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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

Dude, this is awesome. I think ive had this script before but when i used it (it wa sone of his battle systems so im not sure if it was exactly this) but the enemies only used the stupid battler sprites, only the main characters had their sprites.
I would actually prefer it if the enemies could use battler sprites, that's my idea for the next release, if you could give a choice between using battlers or characters or mix em up that would be awesome.
The Wizard;245647 said:
I would actually prefer it if the enemies could use battler sprites, that's my idea for the next release, if you could give a choice between using battlers or characters or mix em up that would be awesome.
This system is designed to showcase Rye.jp's system as found at Raisefield (a Japanese forum). It uses charset battlers and doesn't use spritesheet battlers. MistTribe is merely presenting the system for our benefit as it is not AS widely known here in English Language forums. Until 'they' release a battler sprite system... :no: nope. it won't happen.



Hmm...>_> RTAB is out of the question huh? :P

This is a nice battle system though, Ill definitely keep an eye on this and see how it progresses.

EDIT: I looked at the script, something is in there about an RTAB....now Im really interested. Will mess around with this script. >_0

EDIT 2: Hmm, I think it will work but I don't know how to make it recognize the battle method. The current way of doing it, or that it seems like it would be doing in the script isn't working I think.

This is the error I got:

Error 'RTAB' line 1551: Argument Error Occurred. Wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)

Hmm, T_T I've seen this somewhere before. I got this error when I tried to use any action after it was a players turn.

EDIT 3: It seems that there is some lag in the battle system too. I put in an anti lag script and that fixed it up...there's still alittle bit but nothing to cry over. I really like this script...its awesome. I'm gonna mess with the RTAB and try to get the 2 working. It may be messy though. T_T
Well that is too bad, still a great script anyway though, guess I'll have to learn how to make more character sprites that look like monsters.
Sorry Juuhou. This system IS the battlesystem and does not use RTAB itself. The only 'cogwheel' scripts that it uses are the HP/SP/EXP script which doesn't require RTAB, and the Remodeled Damage Display script that Cogwheel wrote for DEFAULT systems. He made one for RTAB, but made a basic one as well.




Do the scripts in this starter pack conflict with the SDK? Its just that when I try working both slipknots message system and this the game has an error :(

Specifically: 'Enemy HP Bars' line 79: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method ' refresh' nil:NilClass

I hope I'm not doing something dumb.



DerVVulfman;246480 said:
Sorry Juuhou. This system IS the battlesystem and does not use RTAB itself. The only 'cogwheel' scripts that it uses are the HP/SP/EXP script which doesn't require RTAB, and the Remodeled Damage Display script that Cogwheel wrote for DEFAULT systems. He made one for RTAB, but made a basic one as well.

Ah I see. Im curious then what the RTAB scripting is then in the beginning of the script? His own RTAB maybe?
to Stubes:
The battlesystem and various scripts were written by Japanese authors without any knowlege of the 'Standard Development Kit' as it hasn't filtered its way to Japan, the home of RPGMaker XP.

Many of these scripts were coded prior to the release of SDK 2.0+ and compatability may be... iffy?

Just in case...... you 'DO' have the SDK above the Starter Pack scripts, right? As these scripts may alias (attach themselves to...) or replace the SDK scripts, it is important that they be below the SDK.

And keep them in the same order as the demo indicates.

To Juuhou:

My bad. It indeed CAN use the RTAB system, but MistTribe's compilation does not use RTAB scripts but rather DBS systems, including a DBS BattleStatus script which is causing your error. You would need to use a battlestatus script designed for RTAB (hmmmm.... wonder who.... made one... in 'this' forum....).



DerVVulfman;246507 said:
to Stubes:
The battlesystem and various scripts were written by Japanese authors without any knowlege of the 'Standard Development Kit' as it hasn't filtered its way to Japan, the home of RPGMaker XP.

Many of these scripts were coded prior to the release of SDK 2.0+ and compatability may be... iffy?

Just in case...... you 'DO' have the SDK above the Starter Pack scripts, right? As these scripts may alias (attach themselves to...) or replace the SDK scripts, it is important that they be below the SDK.

And keep them in the same order as the demo indicates.

To Juuhou:

My bad. It indeed CAN use the RTAB system, but MistTribe's compilation does not use RTAB scripts but rather DBS systems, including a DBS BattleStatus script which is causing your error. You would need to use a battlestatus script designed for RTAB (hmmmm.... wonder who.... made one... in 'this' forum....).

I had removed the battlestatus mod and all the other mods and just used RTAB and this system but I got the error that I posted before hand. Any reason why?

EDIT: Actually, I just remembered that I used the DBS remodeled damage display..


IT WORKS!!! >_> I rock. :P J/k Rye.jp rocks...this just made the system 1000x better since we can use RTAB scripts with this too.

I recommend turning anime_wait to false in the RTAB script so it doesnt look funny.

EVEN more testing reveals that the camera built in RTAB looks NICE on this sideview battle system. With some tweaks of course. Meaning that you might want to alter the zoom in to go further but there isnt really any graphical errors. This is awesome. Will be testing with all RTAB scripts shortly here.

EDIT ONce Again: All RTAB scripts which I have tested with work so far. That is the majority of them. I havent tried connected attacking or skills that use items, but the biggest ones work perfectly.
Juuhou;246517 said:
I had removed the battlestatus mod and all the other mods and just used RTAB and this system but I got the error that I posted before hand. Any reason why?

EDIT: Actually, I just remembered that I used the DBS remodeled damage display..


I already know this is compatible with the SDK I just didnt make them dependant upon it. I took it out before each release. And as to the RTAB, I have a working RTAB Version in the making.
Juuhou;246523 said:
RTAB works flawless with it. >_0

Just put this under RTAB and then all its add-ons below this one.

I know. I just havent had time to do anything else. Work, school, vacation comming up.... Shesh..



Thanks DerVVulfman, you were spot on about the SDK needing to be above the starter pack. Alas I have a few other problems, Im not sure how to make a background appear when fighting an enemy, and 2. I am able to get limit break but am not sure why there are no further options (ie. an attack or something) to follow it.

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