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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

Sorry I've been busy with life and stuff... Haven't been on in a while.. Umm I started pack on 0.4 the other day.

Ummm now what do you mean by converted to VX?
Okay everyone has just been asking questions, is there anyone that can actually answer them?

Two of mine were...

How do you make the enemy come all the way up to your player to attack, instead of just taking a step to attack? (I would prefer that way, but if it's easier, is there anyway to make the player just take a step like the enemy does?)

And in battle, that box that says attack and skill and stuff, goes down into the health bars, they go lower for every character on the team, Where do I go in the scripts to fix that?
i need help in the middle of a battle it sez something about i dunno how to fix this
line 1067    @battle_actions = self.battle_actions1.dup
i was wondering how to get the battle formation to look like this





something like that pattern
MistTribe":3v4a8vww said:
Razaroic":3v4a8vww said:
Switch this code into RGSS2, which is what RMVX uses.

There isn't legal english version of VX excuse me. So I'm not convert it until the legal english is released.

Well, there are users here who can read/speak Japanese, but I see what you mean.
I figured out everything already but, do you know how to cancel limit breaks and do regular attacks and is it possible to upload a character then fight it.
This script is awesome! But there is a little problem that tickles my mind, a little...

is it possible to make a different movement for each skill id?
what i get from the script is you are only able to make 2 different movement (Magic and Skills)
can we change it so. . . for example if the movement for the cross slash skill is different than the movement for the leg sweep skill??

rikuken":2qfmrxst said:
i need help in the middle of a battle it sez something about i dunno how to fix this
line 1067    @battle_actions = self.battle_actions1.dup

Leknaat":2qfmrxst said:
Wonderful job!

The only problem is a small error I get when testing.

1067 Type Error
Can't Duplicate NilClass

Jthunder":2qfmrxst said:
I have this same problem as Leknaat on line 1067. It's the "Can't dup nilClass" error. This occurs when I attack without a weapon.

Has anyone fixed this problem yet or know a solution?

Just wondering if anyone found an answer to this no-item problem yet. Thanks.

I REALLY like this battle system. It is absolutely perfect for my game. I had a question though. Would it be possible to have certain monsters use icons for weapons, like the players do?
I have a question, and if it has already been answered, tell me where please. I wanna know how to add the limit breaks to the characters, help me if you can please!
Also, I saw somewhere in here where it fixed the stop when the characters jump back from the attack, Can you tell me where it in the script so i can do it as well?
[Edit] I fixed it, im lacking the bars but i think thats ok, sense it stopped the stopping when they jumped back. HOwever, if you have a way of keeping the bars, but stopping the stop part when they jump, i'll be happy to hear it.
Also, I saw somewhere in here where it fixed the stop when the characters jump back from the attack, Can you tell me where it in the script so i can do it as well?

To all who don't know how to stop this lag bug, Here's the trick: Remove Seph's HP/SP/EXP Slant Bar. It will make your game walkin' as smooth as silk :P. If you want to add bars in your game, Just copy this script to your game. (Credits goes to Trickster and someone who showed me this script. Damn, i forgot who is he.)

#Props to the mighty Trickster
# * Load Gradient from RPG::Cache
module RPG
  module Cache
    def self.gradient(filename, hue = 0)
      self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Gradients/", filename, hue)

