Murcu;154807 said:
I didn't see it when my friend got bone marrow cancer, when my other friend's mother died of a brain clot last year, I didn't see it as my Grandmother struggled for air during her last moments while my grandfather looked on helplessly, and I certainly didn't see him during the ensuing months during which I struggled to the point of near suicide as I attempted to come to terms with these losses and get my faith back.
I seriously am sorry. In light of what has happened to you I suppose to present it as truth without properly explaining myself sucks. I am really sorry.
Murcu;154807 said:
But lets talk about this incredibly human God of yours and his divine and infallable personality. A God so proud that he refuses to come down and help walk a person who is struggling with their faith, with homosexuality, with abusive parents, with cancer, with getting ready to commit murder.
Ok, lets talk about him. You say he refuses to come down to earth... Dude, The whole point of christianity is he DID come down to earth! Jesus came down to earth as a man, because he loves us. He got stuck in helping people with illnesses, turning peoples lives around, revolutionising the jewish community at the time. He performed miracles, He brought people back from the dead, He calmed a raging storm!
But because some people decided that this peaceful but awesome guy was too much of a threat to their rule, they decided to kill him. He was tried unjustly, and found guilty, though he was innocent. Then he was mocked, spat on.
He was flogged by the romans. The whips they used had bits of bone and lead in them to tear into skin, peeling flesh from bone. Roman flogging was so brutal that it often killed the victim before they were crucified. Then, they shoved a crown on his head, a twisted pun on him being the king of the jews. this crown was made of thorns as long as your finger. they jammed it into his skull, and then after all this mocked him again, and tore out his beard.
Then, he was forced to carry a massive wooden crossbar up a hill, but he was so tired and worn out that he collapsed under the weight of it. when he got to the top of the hill, they threw him onto a roughly cut wooden cross and forced nails through his hands and feet. they lifted him up, naked, in front of a crowd and spat and jeered at him. He slowly suffocated from the crucifixion. A crucifixion is possibly the most brutal way to die.
Yet this wasn't the worst of it. While this was happening, He took all of our sins, and took them through hell on the cross. We are all doomed to hell from the moment we first do something wrong, but God, this 'proud' being, came down to earth as a mere man to take the punishment for us.
But of course this God is so proud that he doesn't come down to help us.
I too have had things like what you said happen to me. I haven't struggled with suicide, but I have had friends die from cancer. But God does help.
If you pray to him, then he will help. If you pray to him he will give you a shoulder to lean on, to cry on. He has you in his hands.
Because, the awesome thing is, that Jesus didn't stop at dying. he defeated death itself and rose from the dead. He ascended to heaven, and now he promises that we can have a life with him, through his spirit.
I really am sorry for all the bad stuff that has happened to you, God didn't create the world with death and disease in it. But when humans first sinned, they brought it upon theirselves. From that point, in the garden of Eden (the fruit wasn't an apple btw, we don't know what it was) things have gone downhill. People die, disease comes. But in the future, the pain and death will stop. the horesmen (poetic language, revelation is a book of prophecy) and everything else will happen, and God will create a new heaven and a new earth, where everyone who has accepted the forgiveness and accepted that Jesus took the punishment for them can go to be with God!
But it is a gift. You need to accept it. that is why people go to hell. Not because God hates them (God defines Love), but because they didn't accpet the escape offered to them by this loving God.
I am sorry for the stuff that has happened to you, but God cries with you. He
wants to help you, He wants to be with you, heck, he wants to be with everyone, but he doesn't force himself upon people. You have to ask.
Please forgive me for being a fool.
P.S the fig tree thing was an illustration of God's power, and What i meant about the Bible is not that it is a fantastic piece of literature, but that It so says Mankind is rubbish, and shows up all there faults, that no-one would want to write something like that about themselves! sorry for the misunderstanding.