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Whisper of a Rose

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Thanks Muka. ^_^

I eliminated the bugs from the first beta report that I could eliminate. :)

I was pretty shocked to hear that someone took 5-6 hours to get to the Heart Station area. o_O I thought that would only take like 1-2 hours. PMed the betatester back to check if I understood it correctly, though. ^^
TT^TT how come I didn't get to beta test? I hate youuuuuuuuuuu! - Nah, just joking.

I'm a bit disappointed that I still haven't gotten a copy of the beta yet, but great looking game and keep up the good work Twin Matrix!


Well, what I'm doing is, I've got a lot of PMs.~

I sent the first beta to the first few people, waited for beta report, fixed bugs, and send out the second beta to the next few people. Now I'm waiting for a beta report from those, before I send it to the then next few people which includes you. ^^
Full game release this month + delay. ^^ (It's actually not this month, as I tend to release things later than planned, so that explains the "+ delay". XD)


All tileset graphics done except:
- Snow mountain
- Modern city
- Research center
- Eifeltower
- Some current tileset additions

Tilesets made this week so far:
- Underwater
- Pirate cove
- Tree village
- Aztec temple

Screenshots (not up to date):


Moving on to the monster graphics. Only about 10-15 more monsters will be added. Some of these are already finished but I did not want to include them so they're a surprise. ^^ Here's a collection of the stuff so far aside from those:


Soo who do you think are the main villains in the picture? :)

(Note: The dragon at the top isn't shaded yet, but I wanted to include it 'cause I love it.)
Hello there, Twin!

This project looks awesome, seriously. The premise are simple but really deep in some way. Erm...do you still need a mapper? I'm currently doing nothing with RMXP and decide to be a mapper freelancer. Check my sigs for some of random maps made by me...
So, when do you think you're actually gonna get a public demo up for this? First you say two weeks, then four weeks, then a month, then one week, and each time it's due for you to post the demo, you change the release date. It's probably annoying to most of the people, and they probably won't believe you when you say you're gonna release the demo. From now on, I would suggest not saying anything about a demo until you actually release it, because it seems you're very indecisive. From the screenshots and the art, I think this game looks great. I can't wait to play (if you ever actually put a demo up.)
He has no obligation to me or you to ever release a demo, or even the full game. It is completely up to his own good will, and deciciveness as to whether it meets his quality standards for being ready yet or not. If you really want to play, simply message him asking to be in private beta, and I'm sure he will be happy to oblige.
Uh, I never said he was obligated to post a demo. Whether he is or not, lying is lying. It's still not exactly the nicest thing to mess with people like that, wouldn't you think? All I'm saying is that he shouldn't say he's gonna release a demo at a certain time when he won't really do it. He should be absolutely certain first. Anyway, I think the maps look good, but I couldn't help but notice that you didn't put fogs in them, Twin. I would suggest adding a little fog to liven up the atmosphere, unless you didn't do that for a reason. Also, what's going on with the gameplay here? I scanned through the post, so I didn't catch everything, but exactly what battle system will you be using?
Jikipoiopo":16tnjgj9 said:
What's going on with the gameplay here? I scanned through the post, so I didn't catch everything, but exactly what battle system will you be using?
Looking off of the spoiler at the bottom of the post, I'd assume this to be a sideview battle system.
Thank you, Necrile. :)

There already IS a demo done, Jiki. I just call it a beta and keep it private for those who PM me and have more than, what, 3 posts on the forum. It's been done and uploaded for a long while now.

As for fogs -- believe me, the game has more than enough fogs. Out of the 10 areas, 7 have fogs (cloud shadows, fog, etc.). I haven't updated the screenshots for a while, though. So... Actually that's probably the reason why there isn't any gameplay information. I DID think I had added it before though. I'll edit it in once the battle menu graphics are finished and I can post a decent battle screenshot. It's side-view and semi-RTAB with non-template fully animated battlers (enemies included). I did photoshoots to get the humanoids anatomically correct.

Yep, KRoP. ^^
I'm sure the real release is not soon after. Twin is an excellent work-scheduler. I've seen him work on weekends until six in the morning on this game. When it does come out, you can be sure it's of the highest quality, and that tons of effort have gone into making it what it is.

Plus, I think the soundtrack Shizu, Mattashi, and I are making will give it an extra kick. We're all working hard to make music that really fits the mood and theme of the story.

