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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

It didn't paste all the code. And I don't need to try it out, it works fine for me. I have to send like four PMs to get it all in, give me a second.
Well I sent you two PMs, with my code, but all I did to the default CBS was change that one number, so me sending it REALLY won't fix anything.
I get this error when I am in battle and the first character dies:

Can't dup NillClass

for the Cbs script. This is the line:

      @battle_actions = self.battle_actions1.dup

How do I fix this?
I got it!!! Me and HomeDogs problem! It's the Players HP bars, and all the other bars. I tried removing them before and nothing happened, but I tried it again and it worked! This is what went wrong. I can use a custom menu script now too. So that solved two problems. This is to all you people who had the same problem.
In battle, when the "attack, Skill, etc" menu comes up, it's lower for each character,
For example, the person's menu at the top is normal, and the next characters is a bit lower, and the next characters is a bit lower... where do you go to fix that?
I can't get it to download! I went to MegaUpload, but it won't let me download anything! Can somebody just copy the script and send it to me, please?  :'(

There are a LOT of scripts inside the pack. I would recommend you PM someone that may still have the zip file, I know I don't have it.
Leknaat":1cl97qp2 said:
Wonderful job!

The only problem is a small error I get when testing.

1067 Type Error
Can't Duplicate NilClass

I have this same problem as Leknaat on line 1067. It's the "Can't dup nilClass" error. This occurs when I attack without a weapon.

Has anyone fixed this problem yet or know a solution?

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