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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

Atoa":2ljxelom said:
Are you using the latest overdrive version?
This error only occurs if you're using a outdated version.

i thought so.... EDIT: just updated... doesn't work..

and also: i wan't the MAGIC POSE for the skill: ranged attack(beginner)

How can i make a skill have that animation without having to put it in magic?
i want to give it it's own name: ranged attacks.

nevermind i did it... but i can't get 2 drain skills to work:
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}

3 works 4 doesn't... (the draining)
there are 2 differences. 4 attacks all enemys. and 3 has blitz.



I will take a look at the overdrive then.

i wan't the MAGIC POSE for the skill: ranged attack(beginner)
If you want do change the default pose of an action, go to the advanced settings and adds to the action setting: "ANIME/animation ID"

If you want skill ID 10 to have magic pose (by default it's id is 8):
Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8"]

Remember that if the skill has other atributes you must add all of them in the same array.
Let's say you want a skill to have diferent anime and no movement:
Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8"]
Skill_Setting[10] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]

Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8","MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]

Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}

3 works 4 doesn't... (the draining)
You did it wrong.
You must add *all* skills in the same key.
"Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 =>..." then "Drain_Action['Skill'] = {3 =>..." after, makes the second "Drain_Action['Skill'] = ... " replace the first.

The right is:
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]},

                         3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
Separating each value with coma.

In any case i will change the way the drain setting is done so it will be easiser.
Atoa":31iix0la said:
I will take a look at the overdrive then.

i wan't the MAGIC POSE for the skill: ranged attack(beginner)
If you want do change the default pose of an action, go to the advanced settings and adds to the action setting: "ANIME/animation ID"

If you want skill ID 10 to have magic pose (by default it's id is 8):
Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8"]

Remember that if the skill has other atributes you must add all of them in the same array.
Let's say you want a skill to have diferent anime and no movement:
Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8"]
Skill_Setting[10] = ["MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]

Skill_Setting[10] = ["ANIME/8","MOVETYPE/NOMOVE"]

Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}

3 works 4 doesn't... (the draining)
You did it wrong.
You must add *all* skills in the same key.
"Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 =>..." then "Drain_Action['Skill'] = {3 =>..." after, makes the second "Drain_Action['Skill'] = ... " replace the first.

The right is:
Drain_Action['Skill'] = {4 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]},

                         3 => {'hp' => [100, 75, 18, true], 'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true]}}
Separating each value with coma.

In any case i will change the way the drain setting is done so it will be easiser.

yeah i found out about the poses.

thanks for the drain it was pretty confusing.
also Scan only works for like 2 seconds.
and the overdrive error is pretty weird..... i mean: I JUST REDOWNLOADED!

reminds me of blizz -abs ,sometimes enemies don't work. but if you make a new project they do!

i hope you can fix the error.

anyways... this script kicks so much ass ;D.
# Sp_Cost_Change_Equip[equip_kind]= {id => change}
# equip_kind = tipo do equipamento.
# 'Weapon' para armas, 'Armor' para armaduras
# id = ID do equipamento
# change = mudança em % no custo de SP, valores positivos são redução,
# valores negativos são aumento de custo.
Sp_Cost_Change_Equip['Weapon'] = {43 => 25}
Sp_Cost_Change_Equip['Armor'] = {37 => -50}

it's not fully translated. this is from the change SP cost weapons script.
Hey Atoa, I have a cosmetic question for you.

For my Kingdom Hearts game, I have that battle transition you noted. The thing that I am noticing is that the ATB/Status window pops up before the white effect is fully completely faded. Is there a way to make that window fade with the engine.

Perhaps setting the screen tone to 255,255,255 right before going to the battle engine, and then going to 0,0,0 would work? Of course, can you change screen tone in the code?

If you need an example of I mean, go to 40 or so seconds and watch how the window at the bottom of the battle engine screen pops up first. Now if there is no really easy way to fix this, no worries. It's merely cosmetic.


Thanks again, Atoa! Lemme know when that next revision of the script comes out. I am totally looking forward to seeing the Ally AI in action.




There's a code that hides the battle status window.
$game_temp.hide_windows = true #to hide
$game_temp.hide_windows = false #to show

You can go to Scene_Battle and add $game_temp.hide_windows = true in the first line of def start and add $game_temp.hide_windows = false on the start of def set_intro.

this shoud solve this.
hmmmm... Blitz doesn't work..

no error or anything... but it's not working!
1= > [[C, C, Z, RIGHT,], true, 50],
2 => [[C, X, Z, UP], true, 50],
3 => [[C, X, Z, UP,DOWN], true, 50],
6= > [[UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN,UP], true, 50],
8 => [[X,C,Z], true, 50],
9 => [[DOWN,X,A,B], true, 50],
1 2 and 3 work fine.



6= > [[UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN,UP], true, 50],

= >


Be VERY careful with typos when configuring the script, even an wrong space can screw everything.
Atoa":od0vc8ht said:
There's a code that hides the battle status window.
$game_temp.hide_windows = true #to hide
$game_temp.hide_windows = false #to show

You can go to Scene_Battle and add $game_temp.hide_windows = true in the first line of def start and add $game_temp.hide_windows = false on the start of def set_intro.

this shoud solve this.

