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What games are you currently playing?

UNepic, a metroid/castelvania game on steam, has voice acting now. It only had text chirping when I played it last. Kinda nice to come back to a game and have a new experience.

I never got the chance to enjoy the last Terraria update but I just saw whats in-store for the 1.3 update. Minecarts! No more sky bridges for me. Also a lunar boss apparently.
Princess Amy":3hhd2ziy said:
baghead_jackson":3hhd2ziy said:
Football Manager...i should uninstall it.
I played the original Championship Manager as a kid but back then it was just text on a screen.

Used to play it back then too. I dont know if its gotten better or worse over the years but it remains time-consuming and frustrating.
Persona 3 FES. It's good but I dislike what they've done with the plot. Not because it's bad, it's actually very good. Very good indeed! But that doesn't mean I like it!
Galactic Civilization 2. I was enjoying it, until one race decided to attack the strongest military race. I decided to help them because, y'know, having them gone woulda made me the strongest, and I actually coerced another race into joining us in our assault, and things were going well and I was managing to take some ground but then the race that started the war made a piece treaty with the other guys but I was still on course to win the war until I missed a fatal opportunity to take one of the planets and that led to the planet gaining more defense than I could take. At this point, the previous planet that had just backed out of the war decided to start war with me. So I quit playing. I think it was going well until the guys I was attacking decided to gain awesome take down abilities and then the fuckers from the rear decided to kerb stomp me and it'll end in a Potion Spit Roast (I don't know if you've ever had one of those but it ends in lots of screaming from the center.)

Good game. Good game.

Also started on Fez and I recently purchased and completed 140. That's a good and fun game.
Mimana iyar chronicle (psp)
Trying to complete my backlog of rpgs before Ar Nosurge comes out in Sept. I also have yet to play The Last Remnant. And Unfortunately Johnny Bosch play's the voice of the main character in all 3 of these games. I'm going to be really sick of him by the time I'm done. Well, I already am but even more so.

Edit: And Done! It was pretty short. ~15 hours. Would have been shorter if it wasn't for the tedious level design and high encounter rates. Also had to button smash through the last cutscene cause it took me 4 attempts to beat the last boss.
I might replay the game in the future but only using a special code to unlock a secret shop to get the no-encounter item.
Played a bunch of Broforce, Cubeworld, and I got into the Warlords of Draenor Beta so I'm soaking that up when i get the chance.

Also played Wonderful 101 the other night, fuckin' awesome game, too bad the required controller is an undeniable piece of shit!


Oh, also I played some Mario Kart 8 because I hate myself. (Actually it's pretty fun.)
I personally think mk8 is the best Mario kart I've ever played. it's fucking great. and not only that but they are adding a hyrule cup for one of their dlcs.



Friend gifted me Rise of Nations Extended Edition on Steam so I've been drinking that in. Still beats Age of Empires anyday imho.

Also Valkyria Chronicles 2. Which is a vastly inferior sequel. With shitty characters.


Awesome Bro

Yep, Valkyria Chronicles 2 (And I'm guessing 3, I'll never know lol) is an absolutely wank stain of a sequel, it's inferior in every single way, which is a shame since the first game is one of the best games of last gen!
Replaying Threads of Fate, a PSone game on my ps2. It's short and sweat.
Had to take apart my ps2 and clean out the dust since I kept getting disk read errors. Peeling the void warranty sticker off was a thrill. Also the X button on my favorite controller wore down. The springy rubber pad is torn. It still works but it doesn't have that bounce. I could replace it but I just rotated it so it's on the less used Triangle Button instead.
Finally beat Tales of Xillia. My last save was Oct 2013. It's been almost a year since I played it, couldn't remember any of the control. I was literally right at the final boss when I stopped playing. Easily distracted last year I guess. I couldn't remember how the mechanics and combos worked. I kept jumping and facing the wrong direction punching air while my team mates did all the work. Luckly, I never used healing items so I had a nice stash of full HP, TP, Revives.

I've probably said this before, I really love the worlds in the Tales games. But I hate the characters. I won and then zoned out while the character's gave their individual speeches about changing the world and themselves.

Ar Nosurge shipped today.


Awesome Bro

I got about 10 hours into Tales of Xillia before I stopped playing it for no reason, that was over a year ago lol... never actually finished a Tales game, and I own four of them, not sure what it is, but I always seem to lose all motivation to carry on playing them after so many hours... and another problem is that I HATE picking games back up after not playing them for extended periods of time, since I usually forget where I am in the story and who everyone is and the controls and stuff, so I have to start from the beginning again, and then lose the will to play AGAIN.

Anyways, as for what game I'm playing... today while I was out I saw inFamous: First Light for £12 and Rayman Legends (PS4) for £15 so decided to pick 'em both up, and I've played a few hours of Rayman Legends... I LOVED Origins, so yeah, knew I'd enjoy Legends, and I really am enjoying it, 'tis really fun... I also played the Kung Foot minigame for about half an hour nonstop with my brother too (Despite only having one PS4 controller... thank god for the Vita, used remote play and connected as a guest account, lol), it's really silly and addictive, lol... can't believe I waited so long to buy the game actually...

I would've bought The Last of Us: Remastered, Diablo III or Destiny, but all three games were £50, so y'know... fuck that.
I love everything about the Tales games, though their stories can be quite weak.

Currently beating Graces as I type this. Hoping we get to the Future Arc today, then we can finally play Xillia 2. :D

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