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Whisper of a Rose

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@hellh: Thanks. ^^ Yea, what you said is 100% spot on. Yea, the mouse system isn't in the demo but it's fully functional now.

@ulti: Hello. :3

'Hellena' is difficult to remember? Lols. :3

Upped basilisk atk and dragonfly exp.

Yea, I think what you said has been spoiler-free.

The mushrooms are indeed difficult. Better to sort of avoid them until you get Diamond... Though I am able to beat them at level 7. o_O Did you buy any skill tree skills yet or is that sort of impossible due to the black image?

Hmm, I like that idea. Maybe Defend decreasing state change chance by 50%? What do you think?

Should I add more Antidotes? Put the frequency of the poison attack down? I personally had no problem with the bees at all, as I just bought a load of antidotes at the M. Vendor, and have Hellena do Rain to hit all the bees.

Ah, so the vendor appears after introduction. Right. ^^ Thanks~.

You're a very thorough betatester. Can't you betatest the full game as well? =p

Oh, one more thing, how were the whole Misty Hills Inn scenes? I'm personally very fond of that part with the
bed suddenly moving into the darkness, the clown, the laughing sounds recorded by my freaky mother, the inn burning down, etc.
so I'm wondering if it's just because I made or if it really is sort of good. xD
Did you think that Hellena was a villain at that point? Assuming you sort of followed the storyline (which not a lot of people do =p). I tried to make her look that way with the dialog in that other room, etc.

And now that we're talking scenes anyway:
Did the scene with the crystal and then Mel crying evoke some minor emotion? xD I can't remember if you're the guy or the girl in the relationship, as girls generally are more emotional and can identify more with the character. And of course the first 45 minutes of the game are missing, where the main character is really set down and understood. Hmm. Yea, probably it didn't evoke an emotion.. I'm hoping it will with some people though. it's part of the reason why I make games. Trying to make people feel something with my work. ^^ Scary emotion with the Coulroz nightmare, a sad emotion with the crying scene, an excited emotion when the Portal Demon arrives, etc.

@Makasu: Thanks!! ^^ I'm glad you like it.
I blame the spelling mistakes on not being a native English speaker. xD
First of I think the issue with the bees are is that I find them more difficult than the dragonflys yet the offer less XP. I find it easy to go back and train.
I can beat the shrooms I just need to make sure I have full health and I actually have to use skills. Keep the antidote frequency the same!

The Giant Scorpian however nailed me to heck and I ran away... literally.-_-

Yes the defence against state increase is an excellent idea, makes the need for defendin even more important therefor pushing the game even further away from the attack attack attack standards set by common rpgs. This will also help against the bees and shrooms and making the need for excessive antidotes not so nessecary.

Also the vendor at butterfly hills cost ten Memory orbs but the text says 50 have been removed. Thankfully only ten disappear.

I would test the whole thing however I certainly won't be able to do it in four days. I'm still doing this one.
The clown scene and the bed moving actually scared me half to death, I'm starting to understand the whole fear of clowns now.
Hellena didn't really sound evil to me as she had said she'd pay you back or whatever, I actually thought she was a scitzo of some sort, maybe had two pesonalities or something, I still want to know why that guy wanted to attack her.
With the intro missing, not really, I wasn't too caught into the story then. I did feel a bit of hatred for the girl and cat for removing candle mountain, destroying the first escape she'd ever had.

ps I'm a male! ^_^

...yet a bit of an emoional one. (emotional not emo might I add!)

Oh and also the count of items doesn't refresh until you leave the item menu.^_^

EDIT: Also I'm not going to make this for you however this how 'I' presonally would set up the exp given:

Glowing balls: 1/2: I'd only give these one to two exp as they are piss weak, the two is acceptable as it isn't a map you canjust go back to at any time.
Spiders: 2: Two experience points per each I believe is fair as they oo are rather simple.
Wolves: 2: also a two
Worms: 3: I'd give these a three as anyone who misuses the attack over defence may find these difficult. They aren't hard but they can nock of HP quickly early in.
Baslisk: 3: With an increase in power these deserve a 3. ^_^
Dragonfly: 5: I'd personally keep these at 5exp as they are rather bland in attack variation.. lol
Wasp/Bee: 5: I gie thes 5exp as well as though they are weaker in attack and rather low health their poison technique puts them on a similar plain
Shrooms: 12: I find that fighting three bees is easier than fighting one of these by it's self. A jump in Exp will give players a reason to kill these guys. (not sure what it currently gives I'm afraid)
Bats: 3: Three points is spot on, they act almost exact as Baslisk.;)
Scorpians: ??? yeah I pussied out so I dunno bout this one as I'm yet to take one down.

That's how personaly think yo should do your exp if you want a slow and subtle increase without wanting the player to just go back to the previous map and waste time there.
"Hellena didn't really sound evil to me as she had said she'd pay you back or whatever, I actually thought she was a scitzo of some sort, maybe had two pesonalities or something, I still want to know why that guy wanted to attack her."
Ahahaa! :D
That's exactly what I am trying to convey with Hellena. That she literally has two personalities: this very sweet girl, and a murderous witch. I don't want to spoil why that is though, as it's part of a pretty major plot twist. C: I'm super happy to hear that I displayed this properly, though.

All right, I'll keep the stuff the same and add that Defending decreases state chances. ^^ Wasps give less exp because they are many of them and more easily killed. I figured, when you first fought the Dragonflies, they were worth about fighting 2-3 wasps for the first time. So Dragonfly = 5 exp, and 2-3 wasps = 5 exp. ^^

And I just thought of something! The Ring of the Rose accessory! It gives Poison resistance. I saw you didn't have it equipped; thought it might help. Yea, I thought about it. haha.

The scorpion is easy if you get Hellena's wind magic, and Melrose's physical defense break. I think they say this in a cutscene.