class Window_Base < Window
  # * Constants Bar Types and Hues for parameters and parameter names
  HP_BAR = "028-SoftReds02"
  SP_BAR = "026-SoftBlues02"
  EXP_BAR = "030-SoftGreens02"
  ATK_BAR = "020-Metallic01"
  PDEF_BAR = "020-Metallic01"
  MDEF_BAR = "020-Metallic01"
  STR_BAR = "020-Metallic01"
  DEX_BAR = "020-Metallic01"
  AGI_BAR = "020-Metallic01"
  INT_BAR = "020-Metallic01"
  HUES = [150,180,60,30,270,350,320]
  STATS = ["atk","pdef","mdef","str","dex","agi","int"]
  # leave this alone if you don't know what you are doing
  BORDER = 1
  # * Draw Gradient Bar 
  def draw_gradient_bar(x, y, min, max, file, width = nil, height = nil, hue = 0, back = "Back", back2 = "Back2")
    bar = RPG::Cache.gradient(file, hue)
    back = RPG::Cache.gradient(back)
    back2 = RPG::Cache.gradient(back2)
    cx = BORDER
    cy = BORDER
    dx = OUTLINE
    dy = OUTLINE
    zoom_x = width != nil ? width : back.width
    zoom_y = height != nil ? height : back.height
    percent = min / max.to_f
    back_dest_rect = Rect.new(x,y,zoom_x,zoom_y)
    back2_dest_rect = Rect.new(x+dx,y+dy,zoom_x -dx*2,zoom_y-dy*2)
    bar_dest_rect = Rect.new(x+cx,y+cy,zoom_x * percent-cx*2,zoom_y-cy*2)
    back_source_rect = Rect.new(0,0,back.width,back.height)
    back2_source_rect = Rect.new(0,0,back2.width,back2.height)
    bar_source_rect = Rect.new(0,0,bar.width* percent,bar.height)
    self.contents.stretch_blt(back_dest_rect, back, back_source_rect)
    self.contents.stretch_blt(back2_dest_rect, back2, back2_source_rect)
    self.contents.stretch_blt(bar_dest_rect, bar, bar_source_rect)
  def draw_vertical_gradient_bar(x, y, min, max, file, width = nil, height = nil, hue = 0, back = "Back", back2 = "Back2")
    bar = RPG::Cache.gradient(file, hue)
    back = RPG::Cache.gradient(back)
    back2 = RPG::Cache.gradient(back2)
    cx = BORDER
    cy = BORDER
    dx = OUTLINE
    dy = OUTLINE
    zoom_x = width != nil ? width : back.width
    zoom_y = height != nil ? height : back.height
    percent = min / max.to_f
    bar_y = (zoom_y - zoom_y * percent).ceil
    source_y = bar.height - bar.height * percent
    back_dest_rect = Rect.new(x,y,zoom_x,zoom_y)
    back2_dest_rect = Rect.new(x+dx,y+dy,zoom_x -dx*2,zoom_y-dy*2)
    bar_dest_rect = Rect.new(x+cx,y+bar_y+cy,zoom_x-cx*2,(zoom_y * percent).to_i-cy*2)
    back_source_rect = Rect.new(0,0,back.width,back.height)
    back2_source_rect = Rect.new(0,0,back2.width,back2.height)
    bar_source_rect = Rect.new(0,source_y,bar.width,bar.height * percent)
    self.contents.stretch_blt(back_dest_rect, back, back_source_rect)
    self.contents.stretch_blt(back2_dest_rect, back2, back2_source_rect)
    self.contents.stretch_blt(bar_dest_rect, bar, bar_source_rect)
  # * Draw HP
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     width : draw spot width
  alias trick_draw_actor_hp draw_actor_hp
  def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
    # Calculate if there is draw space for MaxHP
    if width - 32 >= 108
      hp_x = x + width - 108
      flag = true
    elsif width - 32 >= 48
      hp_x = x + width - 48
      flag = false
    width = hp_x - x
    width += $game_temp.in_battle ? 50 : 100
    # Draw HP
    draw_gradient_bar(x, y + 16, actor.hp, actor.maxhp, HP_BAR, width, 8)
    trick_draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width)
  # * Draw SP
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     width : draw spot width
  alias trick_draw_actor_sp draw_actor_sp
  def draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
    # Calculate if there is draw space for MaxHP
    if width - 32 >= 108
      sp_x = x + width - 108
      flag = true
    elsif width - 32 >= 48
      sp_x = x + width - 48
      flag = false
    width = sp_x - x
    width += $game_temp.in_battle ? 50 : 100
    # Draw SP
    draw_gradient_bar(x, y + 16, actor.sp, actor.maxsp, SP_BAR, width, 8)
    trick_draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width)
  # * Draw Exp
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  alias trick_bars_base_exp draw_actor_exp
  def draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y)
    min = actor.level == 99 ? 1 : actor.now_exp
    max = actor.level == 99 ? 1 : actor.next_exp
    draw_gradient_bar(x, y + 16, min, max, EXP_BAR, 192, 8)
    trick_bars_base_exp(actor, x, y)
  # * Draw Parameter
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     type  : draw which parameter
  alias trick_bars_base_parameter draw_actor_parameter
  def draw_actor_parameter(actor, x, y, type)
    if type != 7
      hue = HUES[type]
      stat = eval("actor.#{STATS[type]}")
      bar_type = eval("#{STATS[type].upcase}_BAR")
      draw_gradient_bar(x, y + 18, stat, 999, bar_type, 190, 8, hue)
      trick_bars_base_parameter(actor, x, y, type)

class Game_Actor
  # * Get the current EXP
  def now_exp
    return @exp - @exp_list[@level]
  # * Get the next level's EXP
  def next_exp
    return @exp_list[@level+1] > 0 ? @exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level] : 0

NOTE: This script doesn't draw Limit Break bars. anyone who want to refine it are welcome.

I have a question, and if it has already been answered, tell me where please. I wanna know how to add the limit breaks to the characters, help me if you can please!

Make an element called Limit Break. Then select the skill that you want to set as the Limit Break in Skill Tab. And finally, set that skill to the respective characters classes. Simple, yet easy.

That's all for now. I'm gonna observe more of this script capabilities.
Its asking me for "Graphics/Gradients/028-SoftReds02".... and then Its probably going to ask for "030-SoftGreens02"....and so on

Could you post those?

Oh and just bumping the "Has anyone fixed the no weapon equipped crash"?
Oopsie. My bad  :tongue: Here you go, Avadan.


Oh and just bumping the "Has anyone fixed the no weapon equipped crash"

I'm only had a novice knowledge of scripting. So i'll gonna leave this task to someone that more competent than me.

Thank you for viewing

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