I look forward to playing this all the way through. :)
This project looks quite intriguing. I have listened to the three pieces posted on the main post and can say I'm interested in some of the ideas expressed. I liked the subtle indoctrination of Dreams; simple, yet effective. I wouldn't mind exploring the rest of the soundtrack and perhaps seeing some of it's in game uses.
Thanks :grin: I wrote 'Dreams'. The name was Twin's idea; mine was 'Void' which is more like the area it's played in.

I hope you all will show your support with our userbar:

Here's the code:
(with the 2 underscores removed)

Yea, sorry. I'll be on the topic soon. I need to heavily update characters and story, too. The info there is so outdated. I don't want to spoil too much yet though. Gonna save screenshots for the release.

Lol @ the 6 AM comment. :D It's 5:45 AM when I'm typing this now. I don't think I'll make 6 AM today. But at least I got a minigame and whole region done. I notice I'm starting to zone out every 10 seconds though working on a pirate cove and that's not very efficient, so 'tis time for zzzz! ^^

Yea, I'm guilty for the title Dreams. XD Traveling through a dreamworld, dreamworld, dreams.

I think you'd like the OST, sswave. The quality of those three samples is maintained throughout 9/10th of the OST. :)

[EDIT] Wait. I forgot that there's a YouTube gameplay VIDEO in the first post. Haha! : D Watch that for the battle system.
I think your presentation is mainly meant to show Graphics. I dont say that its bad cause I love this style, but I'd like to see more or the Story and more than only one sentence for each character.
I like, that you have to pick up the dropped items after a battle. I dislike, that you can easily avoid battles. There should be some enemies, hidden under trees or something like that.
Now, two questions:
Did you make the music yourself? That would mean you can sprite, draw and compose. O.O
And you "stemixed" all the Tilesets and Characters yourself, right? But some skill-animations, Quicksand for example, looks more like some kind of 3D-Graphic. What program did you use for those?
Cover Art teaser (WIP): (Please give me negative criticism. ^^)


Thanks for your reply, Neo-Bahamut. ^_^

I should indeed update the first post sometime. When I originally wrote it, I went with the 'less is more'-thought. Once the facesets, etc. are all finished I'll make a large update, though. The characters also develop with the story, which is why I couldn't have been able to give a proper description of them before. They sort of write their own story.

I like the idea of hidden enemies. Though, being able to avoid enemies is all the idea behind the system. There are areas where this is easier (exteriors) than in others (small corridors). Remember, this is not a hardcore RPG like Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest, but strays away in the direction of casual games.

No, the music has been composed mainly by Koda Kami, Shizu & Mattashi. :) I did do two tracks, though, because I had a melody that I needed to use. But those two aren't as brilliant as the rest.

Love how you know that term 'stemixing'. :D I stemixed allllll the graphics myself, except a few monster outlines and RTP edits. With a few exceptions, of course, like you said. The skill animations were done using particles instead of the brush tool. Did you see the Quicksand animation in action or from the first post, I wonder? :3

[Edit:] I updated the first post. I hope eveyrone is satisfied now? :D There are some villains absent, though, because most characters in the game switch between being an antagonist and being a protagonist, and I don't want to spoil things.
Yay, there is more character information :D
Still not as much as other people write but better than "Name, Age, Weapon" as I saw sometimes ^^

I like the idea of hidden enemies. Though, being able to avoid enemies is all the idea behind the system. There are areas where this is easier (exteriors) than in others (small corridors). Remember, this is not a hardcore RPG like Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest, but strays away in the direction of casual games.
Against random encounters =)
In your video at 2:20 - 2:30. First I thought the wilf on the right was a bush, When I saw the ! (btw, I hope there are Metal Gear sounds for that xD) I realized that the bush was moving. But then just a step up saved you from the battle. I guess you can do that everytime at that place so I'd prefer some randomness. For example, the enemies could not always have a speed of 3 but a random speed of 3 or 4. Something like that.

With a few exceptions, of course, like you said. The skill animations were done using particles instead of the brush tool. Did you see the Quicksand animation in action or from the first post, I wonder? :3
I saw it in the first post. I didnt found it in the video, cause I skipped some battles. Oh well, I will search now... No, didnt found it^^
But why does Wulf Spit heal you? Ewww.
What do you mean with particles? A particle function in Photoshop? oô

Oh, and what I forgot to say last time: Hope you got a good mouse system (you play it with the mouse in the video, arent you?)
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