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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

bojjenclon;324104 said:
I want to use this but I have the location added to my menu but when i added your CBS the thing was gone. How do I fix this?

Are you using the Limitbreak Menu script? Becasue if you are, then it will change your menu. (btw, hey boj!)
I love the script and all, it is something I've been looking for but couldn't find anywhere. I just have a few questions though.

1) Where in the script can I edit the default character placement. Right now the top 2 characters in the party are a bit closer to the enemy than the bottom two.

2) Just for some of the animations. Is there any way that I can disable the character using the item to jump all over the place? If you can point me to the area in the script that does that, it would be awesome as well.

3) Now, this can be for anyone really. I am looking for a lot of monster character sets so that I can use this system. I was trying to find a ragnarok online collection or something but I couldn't get anything. As long as there are lots and a variety that would be awesome! =)

4) Is there any way to do a death stance? I'm just not a big fan of the character dissapearing. I'm fine with just flipping the charset over so that it looks like it is lying on its back when it is dead.

That's all the questions I have right now. Excellent system otherwise, I hope you continue to work on it!
Aletarius;327083 said:
I love the script and all, it is something I've been looking for but couldn't find anywhere. I just have a few questions though.

1) Where in the script can I edit the default character placement. Right now the top 2 characters in the party are a bit closer to the enemy than the bottom two.

2) Just for some of the animations. Is there any way that I can disable the character using the item to jump all over the place? If you can point me to the area in the script that does that, it would be awesome as well.

3) Now, this can be for anyone really. I am looking for a lot of monster character sets so that I can use this system. I was trying to find a ragnarok online collection or something but I couldn't get anything. As long as there are lots and a variety that would be awesome! =)

4) Is there any way to do a death stance? I'm just not a big fan of the character dissapearing. I'm fine with just flipping the charset over so that it looks like it is lying on its back when it is dead.

That's all the questions I have right now. Excellent system otherwise, I hope you continue to work on it!

1) Check your database. The last people are probably set in the back row X.X
Great CBS, About the only one I have seen so far that wouldn't take a lot more work just to make it work in the end like making custom animations for each character. I really like this one. A lot better than using the basic Front View Battler.
Alright, Ill check to see if that's my problem.

Yeah, it's fixed now.

However, it would be nice if someone knew how to fix that having no weapon equipped issue. It's easy to state that no person should be fighting without a weapon but sometimes people forget to equip something or it goes all wrong and in that case, it can get real stressing for the game to just crash.



I used an older version of this before, however it let me use the inanimate monster image as an enemy. I do not want to use charsets as enemies. How do I fix this?


Awesome Bro

I have a question, I have some custom made enemies, both characterset and enemy, how do I make it so I can fight their characterset ?
Also, I can make the charactes bigger with the CHAR_ZOOM = [Number], but how do I make the enemies bigger ? I've tried ENEMY_ZOOM = [Number] but theres no luck, any help here ?
Last Question, how come they jump back !? I have a version with the old script and they didnt jump, but the enemies were battlers :(
I love this script! But it's not very event friendly  was wondering if you could take a look at addressing these problem
1. Text appears at a very slow rate.
2. Units cannot be removed in battle (Causes Error :
Script 'Cbs' line 1771 NoMethodError Occurred.

undefined method 'bitmap=' for nil:NilClass)



How do I set it so I can have 5 members in a party because I tried and my knowledge of what I was doing was limited so I just got error after error so if someone could tell me what to edit so I can have 5 party members I would greatly appreciate it.
I really want this, but I'm a complete noob with all this scripting so I was wondering if anyone would like to post this step by step such as:

Telling me which "Class"
Which section
What codes

I'm working on a game but it's not very interesting with out things like this and I really like Final Fantasy and this makes me angry that I can't do this without such help...

I was also wondering if you wouldn't mind posting a Limit Break, or PHS code like on Final Fantasy 7.

Thanks in advance!
Get a .rar extraction tool such as Winrar and extract the files.

And, to stop the characters from jumping around, go to line 221 and change this:

  "Hero Move#self,0,0,18,4",

to this:

  "Hero Move#self,0,0,18,0",

Worked for me, and I can't use RGSS to save my life XD
Aeiras":yq7e43mz said:
Get a .rar extraction tool such as Winrar and extract the files.

And, to stop the characters from jumping around, go to line 221 and change this:

  "Hero Move#self,0,0,18,4",

to this:

  "Hero Move#self,0,0,18,0",

Worked for me, and I can't use RGSS to save my life XD

Yeah thanks for telling me how to extract it and stuff but I already figured it out by myself. Thanks anyway though. And what do you mean line 221?? In which area?


<img src="http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest/banners/sephiroth.jpg" alt="Final Fantasy Character Test"
width="200" height="100" border="0">
Okay a couple of things. First of all, when I use it, and go into battle the little box that says "Attack, Skill, etc" Is really low and goes into the player stats. How do you fix that? Second, when you go into battle and sombody doesn't have a weopon, when it's his turn to attack there's an error and the game stops, and third, in battle how do you make it so that the enemys arn't at the bottom of the screen? (Above the stats, but right above them) How do you make them a little higher?


<img src="http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest/banners/sephiroth.jpg" alt="Final Fantasy Character Test"
width="200" height="100" border="0">
>< Please use the edit button. And what I mean by like 221 is in the script editor, go into the CBS script and find line 221.

Thank you for viewing

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