Thanks for the vendor bug. Fixed it.~

Hmm, maybe a week? Lol. I think the game is maybe four-five times the content that is in the beta, which is up to where you get Diamond. And you won't have to look for every bug like you do now. ^^ I just could REALLY use advice on balancing, etc. Or maybe not finish the game, but at least something beyond the beta? :3

All right, hello male person. ^^ emotional but not emo, I get it.~

OEH, I'm so happy that the clown scene evoked an emotion, haha. ^^ Also nice to hear that there was some hate for Bubble & Mr. Purr.
I have this:

Glowing ball (lolllll) aka Dream Wings: 1
Atelophobius: 4 (2? They're pretty strong? They equal about two wolves. Though it doesn't matter, as I changed the Arachnophobius from the beta into mannequins that represent the loss of identity that teenagers suffer at school, trying to fit in. So you can't judge their strength. ^^)
Wolves: 2, yep.
Worms: 3
Baby Basilisk: I'll change into 3. Also gave them a stronger skill for when they're almost dead, so you have to kill them fast once they're below 1/3rd HP. ^^ I hope this adds strategy variety.
Dragonfly: attack attack attack attack attack, yup. xD 5 exps. (btw, I love this monster sprite passionately, lol.)
Wasp (lol not a bee): FIVE xp? o_o Maybe four..? I equip Ring of the Rose and have Hellena use Rain, and they're dead pretty easily lol.
Smelly Shromac: 12 exps? How about 10?
Bat: They have a funky Screech attack though. : d
Scorpions: I had 5 exp, but 7 then? Just have Hellena use wind, Melrose phyiscal defense break once or sharp slash all the time as it ignores defense. (Notice how strategy gradually increases, lol. Soon after this area, the enemies start forming coordinated groups, with a healer, a fighter, etc. ^^)

Anyway, wow @ how you remembered all the enemies. They get more fun down the road though. Up to here they've been pretty basic.
Lol 10 sounds better for the shroom than 5. I'm level 10 now and the'wasps' have gotten a lot easier.
Wha I don't have gust or defense break, I got hail and magic defense break or something. Like I said couldn't see what I selected.
No wonder the Scorpian rules over me. Need more points!!!

Really those spiders were piss. block defend block defend, takes them down with minimal damage.:)
Mannequins definately sound better. Argh at SMT:LC, I keep thinking of that game every time mannequins play in another game.

Baslisk extra attack is nice, means you want to attack it when you take off roughly 8hp (they have about 11hp or something right) even when it's flashing, maybe make it an attack that ignores defense. ^_^

The increase in stratergy is definatley making this game more and more fun! I'm getting into this game pretty deep atm. B-)
Level TEN? Wow. I estimated the player to be at level 7 there. Have you been doing a lot of powerleveling? Do you think a casual gamer who doesn't play RPGs much will be at level 10 there, too? If so I think I have to adjust the next boss' strength. o_o

Lol, they were piss.

Yup. :3 I find them super easy though. I just fought against them a lot at level 5, and they do maybe 3 attacks before they're dead, one being that new Fire Breathe.

Did you equip the Ring of the Rose?

I estimate most players to be at level 8 after commig back from the dragonfly nest. (ps you can pick the dung up more than once)

SMT:LC = Shin Megami Tensi: Lucifer's Call

I have hematitering attached, I didn't even notice the poison defense the rose ring gives. *slaps forehead*

I got to caught up staring at everything else.-_-
8 would probably do for the shrooms exp now tht I see the poison gaurd that ring offers. Silly me!

Have fun with your hangover! :P

You should ask other people what level they were at where I am. I do a bit of powerleveling true but others might do the same also.
(O.O) Wow...
A 30+ Hour Game that looks really great and intriguing and how many people worked on this project? So far I've seen 3 (Twin Matrix, ultimaodin, and kodakami). The game looks awesome. Graphics, Storyline, and the Battles. Can't wait to play it.
Let's see...there's:

Twin Matrix
Some girl that Twin knows from a fair
Some guy that Twin knows who wrote the title screen theme
Twin's Mom

well in the end there are a lot of people helping him out, but it's all 95% Twin Matrix. :)

The people who helped me out with the game; not counting people who allow me to use their stuff, which was made not for the game:

Mapping: Twin Matrix, Regi, Sadrin
Music: Kodakami, Shizu, Mattashi, a woman you don't know, a man you don't know
Graphics: Twin Matrix, my mother (Ket-Art), a girl you don't know
Scripting: Twin Matrix, arev
Misc: Two guys you don't know
Game Balancing: ultimaodin

The previously mentioned girl-you-don't-know is Joyce, and she made the facesets:


13 emotions each, to enhance ze gaming experience.
(I have to say I'm rather in love with the facesets. :X)
Thanks, ever. ^^

Well what defines 'good', hellhound? :3

epic cutscene fun:


After Lenin escapes into the portal with a chained up Amagdyla, a sudden explosion of fire burst out the ground and mist covers the battle field. When the fog starts to clear, an enormous fire dragon is revealed. :3

Credits to Koda for suggesting I make the dragon look more epic lol
Hey twin, wicked dragon!
Anyway just posting to let you know that I have just been kicked out of house and home and the past four days I haven't had a chance to do anything.
Just letting you know I'm not dead.
Also once I've finished the map I'm working on I will have a go at the full Beta if you like, but as I said it will take me a lot longer than 4days. ^_^
Anyway peace out everyone!

but but
You've been kicked out of your house :O?? Wtf? Elaborate

And you've stopped with your beta at the Butterfly Hills, right? BEFORE getting Diamond? Wow, every betatester so far has stopped there. o_O It it the sheer size of the area that makes people stop? Maybe I should add a teleport event there or something...
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