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Just finished Castlevaina Lords of Shadow. The start of the game was amazing, and the first few chapters were really fun. When you see all the chapters on the world map you think it's going to be a long game since chapters 1 and 2 had like 6 stages but after that its only 2 or 3 stage chapters. The puzzles are predictable to anyone that has played a few rpgs. Buying new skills is pointless, since most of the time you are busy dodging.
The ending is so anticlimactic. You'd think fighting Satan for the last boss would be epic. But he is just this plain pale naked man with a black cloud covering his lower half which looks ridicules. He doesn't transform or anything. Once you beat him you get the ending you expected from the beginning. His wife doesn't come back to life.

Its still a nice game if you picked it up at a bargain (which i did)
However, the DLC gives it some extra story.

But im playing Ocarina of Time 3D: Master Quest after finally taking the time to finish the game...


Awesome Bro

I love how I don't care to be honest :thumb:

I've been playing Gears of War 3 with my mates, it's really really fun, and the executions are pretty cool to see

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

gears of war is alright.... its not as good as everyone says it is... if your gonna get into at least play it co-op... thats the only way its fun



Only get GOW 3 if you're interested in the storyline, that's the cool part.
I haven't tried this multiplayer yet but I could never really get into the previous ones. (It consisted mostly of people grabbing their shotguns and running into eachother, first one to pull the trigger wins.)
But that might be just me...
Fusty":2l00d6j1 said:
Only get GOW 3 if you're interested in the storyline, that's the cool part.
I haven't tried this multiplayer yet but I could never really get into the previous ones. (It consisted mostly of people grabbing their shotguns and running into eachother, first one to pull the trigger wins.)
But that might be just me...

For the most part that's how GoW 3 Deathmatch is, but the other Online Play is AMAZING. And the Storyline is simply awesome, easily one of the better storylines this year. So, long story short - I love it.

I recently picked up X-Men: Destiny and White Knight Chronicles 2. I really like X-Men Destiny, beat it twice now, it's a really short game though but totally leaves room for Expansions in the story.

Whtie Knight Chronicles 2, I'm not so sure about, it's cool - but not sure how I really feel about it. And I hate fighting as the White Knight.
Dark Souls is out tommorow! GO GET IT!!! :rock: and then cry because its just dreadfully difficult to play let-alone beat :tongue:

I'm currently playing Demon Souls but I'm yet to slay my first arch-demon... P.S your a GOD if you've killed Old Kind Doran. I'm starting to think you NOT supposed to beat him, he's just waaaaay to powerful and fast, his stamina regeneration's un-imaginable.

Fallout New Vegas always keeps me busy, try picking on some alpha death-claw in the quarry with nothing but a displacer glove ( pushy ) and about 90 stimpacks and alot of hardcore drugs ( buffout, psycho, vodka, ). Caution....Caution....DANGER Oh God!

In rolls "cooky" Fallout music, then you KNOW ITS GOING DOWN :box:

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

demon souls and dark souls isnt hard... it just has a steep learning curve and the game just really punshies you when you die... i know i havent played tooo much in demon souls but ive only died once.... and thats cause i fell down a hole lol
Echo Magnum":1qa4h6oz said:
Dark Souls is out tommorow! GO GET IT!!! :rock: and then cry because its just dreadfully difficult to play let-alone beat :tongue:

I'm currently playing Demon Souls but I'm yet to slay my first arch-demon... P.S your a GOD if you've killed Old Kind Doran. I'm starting to think you NOT supposed to beat him, he's just waaaaay to powerful and fast, his stamina regeneration's un-imaginable.

Fallout New Vegas always keeps me busy, try picking on some alpha death-claw in the quarry with nothing but a displacer glove ( pushy ) and about 90 stimpacks and alot of hardcore drugs ( buffout, psycho, vodka, ). Caution....Caution....DANGER Oh God!

In rolls "cooky" Fallout music, then you KNOW ITS GOING DOWN :box:

Doran aint too bad actually. Well nothing is with a kriss blade +5/ring of magical sharpness coupled with a fire storm or homing soul arrow. Especially Doran *cough*poison cloud*cough*.


Awesome Bro

Echo Magnum":2uukac9s said:
P.S your a GOD if you've killed Old Kind Doran. I'm starting to think you NOT supposed to beat him, he's just waaaaay to powerful and fast, his stamina regeneration's un-imaginable.

I must be a super god then since I've killed him 7 times now... seriously he's not as hard as you think, and there are tons of strategies to winning him, four of the easiest are:

- Throw a poison cloud over him and just sit and wait for him to die, it may take more than one cloud (It will actually...)

- Backstab him, run away, let him follow you, but as you get too far away, he turns and walks back... backstab him again, and repeat this over and over.

- Get a 2H weapon and hold it with both hands, , use R2 to do a big overhead strike to him, it knocks him down to the floor, and just as he's getting back up, do it again, and again, and again, if you time it right, you can get into a rhythm of just beating him down before he can ever get up, lol.

- Make him follow you all the way past the blue eyed knight and into the second tower at the other side of the area (Not the one you went past to get to Doran, but the one on the opposite side, it has a staircase so you'll know which I mean), and keep luring him to the edge of the stairs, it's a pretty big drop, you have to get him to attack you, but dodge roll out of the way, his animation makes him move forward, so he'll fall off of the stairs, instantly killing him, and you can just go down to his body and loot what you like.

I've used 3 of these, but know the fourth one works since my mate used it, and it's all over YouTube anyway... but for my last kill of him, I just ran in with a Dragon Bone Smasher +5, Morion Blade, Clever Rat's Ring and Curse Weapon, which gave me an INSANE amount of attack power, and killed him in 3 slashes of the same combo, he gets insanely easy after fighting him a few times, lol, you can even kill him bare fisted, it'd just take a while, and you'd have to be VERY quick to negate his healing (He eats when he gets down to a certain health threshold, except if you poison him, he doesn't seem to know he's being poisoned, lol...)



Decided to play some Assassin's Creed Brotherhood multiplayer.
I only got into matches with lvl 50 players, which is just great when you're only level 20 yourself. :/

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