Atoa":2ljxelom said:@dylstew
Are you using the latest overdrive version?
This error only occurs if you're using a outdated version.
If you want do change the default pose of an action, go to the advanced settings and adds to the action setting: "ANIME/animation ID"i wan't the MAGIC POSE for the skill: ranged attack(beginner)
You did it wrong.Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
3 works 4 doesn't... (the draining)
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]},
3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
Atoa":31iix0la said:I will take a look at the overdrive then.
If you want do change the default pose of an action, go to the advanced settings and adds to the action setting: "ANIME/animation ID"i wan't the MAGIC POSE for the skill: ranged attack(beginner)
If you want skill ID 10 to have magic pose (by default it's id is 8):
Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8"]
Remember that if the skill has other atributes you must add all of them in the same array.
Let's say you want a skill to have diferent anime and no movement:
Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8"]
Skill_Setting[10] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8","MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]
You did it wrong.Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
3 works 4 doesn't... (the draining)
You must add *all* skills in the same key.
"Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 =>..." then "Drain_Action['Skill'] = {3 =>..." after, makes the second "Drain_Action['Skill'] = ... " replace the first.
The right is:
Separating each value with coma.Code:Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}, 3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
In any case i will change the way the drain setting is done so it will be easiser.
Atoa":od0vc8ht said:@MayorAnime
There's a code that hides the battle status window.
$game_temp.hide_windows = true #to hide
$game_temp.hide_windows = false #to show
You can go to Scene_Battle and add $game_temp.hide_windows = true in the first line of def start and add $game_temp.hide_windows = false on the start of def set_intro.
this shoud solve this.
You should also consider the viewport of the window and your image.You set the z-index (layer.z) of your battle window to 899 and 900, correct? My battle transition layer (a series of many PNGs) is at layer 255. I would assume that changing my layer's z-index to 999 would do the trick, but it doesn't. Is the battle window itself on some other scene or something that keeps it from being overlayed by a layer created in a different scene?
Atoa":1nmct6u7 said:You should also consider the viewport of the window and your image.You set the z-index (layer.z) of your battle window to 899 and 900, correct? My battle transition layer (a series of many PNGs) is at layer 255. I would assume that changing my layer's z-index to 999 would do the trick, but it doesn't. Is the battle window itself on some other scene or something that keeps it from being overlayed by a layer created in a different scene?
Try making the z layer 9999.
module Atoa
# Do not remove or change these lines
Equip_Skills = {}
Skill_Restriction = {}
# Do not remove or change these lines
# Equip_Skills[Equip_Type] = {Equip_ID => {Min_Level => Skill_ID}}
# Equip_Type = 'Weapon' for weapons, 'Armor' for armor
# Equips_ID = ID of the equipment
# Min_Level = minimum level required for learning the skill
# Skill_ID = id of the skill learned
Equip_Skills['Weapon'] = [color=#FF4000]{17 => {1 => 127}}, {1 => {1 => 126}}[/color]
Equip_Skills['Armor'] = {40 => {1 => 1, 15 => 2, 30 => 3}}
# Set the skills that the actor won't learn with equipments.
# Skill_Restriction[Actor_ID] = [Skill_IDs]
Skill_Restriction[1] = [1, 2, 3]
No ID":2111ftuo said:Yea dylstew that same problem happens to me as well. Even If I pinned a specific item to a specific monster there is still time when I receive a random item. such armor or weapons. I thought it was just me.
I guess I foundo someone that don't look *all* settings before reporting bugs...I guess we found a bug...
# Enemy_Drops[ID] = {'ITEM' => RATE}
# ID = Enemy ID
# ITEM = Item type and ID. Must be expressed as 'xY'
# where x = item type and Y = item ID
# x must be 'a' for armors, 'w' for weapons, 'i' for items
# E.g.: 'a12' = Armor ID 12
# RATE = Item drop %. An value between 0 and 100, can be decimals
# E.g.: '5.4' = 5.4% drop rate
# E.g.: Enemy_Drops[15] = {'w6' => 22.5, 'a9' => 12}
# That means enemy ID 15 (Enemy_Drops[15])
# has 22,5% of dropping the weapon ID 6 ('w6' => 22.5)
# and have 12% of dropping the armor ID 9 ('a9' => 12)
# Repeated items won't be considered
Enemy_Drops[1] = {'a1' => 15.5, 'w1' => 10, 'i2' => 50}
Enemy_Drops[2] = {'i3' => 22.5, 'w2' => 0.5}