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Whisper of a Rose

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Thanks. ^^ That other screenshot that I showed you wasn't a scene though. :3

@hellhound: Yea, that's the idea.

So I woke up at 4:30 PM today. o____O; But the night before I got one of the three epic boss battles done.

Not a huge spoiler, since it's pretty obvious from the first 10 minutes of the game that you'll be fighting this character sooner or later, but it's one of the game's 'WOW' scenes (at least in-game with everything animated and the music) so you shouldn't look if you're going to play the game later. : d


I really like the way it turned out. The lights spin on the ground, and when I get a script error fixed I can place the spinning hoops that I made.

This boss fight's music has been written by Koda and it's aweessomee. <3
Hey twin I have access to internet! Wooooo!
First off I found two more bugs:

First off in the Butterfly Plains, inside the caves I took one of those deeper entrances (the sort of deeper cave inside the cave sort of tile that goes on the ground) anyway before it came up with the map BAM! I get this message:

So yeah I couldn't explore that area.

The second one is a tad more minor:

I can walk on water, I'm Jesus! :D

Anyway as far as the size of the butterfly plains I have to say it's a tiny bit to big for an early-ish area. Teleport thingies would be nice and more orb vendors would be beautiful as running all the way back to get more antidotes/potions was rather irritable.

Anyway I finished what I could of the early beta and tested every tile so that is done.
Now I need to finish the second map in the underwater section.

Oh and both those boss looking scenes are epically beautiful!
Also I love the child-like appearance of the face sets, helps give the perspective of the inner child's creations being the world you live in. (mostly the dark memories of the inner child though but still very good)
Thank thank you. Fixed. :)

Glad to hear you like the bosses. I added dialog to all boss battles now btw. It makes it rather better. =)

How do you suggest these teleport thingies? Two that basically skip half?
For the teleportation thingies maybe just have about 5 or so in random locations that become "active" when you first step on them. From then on you can use those to warp to any other "active" ones. This will stop people from walking so much back and forth. Though you could have two pre-active ones (only once you've gotten the stuff from the dragonfly den though) that will allow people to skip half if they feel the desire to play in a direct method.^_^
Hi, sorry I haven't been able to reply to anyone's PMs lately.

@ultima: Added to the game. ^^

@becoolio: Sorry sorry will get back to you.

Finished last scene in game.





It's all animated except the sea waves.
I love that screenie, its pretty. the only thing I dont like is that those RTP trees clash with the other graphics. Maybe a quick edit will help make them blend in better.

Thanks. ^^ Worked on that.

Whisper of a Rose released!

I'm sorry for the lack of updates. After posting this topic, I made the decision to make it a commercial game, and you can imagine what kind of work comes with that. But WHISPER OF A ROSE IS RELEASED! ^_^

You can get it here: RosePortalGames.com. You can play for one hour FREE.

For support, etc. you can go to the forum. Am I allowed to post that forum link? If not I'll remove it. ^^

Oh, and thank you for your feedback and support cause it really kept me motivated. So, yea, thank you. ^^

I hope you enjoy it!
As beautiful as it looks i'm not sure i'm willing to pay for an rpgmaker game. Is that even legal? I heard you're not supposed to redistribute it with a price tag.
I'll happily play the hour though :)
^Nope, it's completely legal to sell a game made with RMXP, and you can even sell it if it uses the RTP. What is illegal is reditributing the RTP on it's own, without any credit to Enterbrain.

Anyway, Twin Matrix, congratulations for finishing this. If the whole game is as good as what I beta tested ages ago, then you have yourself one amazing game. Maybe one day I'll buy it and play through the whole thing. But once again, congrats.
It's definitely amazing. I've played my one hour trial, and can't wait for my free activation key. I'm dying to know what happens.
Congrats, to finishing that hell of work.
Maybe if I have some spare bucks I'll buy a copy, but I am totally broke at the moment.
Anyways I am amazed by how much work you have put into this. Cheers! :toot:



This game is really good so far! I spotted out 2 small and probably unnoticeable tiny glitches, 1 with the cars (one was stuck to the other one) and another one when she was typewriting, and I think there were water tiles on the top right area, I don't know if that's how it was supposed to look, but it looked glitched, but other than that, it looks really good, my demo got cut short by my son (who made me leave it on while I played with him :cry: but what I played so far was nice, I've been trying to get my city to look that lively.
Having fun so far, albeit the grammar and passability errors. I've encountered a game breaking glitch, though. When I need to create the Castle Roof, the option for Crafting remains a ??? in the menu; this prevents me from continuing.
In a related subject, I'm curious as to how errors would be fixed for those who have already purchased the game. In other words, when a new version to fix an error is created, would customers have to download and install the game again to use the new version? Do serial codes have unlimited installs to accomadate for this marketing problem?
Also posted in the RosePortal forums.
@booble: It's legal. ^^

@fox5: Aw, thank you!!

@Kodakami: :D

@Dalton: Thank you! It did take a lot of work. ^^

@Yin: Hehe, thanks! I'm afraid I can't change the cars issue due to the way charsets work in RMXP. :< But I did look into it a bit and I think it doesn't happen anymore (mostly). As for the typewriting: what error? :3 Do you mean the water in the flashback? That's supposed to be there~.

@KRoP: Ew, grammar errors? : o Can you please elaborate? If not, that's perfectly fine too! As I wrote on the game's forum: ^_^


Glad that you're having fun! ^^

The crafting feature is on the right side of the menu. (It has two sides.)

I release patches for newer versions, but re-installs work fine, too. You only need to unlock it once on your computer and it will be unlocked forever, regardless of re-installs.
Grammatical errors were small: things such as improper use of ";", potatoes instead being the possesive "potato's" at the street merchant, and a few missed commas here or there. Passability problems were things like the sun shaped cracks in the interior of the college being passable. It's not something one would care about for a demo or something else temporary, but for a completed commercial game it's worth checking out.
Let's move the conversation to this forum. xD Saying the same stuff on two forums is kinda odd.

Oeh, all those errors are fixed except improper use of ";" and comma's. :3 I'm not a native English speaker, so I do those two by feeling only. >_<

I'll move it on the other forum. :P
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