I have to say that the more I delve into fixing and tweaking these parts of your battle system, or RGSS in general, the more I learn. I feel a lot less n00bish than I did when I first started.

Anyway, I did what you suggested and it does work. However, since I am looking for a fade effect, I started to toy with the idea of changing the opacity of your battle window. That leads me to a question that a n00b would never ask. ;)

You set the z-index (layer.z) of your battle window to 899 and 900, correct? My battle transition layer (a series of many PNGs) is at layer 255. I would assume that changing my layer's z-index to 999 would do the trick, but it doesn't. Is the battle window itself on some other scene or something that keeps it from being overlayed by a layer created in a different scene?

Hopefully that makes sense. :)

Thanks again for your help, Atoa! This is FUN!



You set the z-index (layer.z) of your battle window to 899 and 900, correct? My battle transition layer (a series of many PNGs) is at layer 255. I would assume that changing my layer's z-index to 999 would do the trick, but it doesn't. Is the battle window itself on some other scene or something that keeps it from being overlayed by a layer created in a different scene?
You should also consider the viewport of the window and your image.
Try making the z layer 9999.
Atoa":1nmct6u7 said:
You set the z-index (layer.z) of your battle window to 899 and 900, correct? My battle transition layer (a series of many PNGs) is at layer 255. I would assume that changing my layer's z-index to 999 would do the trick, but it doesn't. Is the battle window itself on some other scene or something that keeps it from being overlayed by a layer created in a different scene?
You should also consider the viewport of the window and your image.
Try making the z layer 9999.

And that did it!

Atoa, this is amazing. I feel like I'm learning so much about RGSS scripting from playing around with this battle engine of yours! I'm going to move forward with tweaking and playing around with stuff, and post more videos when I've made more discernible progress!




is there a code to put in somewhere so that before a skill is used the user of the skill switches battlers. And there is an error that keep popping up, when I use the "Equipment with skills" add-on this is all I changed: (which is highlighted in red)
module Atoa

  # Do not remove or change these lines

  Equip_Skills = {}

  Skill_Restriction = {}

  # Do not remove or change these lines


  # Equip_Skills[Equip_Type] = {Equip_ID => {Min_Level => Skill_ID}}

  #  Equip_Type = 'Weapon' for weapons, 'Armor' for armor

  #  Equips_ID = ID of the equipment

  #  Min_Level = minimum level required for learning the skill

  #  Skill_ID = id of the skill learned

  Equip_Skills['Weapon'] = [color=#FF4000]{17 => {1 => 127}}, {1 => {1 => 126}}[/color]


  Equip_Skills['Armor'] = {40 => {1 => 1, 15 => 2, 30 => 3}}


  # Set the skills that the actor won't learn with equipments.

  # Skill_Restriction[Actor_ID] = [Skill_IDs]

  Skill_Restriction[1] = [1, 2, 3]

This is the error that comes up, it has to do something with the game_actor script:

Thank you and have a nice day!



It's an syntax erro, you configurated the thing wrong.

{17 => {1 => 127}}, {1 => {1 => 126}}

You closed the main Key,

the correct is:
{17 => {1 => 127}, 1 => {1 => 126}}

As you can see, the first key must be closed only at the end.



Ahh, i see, but I fixed it and now it gives me this error :sad:

But still, it there a code for the changing battler, or is it somewhere but I just missed it or "was to lazy to look for it so therefore I will not help you with it."

Thank you and have a nice day!



strange, it wasn't supposed to return nil for an equip...

in any case, just add this line above the line that returns this error:
next if eqp.nil?



Yea dylstew that same problem happens to me as well. Even If I pinned a specific item to a specific monster there is still time when I receive a random item. such armor or weapons. I thought it was just me.
No ID":2111ftuo said:
Yea dylstew that same problem happens to me as well. Even If I pinned a specific item to a specific monster there is still time when I receive a random item. such armor or weapons. I thought it was just me.

I guess we found a bug...


i found soemthing out..

If i try to look at my stats the game crashes:




I guess we found a bug...
I guess I foundo someone that don't look *all* settings before reporting bugs...

This "Random Item", it's the Multi Drop Feature.
Just change it on the Advanced settings.



  # Enemy_Drops[ID] = {'ITEM' => RATE}


  # ID = Enemy ID

  # ITEM = Item type and ID. Must be expressed as 'xY'

  #  where x = item type and Y = item ID

  #  x must be 'a' for armors, 'w' for weapons, 'i' for items

  #  E.g.: 'a12' = Armor ID 12

  # RATE = Item drop %. An value between 0 and 100, can be decimals

  #  E.g.: '5.4' = 5.4% drop rate


  # E.g.: Enemy_Drops[15] = {'w6' => 22.5, 'a9' => 12}

  # That means enemy ID 15 (Enemy_Drops[15])

  # has 22,5% of dropping the weapon ID 6 ('w6' => 22.5)

  # and have 12% of dropping the armor ID 9 ('a9' => 12)


  # Repeated items won't be considered


  Enemy_Drops[1] = {'a1' => 15.5, 'w1' => 10, 'i2' =>  50}

  Enemy_Drops[2] = {'i3' => 22.5, 'w2' => 0.5}
As you can see, the ghots and the slime have extra drops

@ dylstew
Try don't use the ACBS with pirated RMXP versions. u.u

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