So for your party, I'd suggest Hope, Light and Fang, but I found it better to control Hope as opposed to everyone else that goes with Light,
For your paradigms;
Or if you'd like, you can completely forget the first one, and use an Aegisol and Fortisol before the fight, I'd probably recommend that actually, since it'll make it go a lot quicker.
Okay, if you've got the aerosols, use them, and run into battle. As soon as it starts, you'll want to first use Libra or a Librascope to make things easier, then start hitting his his pauldrons using the RAV/RAV/COM paradigm, just concentrate on one at a time until you've got them both, it doesn't take too long to dispatch them, then hit those ailette things (Stupid faces, they scare me D

You SHOULD be able to get rid of both pauldrons no problem without needing to heal, although as soon as you've got them both off, I'd switch to the MED/MED/SEN paradigm and heal up by throwing Cura all over the place. Once you're on full health, or close to hit, keep hitting away at his scary faces, lol. You'll notice that for every peice you take off him, his main body becomes weaker, although he can do some serious damage with his body, which is a bitch.
Remember, he does that charge attack, I'm pretty sure it warns you when he gets to like 90% charge or something, once you see it, switch straight to MED/MED/SEN and let your ATB bars fill up, wait for the blast thing he does (Which can be a bummer without a SEN, but with one you should all have like 10-20% health left over) and again, throw some Cura around.
Now, once all that's left is his face/body thing, switch to the fourth paradigm, which is SYN/MED/SAB, and hope to god that Fang can land a Slow or something on him, since it really helps out, while you just renew everyones buffs and Light stands there like a twat healing everyone. Once she's got Slow on him, switch back to RAV/RAV/COM and keep attacking like there's no tomorrow, infact, if you'd like to make the stagger bar go up quicker, you can have a paradigm with RAV/RAV/SAB, since Saboteurs are great at increasing the stagger. So anyways, once you've got him staggered, just keep hitting and hitting and hitting, and lastly... hitting. He might do another charge attack or two in the process, so remember, keep hitting him until his charge is at 90% (Like I said, I'm pretty sure it warns you), and then switch to MED/MED/SEN, as soon as the attack is over, heal, and switch straight back to RAV/RAV/SAB if he isn't staggered, or RAV/RAV/COM if he is. You should be able to kill him before the stagger bar has gone anyways.
Wow I made it seem long, when really the fight only lasts between 4-6 minutes on average, or it did for me anyways.
If you're having trouble with anything, I think the best bet would be to watch a video on YouTube, since they'll follow the same strategy, although I can imagine there'd be a few switches from the way I did it. It also might've helped me that I maxed everyones Crystarium before too, lol, but if not, just make sure you've got some resist magic gear or something, it really comes in handy.