Finally picked up Ar Nosurge again and pushed through to the end. The game is padded as all hell. Like just going though the item creation scenes, not even reading, just button smashing took HOURS. Some of the conversations have up to 90 dialog boxes (You can open the log and see the textbox count.)
I did smile at the start of Phase 3, you get to visit the Tower from the first game. It's cool to see it in 3D with the familiar music; and Shurilea is there. I was pretty much playing just to see how it tied into the Tonelico games.
When you examine it closely a lot of the story elements mirrored the tonelico games which would have been clever if it was so poorly written. Like most of GUST rpgs this was a very mediocre game.
My RPG pending list:
Breath of Fire IV
Mass Effect trilogy