Because there wasn't a topic like this , only about movies :shades:
Lets open one ..
So just like the topic about worsed movie , only now = worsed song .
here's mine : 'fuck your god' - diecide (you know amerikans use this song to torture irakese prisoners ..)
its a death-metal song .. and i proves one thing .. death-metal is pure raping of metal ..
I never could bare to listen longer then 1 minute to the song .. .
so lets make an alert here for badest song :shades:.
Greeting Achantion AKA Angel's Cry .
Lets open one ..
So just like the topic about worsed movie , only now = worsed song .
here's mine : 'fuck your god' - diecide (you know amerikans use this song to torture irakese prisoners ..)
its a death-metal song .. and i proves one thing .. death-metal is pure raping of metal ..
I never could bare to listen longer then 1 minute to the song .. .
so lets make an alert here for badest song :shades:.
Greeting Achantion AKA Angel's Cry .