Been playing some Blitzball in Final Fantasy X today... my team is fucking ace, although I had to settle for Jumal instead of Nimrook as the keeper because he was, and still is, signed to the Al Bhed Psyches, but it doesn't matter because he starts off with Super Goalie so it's extremely rare he lets a goal by once you get him Lv. 3 to actually equip the skill... due to him NOT starting at Lv. 3 I've lost one game (... To the Al Bhed Psyches because Nimrook really is a beast, especially at low levels, he can catch EVERYTHING!) and drew a game (To the Guado Glories... it was a 0-0 game, I was just passing around to get some levels)
So basically this is my team now:
LF: Tidus
RF: Wedge
MF: Brother
LD: Zalitz
RD: Ropp
GL: Jumal
So fucking OP it's unreal!