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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

I'm not sure. I'll talk to some fellow members and see what they can find out. Just make sure to check back. I'll PM you about it anyway.
This the coolest CBS I've ever seen. Really powerful, efficient, and extremely easy to use.

However, I have one question: What if I want to make a stand still weapon. Like a gun, or bow, or something of that sort, where the player remains in one place and attacks?

MistTribe;302341 said:
Ahhh yeah I forgot to tell that. Ummm.. hold on Ill update with a screen.

Will you update it in a post at the end of this thread or in the first post. I don't wanna be stuck looking for the update, lol.
krypton-knight;302391 said:
Will you update it in a post at the end of this thread or in the first post. I don't wanna be stuck looking for the update, lol.

First post. Ill update it in the morning. I NEED sleep.
Hey MistTribe I know you probally won't do this, but.... can you make this battle system compatable with postility knights enhanced edition? You know, the illegal version of rmxp.
DarkOmen777;303025 said:
Hey MistTribe I know you probally won't do this, but.... can you make this battle system compatable with postility knights enhanced edition? You know, the illegal version of rmxp.

No offense, but don't be so cheap. If you do like RMXP, go and buy the legal, official version of $60.

@MistTribe: Sorry if I answered for you.
Sorry for this double post... but...

I did exactly what you said for a ranged weapon, but now I get a syntax error... :(

This is my code:

If anybody can help, please do so.

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