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Whisper of a Rose

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WHERE ARE THE CREATORS OF THIS GAME?! they've been soo active when the game wasn't this buggy but now they're completely gone like they've abandoned the project..

i wasted my money on this!


Awesome Bro

TM has dedicated a lot of time to this project and I'm sure this bug will be something he's VERY eager to fix. I understand your concern considering you've paid for it, but even the likes of WoW and such have bugs, so don't jump on his back too much.

From what I've heard, TM is away at the moment. I'm certain if he was available this bug would be fixed by now.

Be patient.
Hey all,
I was one of the composers for Whisper Of A Rose,
I don't know what's going on with Twin Matrix but I definitely lost my trust in him.
It seemed like he just needed a quick way to earn some money I guess for his trip to Tokyo.
or maybe he is working on it which I doubt he is...



TwinMatrix doesn't reply to emails, for months now. Wherever she is (yes, TwinMatrix is a female) I don't belive there's no internet connection. This situation is pretty unpleasant to me, as one of TM's programmers for WoaR, as she still hadn't paid me all of the money I earned. Without a word of decent explanation, other than "I have a school trip". That's one side of it. Another is all the people who already actually bought the game and can't play it since it's been released far to soon, only to get two or three days of advertising at lambchop's page. Let there be a lesson for us all - how not to make commercial games.


Awesome Bro

I spoke to him last night and he's been busy moving to his new place on campus (i think that's what he meant). I linked him directly to this topic so it shouldn't be long before you hear some replies.

Be patient!
Hey TM, thats some pretty fucked up shit that you just up and vanish from your project! I feel sorry for everybody who had your back throughout the whole thing, that worked their ass off to help you develop custom soundtrack and everything, those are some hard ass working people! My heart goes out to all of you who helped in the development of this game and got jewed.

I'm happy that I didn't buy your project, because from all of our standpoints it looked like you just took the money and dipped the fuck out! If that is indeed what just happened here, its a damn shame...



Thanks $t3v0. I've been beyond patient so far :] Also I think that should TM wanted to contact me he (hmm...) would do it after my emails. Whatever, not much I can do about it (I'm not going to go to court or something) except warning other people for the future.

Kain Nobel, thanks for your support :)


Awesome Bro

I'm really dissappointed in him to be honest. Didn't seem like the type of person that would do something like this. His game seemed like something he took great pride in, but it seems it was ultimately to fund the Japan trip that Kain was referring to.
I spoke to Twin Matrix a few days ago,
he told me he is still working on Whisper Of A Rose, but since the game had so many bugs he decided to fix most of them first and then get some beta testers.
So Lets keep our fingers crossed..
He's still working on the project, but he has made it clear that he won't be paying anyone the money he owes them. I have begun a strike (though it's probably too late).

Would anyone like to wear the brand-new WoaR userbar? ^^

http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa20 ... faRose.png
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