. I tried it in my game with ATB and then in your demo w/out ATB just basic scripts and that. I tried in both demos in the english and the portuguese one and got no faces. Maybe i'm doing something wrong? I even set to false the "show_Faces" in the "ACBS | Battle Windows" script.
(btw i'm using the portuguese version of the script cuz as you said before you make some typo errors in the translation so i preffer to use the "original" version ^^ and as for me is easy to understand portuguese)
I got another glitch. Using Drain Skill, when you use a skill that's supposed to drain hp or sp from the enemy all you get is damage. I didn't tested it deeply but i think i'm correct saying that the error is here
def absorb_damage(absorb, action)

    for type in action.keys

      if type == 'hp' and (action[type][0] >= rand(100))

        base_absorb = ((absorb * action[type][1]) / 100).to_i

        if base_absorb > 0

          difference = @active_battler.maxhp - @active_battler.hp

          base_absorb = [base_absorb, difference].min

        elsif base_absorb < 0 

          base_absorb = [base_absorb, -@active_battler.hp].max


        @active_battler.damage = [b][i][u]-base_absorb[/u][/i][/b]

        @active_battler.hp += @active_battler.damage

        @active_battler.animation_id = action[type][2].nil? ? 0 : action[type][2]

        @active_battler.damage_pop = action[type][3]

        wait(6) if @active_battler.damage != 0


      if type == 'sp' and (action[type][0] >= rand(100))

        base_absorb = ((absorb * action[type][1]) / 100).to_i

        if base_absorb > 0

          difference = @active_battler.maxsp - @active_battler.sp

          base_absorb = [base_absorb, difference].min

        elsif base_absorb < 0 

          base_absorb = [base_absorb, -@active_battler.sp].max


        @active_battler.damage = [b][i][u]-base_absorb[/u][/i][/b]

        @active_battler.sp += @active_battler.damage

        @active_battler.animation_id = action[type][2].nil? ? 0 : action[type][2]

        @active_battler.damage_pop = action[type][3]

        @active_battler.sp_damage = action[type][3]

        wait(6) if @active_battler.damage != 0



I just changed those lines using "-base_absorb" to
@active_battler.damage = base_absorb
And now is working correctly for me.
I hope this help you Atoa ^^.
---Another Edit---
Hey i just got a error now with the Battle Animated Faces. I didn't test this until now cuz it didn't show up any face and maybe is the same cause. If you select "true" in "Hide Faces" constant on the config module and then in battle you try to enter item or skill menu you get this

maybe the error is given cuz there is no face shown and then there is no "opacity".



CT Battle end bug:
This more likely an error on the enemy call battle settings. In any case, i added a line to prevent this error.
If another glitch occurs after that, it's surely because of bad configuration.

Tone bug:
Fixed id.

Blitz Bug:
I hate when an fix to an bug, brings back an already fixed bug.
In any case it was good because i added an new setting to it, now it's possible to configure if the input will be before or after the cast time.

Drain Bug:
I had no glitches with it, was you using another add-on?

Animated Faces:
I rally having an hard time with it, i'm going to rewrite it so the code works better.



Thanks Atoa,

Both bugs have been cleared up. I really appreciate all of your help.

There was just one other minor problem that I encountered after updating the scripts.

The screen-tone works perfectly now but all weather effects stop once you initiate a battle.
They start working again after the battle ends.



I forget to change all map settings to viewport2
look on line 2243 of ACBS | Battle Main Code for this
@weather = RPG::Weather.new(@viewport1)
change it to this
@weather = RPG::Weather.new(@viewport2)



Hey Atoa

Then the Blitz script is alreeady updated? or you have to update the demo?
About de Drain Skill it was all alone. No other add-ons were used. The strange thing is that it worked fine for enemies but not for characters :S. Doing the change line i suggested work fine for enemies and characters. But strange that it worked before for enemies too but not for heroes.
About the Animated Faces; Thanks! i'll be waiting for this ^^



I checked the fix you did, the heal works but HP pop damage becomes white, so i've made an small fix so the drain amount still green, but there's no glithc with the value recovered.

The blitz/atb fix is already avaliable on the demo

Edit.: demo uploaded with drain and blitz/atb fix



I didn't realized about the white pop lol. But thanks for the fix ^^
I'll update blitz and Drain skills in my project ;)
I'll be waiting for the Animated Faces ^^
I have a quick question atoa and for anyone who can answer.
All of my custom animations that I make myself are semi transparent. is there anything that i can do to fix this?
Hey Atoa!

