This argument will never be end.
Only thing that'll end it is a machine that'd switch races for a day. Some major idiots need to be born a certain race to know what is what.
I guarentee the whites would be complaining about the 'minorities'
and the minorities would be complaining about the 'whites'.
Come on.. "Minority"? Who in gods green earth want to be referred to as a minority? Its idiotic to think that white people actually think that everyone would be treated equally in America, ever. I mean look at Obama, he's running for president and everyone is making it racial unprovoked. 'Are we ready for a Black President', 'If he was white he wouldnt be where he is today', 'Obama isnt fit to be president due lack of experience.' (Mind you none of the canidates was president before). Same with Sex.. though Hillary is a bitch, but you have to admit people are focusing on the fact that Obama is black and Hillary is a girl.
If Obama was white, and had the same charisma... it wouldnt be a big deal. Look at Bill Clinton, playing the sax in the street.. if the guy was black it'd be a big deal but he's white .. so let em play. Hell, you should know by now America is biased for a white audience.. but they'll let a few minorities in to look like its for everyone.
I.E. Obama is mixed.. noone ever brings that up because he is half black. -ONE DROP RULE?-
Even I have a hard time telling people I am mixed, because usually I kid you not one of my ex-friends said "you're just trying to be white." Yes, because my complexion is me forcing my pigment to be white, so is my lineage. Dear god, I wish I had a switch that turned idiots into a minority everytime they opened they're mouth.
If you wasnt born in the 'minority' you'd arent expected to see it. It's a huge deal when black people see someone who isnt an idiot, in high power.. thats black. I mean usually when I turn on the t.v. I see stereotypes of blacks put there.. because they're stereotypes. Just look at Obama's priest.. if that guy isnt the perfect nigger embodiment I dont know who is. Obama was doing AWESOME, then the guy opens his mouth and at that moment I could feel the whole black race smack there head.
If you can look me dead in the eye and say that most positions in high power have more minorities than white people, I'll bitchslap you.
Being male, and white as well as having a silver spoon in your mouth enables you to do anything you want in America.
Black Entertainment Channel? HAAHAHAHAHAH Oh my god, you minus well rename it Watermelon and Chicken Television, black people arent proud of that. We're ashamed of it,
if that should be our crowning achievement, well Nascar and trailor time should be for whites.
Its a matter of place. If I was born white, I'd complain about minorities having it too good.
If you were born a minority.. you'd complain about whites having it too good.
I think its not a question of race this time, I think its a question of you're not trying hard enough.
Here are the requirements for a "Minority" or "BLACK" scholarship.
* Been accepted to a masters-level accounting, finance, taxation or other related master-level program for the 2008-2009 academic year
* Enrolled as a full-time graduate student (9 semester hours or equivalent) at a four-year or upper division institution, unless completing his/her final semester of study
* Maintained at least a 3.3 GPA (major and cumulative)
* A student of Black or African American; Hispanic or Latino; Asian; American Indian or Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; or of two or more races
* A U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder)
* An AICPA Student Affiliate member:
I guarentee if your work is exceptional you'd be given a scholarship anyway ... &CONREF=20
Oh dear god, was that.. a scholarship for everyone? Regardless of race? My head hurts. I guess the world isnt so black and white as you make it seem. Though I wanted to rant about how the world is biased.. its actually not to biased.
If you're doing exceptional regardless of race, life would go awesome for you.
If you got a 4.0 all through school and had high SAT scores, guess what? If you found a scholarship through the THOUSANDS of scholarships out there you'd be accepted. Penn and Teller needs to call you guys on your bullshit, Im out of here the ignorance is taking away from my ability to think coherently.