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Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

if you want to play a hard racing game get like nascar 09 or something but diffuctlty up to max. full race, real damage and everything. Then pick taladaga or daytona and i bet within like the first 5 laps you ether spun out or you be so behind that you would need every car to crash out for you to even win


Awesome Bro

So you want me to play a game where all I have to do is hold accelerate and left? Nascar is stupid I don't get why people like it "Herpa derpa doo! I'm famous because I can drive in an oval!" ... great.

Mega Flare":pp005nd9 said:
if you want to play a hard racing game get like nascar 09 or something but diffuctlty up to max. full race, real damage and everything. Then pick taladaga or daytona and i bet within like the first 5 laps you ether spun out or you be so behind that you would need every car to crash out for you to even win
WipEout HD (not pulse), zone mode, Chenghou Project forward track.

Get to zone 60 or higher and you have all right to say Wipeout is easy. Good luck, you're going to need :thumb:
Jbrist":2xfqwle8 said:
Oh, and to make it harder, do it all with only the air brakes!
That would become impossible then lol, It's already near impossible on Anulpha pass (which is a piss easy track compared to Chenghou Project)


Awesome Bro

Yeah I can't even get the trophy for reaching Zone 50 with the air brakes yet, I think the best I've got to was like 35 or something, it's so bloody hard and frustrating...

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Jbrist":1sgoy5y5 said:
So you want me to play a game where all I have to do is hold accelerate and left? Nascar is stupid I don't get why people like it "Herpa derpa doo! I'm famous because I can drive in an oval!" ... great.

you gotta brake on turns lol but yeah on those tracks you make like one tiny mistake... get one lil bump on the front of the car BAM you lose. alot of people like nascar... if you didnt know its like the number 1 spectating sport in the world.


Awesome Bro

Nah, is it fuck, I reckon it's Football/Soccer, for the fact that just about every country in the world has a Football/Soccer team whereas Nascar is primarily USA only...
I'm kinda in a game slump, so I've been going back and playing older games. Just recently beat Phantasy Star Genesis series again (except for III, because it is a terrible little game and makes me want to gouge my eyes out), and then jumped up and beat Lunar Legend (only because I don't have my PSX Lunar discs around).

Trying to play Lufia Ruins of Lore now, but this one always did bore me to death.

Any suggestions on newer/older games to play? Preferably stuff that I can play on an emulator or a PSP; DS, GBA, SNES, ect.
Skyla Doragono":3qhtrk0j said:
I'm kinda in a game slump, so I've been going back and playing older games. Just recently beat Phantasy Star Genesis series again (except for III, because it is a terrible little game and makes me want to gouge my eyes out), and then jumped up and beat Lunar Legend (only because I don't have my PSX Lunar discs around).

Trying to play Lufia Ruins of Lore now, but this one always did bore me to death.

Any suggestions on newer/older games to play? Preferably stuff that I can play on an emulator or a PSP; DS, GBA, SNES, ect.
Koudelka is pretty cool how I remember it (its on ps1).

And it's a prequel (a wide prequel but still a prequel) to the best RPG series ever.
Currently playing Metroid Prime on Dolphin :D and Metroid Fusion on my android phone.

Any suggestions on newer/older games to play? Preferably stuff that I can play on an emulator or a PSP; DS, GBA, SNES, ect.

Go get dolphin and gamecube games. Metroid Prime 1 &2, Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, etc. That was an awesome generation.


Awesome Bro

Dolphin also does Wii games don't forget, lol ;)

Anyway, so on Motorstorm Apocalypse I was messing around with the create a mode, and I turned the gravity down really low, and increased everyones top speed, acceleration, and boost speed, and limited it to motorbikes, it was so funny, seeing everyone just floating around in midair punching each other and doing stunts and stuff... I mean, it wasn't really floating, but when we all went over a jump (It was sort of synchronised but not synchronised y'know?) and it took us forever to land
I didn't want to mention wii as obtaining ROMS for it is much more questionable than for the gamecube as it's part of the current generation.

Besides I found a couple of ROM directories fro GC games offering relatively quick direct downloads, but for Wii you have to resort to torrents.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Jbrist":34olfii9 said:
Nah, is it fuck, I reckon it's Football/Soccer, for the fact that just about every country in the world has a Football/Soccer team whereas Nascar is primarily USA only...
lol nope. most nascar tracks have like 120k-270k people for a one day event... soccor gets like 80k lol im talking about like you know... people going to see the sport live
Skyla Doragono":2zugrez8 said:
Aepriz":2zugrez8 said:
Koudelka is pretty cool how I remember it (its on ps1).

And it's a prequel (a wide prequel but still a prequel) to the best RPG series ever.
LMAO, I actually own physical copies of the entire Shadow Hearts series, including Koudelka. Best RPG series ever.
Indeed! (Sadly we'll never see a part 4 :cry: )

I'm playing FFVI again (indeed AGAIN). I never noticed how ridiculously broken Gau is, lol (Never really used him so far).. But wow, mute Gau and select Intangir = BEASTLY! (I just found out Gau can use Leo's shock! Gau's never leaving again after I get him in world of Ruin).

Square made one MAJOR mistake with Gau's rages. Giving him a list of 250+ rages that aren't in alphabetic order (Why would they do SUCH a thing :/)



Gears of War 3!
It's pretty awesome so far, apart from the fact that
Dom died :<
I was actually totally expecting that but it still sucks...
Downloaded Xenogears on the PSN.
Haven't really had time to sit down and play it though. Just ran around the opening village a little. I'm use to NPCs saying a few sentences; these guy talk in paragraphs.

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