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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

krypton-knight;303093 said:
Sorry for this double post... but...

I did exactly what you said for a ranged weapon, but now I get a syntax error... :(

This is my code:

If anybody can help, please do so.

Hmm..if you honestly do use post..whatever version of RMXP, you will likely get many many more errors.



This is awesome, but my hp and sp bars is under the original, so I see the original bars AND the slanted under them! How can I delete the original bars?
Atemu;305355 said:
I'd love this if it weren't for the characters jumping around like retards. It looks horrible; how can you change that?

I'll work on it and send you a separate demo. Will that be okay?
I have the same problem Leknaat had. I had no idea what any of you were saying (no off.). I'm using the newest SDK (2.3), RSC Require MACL 2.1, KCG Module, Keyboard input modue, and Near Fantastica's anti-lag script. Would any of those pose a problem? I really want to use this script (I've looked for something like this for too long).

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