Sophist":3p8a9cn0 said:Folks let's be honest with ourselves that their is no economic parity along certain demographic lines. I won't call it by some conspiratorial term such as white privilege, but we cannot deny that there is still an historic economic and social gap that exists on the aggregate level. It's been the dilemma since Sherman proposed 40 acres and a mule. Without reasonable economic parity freedom and the pursuit of happiness exists on paper only. Affirmative action is another revisitation of this issue and its outcome is more akin to President Johnson's reversal of forty acres than anything else. It bred resentment without addressing any of the root causes of inequality within the communities themselves.
Sophist":a24cv1rh said:Rmxp_dev, calm down. Take a breath and read dissonance's post again. You can't act as if your thoughts are self evident. You have a claim. Back it up.
I have already backed it up. Without Equality in Education, Blacks on AVERAGE cannot become financially equal to Whites. I would like to hear her reasons why she thinks ON AVERAGE, Blacks earn less than Whites. Is she really going to blame that on Blacks?
This is an attitude I find reprehensible because it is so dishonest and so untrue.
That's some wild leap you've made there. How does Black people being poorer than Whites have any correlation to their IQ? Why even introduce IQ here?
Despain":qlxddfc5 said:That's some wild leap you've made there. How does Black people being poorer than Whites have any correlation to their IQ? Why even introduce IQ here?
That's the exact point I was making- read my fucking posts.
jesus fuck i give up.
Marcus is on the "opposing side" but he's actually doing a god job debating this and part of me wants to continue because it's a topic I'm interested in. Sorry Marcus, but dude I just give up, rmxp_dev is having a hard time understanding anything that I'm trying to say.
Despain":qlxddfc5 said:That's some wild leap you've made there. How does Black people being poorer than Whites have any correlation to their IQ? Why even introduce IQ here?
That's the exact point I was making- read my fucking posts.
jesus fuck i give up.
Marcus is on the "opposing side" but he's actually doing a god job debating this and part of me wants to continue because it's a topic I'm interested in. Sorry Marcus, but dude I just give up, rmxp_dev is having a hard time understanding anything that I'm trying to say.
Sophist":2bhu2rq8 said:Marcus I'm using parity for a reason. I could care less whether everyone is raking in the same amount of bucks. My concern is that everyone has a relatively fair opportunity to get what they want. There will always be rich and poor but the numbers on minorities are radically askew from their white counterparts. The more competition the better it is for everyone, right? At least that's what Adam Smith says...
I have already backed it up. Without Equality in Education, Blacks on AVERAGE cannot become financially equal to Whites. I would like to hear her reasons why she thinks ON AVERAGE, Blacks earn less than Whites. Is she really going to blame that on Blacks?
This is an attitude I find reprehensible because it is so dishonest and so untrue.
She never said that champ. That's why I said you should take a deep breath. She was merely pointing out that you are using circular logic. I.E. Blacks are poorer than whites therefore there is White privilege. There is white privilege because blacks are poorer than whites. Your premise is used to prove itself which makes it a fallacy and thus isn't useful logic.
rmxp_dev":25ok7es7 said:Dissonance":25ok7es7 said:rmxp_dev":25ok7es7 said:How exactly does inequalites among the races link up to white privilege? That's where you're confusing people, tiger. You're spouting out "black people are poorer than white people" - which proves what? Nothing, other than black people are poorer than white people. It has nothing to do with white privilege on its own. It's your job to connect the gap.
Wrong. The fact that Black people are poorer than White people on average is clear evidence of White privilege. I AM connecting the dots. You're the one who's not.
Wow um.
While I do think that white privilege exists, you are fucking retarded.
You need to look at WHY BLACK PEOPLE ARE POORER THAN WHITE PEOPLE you dumb cunt. Not just say it and expect people to go "oh yes you are totally right!"
Wow. Are you also going to say Blacks are Poorer than white people they are Intellectually inferioer, and more Lazy?
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Why is it that basically, American and Western European countries today are the richest? Do you really think it's because Caucasians work harder and are more intelligent?
You really need to examine European History and examine the reasons the world is the way it is today.
Holygod, do read my post again faggot.
You are saying "BLACKS ARE POORER THAN WHITE PEOPLE". I am agreeing, saying that THAT ALONE is not proof of white privilege, and that you now need to discuss WHY blacks are poorer than whites if you want to connect the dots.
Don't push your lack of evidence off on me, you dumb cunt.
rmxp_dev":1qe08tuo said:He is being racist in that he is using a racial stereotype to answer why Blacks are poorer than Whites. Human beings are basically the same. You can't say, Blacks are lazier than Whites. That is such a racist way to view people, and the world. Yes, there are MANY reasons why Blacks trail Whites, but none of them has to do with Blacks being inferior.
I've already explained that White Majority Rule in a Democratic country result in White privilege. And this can be demonstrated in disparities in many statistics between Whites, and minorities.
rmxp_dev":3viajp09 said:I've already stated everything that needs to be stated. And the fact that a couple of people accused me of Circular Logic does not make it so. I've already explained that White Majority Rule in a Democratic country result in White privilege. And this can be demonstrated in disparities in many statistics between Whites, and minorities. These disparities are not due to racial stereotypes, but a result of White privilege that help Whites have a better life as indicated by statistics.
rmxp_dev":3viajp09 said:I'm out of this thread.
rmxp_dev":10levcvf said:Nphyx":10levcvf said:In that case we don't really need equal populations, we just need representation proportional to the needs and desires of the population. In a country where there are only two political parties of any note and they agree on the majority of all issues (fuck the little guy then give him a reach-around so he'll shut up about it, basically) there is no real representation for anyone at all. This is because of a broken electoral system. It's the best they could come up with at the time, and better than any other at the time, but the United States is seriously behind the game in providing balanced representation to different interest groups now, and that's regardless of whether those groups are divided on racial, ideological, religious or other lines.
I've only given you ONE example of how White Privilege is created ie through the Democratic process in which Whites are the majority. There are many other ways in which it is also created.
What about Financial System? Capitalism? Most of the consumers and therefore, sellers are Whites. How would that affect Financial Equality among races?
What about Popular culture like movies? Social norms like popular opinion? How would a White majority help to create White Privilege in those areas?
The answer is, whether in Economic, or Social, or Religion, In every way, the Majority set the "laws". This is what you define as White Privilege. White Majority. Wielding all the powers, political, economic, social.
When you take all this into account, you begin to understand the immense Privilege White people enjoy. You can't see it in your personal life, but maybe that's because you're White. And not a Minority.
Sophist":1esacrtb said:Your statistics only prove disparity. You need to prove how White privilege is the root cause as well as further proof the phenomenon exists. You may also want to point out what you even mean by white privilege. Its a really loaded phrase that isn't helping much.
Making the leap from those statistics to white privilege with no further evidence on the matter is what's causing your logic to be cyclical.
You are still watching this thread fag.
You said you were going, now GTFO.
The only reason you're out of this thread is because you're a god damn fucking crybaby who can't stand it when his fragile beliefs are questioned (where 'questioned' = providing some fucking proof other than your own word and 'look on google lul')
The very fact that you even took the god damn time to tell us I'M LEAVING instead of just getting the fuck out means that one, you have no proof to back up a damn thing you've said, and two, you are way too immature to discuss this sort of thing. And if you were going to leave, why the shit are you still watching the thread faggot?
Please kill yourself.
rmxp_dev":18om9ig3 said:This link does not require proof.
Dissonance, you have now also become more of a source of amusement, and comedy than anything substantial.
White privilege does not need to be proven.
This link does not require proof.
I say that Link is self-evident