Just letting you know that I've been rigorously testing your ABS for about a week and apart from the small bugs that people have been reporting, I cannot find any major ones!

So far, so good!



coy13":6zgd54k0 said:
Can you use the extra add-ons without using the battle system?
Some of them can be used. But most of them can't. The only way to know wich work is trial and error. And it's up to you.

But i'm working on make most of them independent of the ACBS.

GenoHawk":6zgd54k0 said:
All of my custom animations that I make myself are semi transparent. is there anything that i can do to fix this?
This has nothing with script.
By default, when you add an new frame on the animation it's semi-transparent. You must change it in each frame of the animation, there's no way to make it automatically.

MayorAnime":6zgd54k0 said:
Hey Atoa!

Just letting you know that I've been rigorously testing your ABS for about a week and apart from the small bugs that people have been reporting, I cannot find any major ones!

So far, so good!
Good =]
This is a good thing to know.
I'm having an issue with the steal command. The game freezes when I try to steal anything from the enemy.


Add-On's I am using:


Here is the code. I don't believe I've made a typo of any kind.


# Steal Command



# Items that can be Stolen

Enemy_Steal[1] = {'i69' => 90, 'g10' => 10}

Enemy_Steal[2] = {'i71' => 95, 'g12' => 5}
Hey Atoa!

Still no major errors, but I have some functionality questions. I believe that after reading all the ReadMe and FAQs for the engine, there is nothing to answer my question for me:

1) Right now, you can attached effects like random, multi-hit, etc to weapons, items, and skills. Is there a way to attach this to armor of any kind? My reasoning is that for a game I want to develop, I want a certain accessory to give multiple hits to whomever is wearing it. Is this something easily modified in the configs? Or would this require a major redesign on your part?

2) I figured out where this bug that was previously reported is coming from:
Status Screen Error: If I want to access the status screen from the menu.
It happens due to some conflict coming from the most current version of the IBC and the Main Code. I cannot figure out what it is, since I am not a coder, but I replicated that error, and removed one module at a time. When I removed the IBC, the error stopped. I'm hoping that helps.

3) Does your Overdrive Plugin only support FFX style overdrives/FF7 overdrives? I am guessing that FF8 overdrives/limit breaks (where they are available after hit points of a character drop below a certain percentage) and FF9 overdrives/trances (where they automatically kick in after a certain amount of damage and then wear off) were not a part of your original design? I know that sounds n00bish, but please understand that I've always tested your code for bugs, not for functionality from a design perspective.

4) I am still learning your Custom Window plugin, so if the answer is there, just tell me, but does your code support room on the battle window or the main game menus for 5 and more characters, in the case of max party being 5 or more, or summons that appear? For example, if I have a party of 4 and summon, making it 5, will that summon's name and information be able to appear on the battle window? Is it just a manner of configuring the batle system from the top to have that many spaces?

5) One of the neat features of RPGMaker 2000, 2003, and VX was the ability to assign a character to be controlled by the computer. Does your summon code or battle engine in general support the ability to make a character, specifically a summoned one, controlled by the computer?

So far, exploring the full functionality of this battle engine, it's the most comprehensive I have ever seen. Good work!



Are you using the latest 'ACBS | Battle Main Code' version?
This would happen if you were using the bestiary (where there's an small gitch with the steal), but without it, this wouldn't happen.
And by your script list you weren't using it.

1 - currenly not, but it's an good thing for v2.1

2 - I will take an look on it.

3 - FF8 Style limit isn't in my plans, but an FF9 like trance may be on an way, i've already made an new add-on: conditional state for skill and commands. So some skills can be used only when an specifc state is on. So now all i have to do is to make the overdrive to cause an state when full.

4 - The battle window suport more than 5 members, but for that i would suggest having the status vertical instead of horizontal, that way thigns would fit easier.
I you use horizontal pattern, you would need to change a lot of things, and make the status display tiny.
I also planning to add more customization opitions to it.
About the main manu, the script doesn't touch it.

5 - There's some scripts that do this, but sadly i didn't find any of them, and making one from the scratch would take some time. So if you know any good Actor AI system, let me know. It would be faster if i make an existing one compatible with this than making an new one.
Hi Atoa,

I'd really like to try out this script, but when trying out the demo none of the text is showing up. Because the text doesnt show up, I cant test anything out. Any suggestions how this can be fixed?


Nevermind this post. I restarted a few times without any changes. About an hour later I tried again and the font worked. Not sure what the problem was, but its working now.

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