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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)

Still trying to work out how a function for phpbb works (for a forum-based game). I can't get my head round it.

@jb: after doing it for Uni, I never want to touch GM again. Shame, really.
haha, holy crap I just did 3.5 full maps today after months of nothing.

EDIT: strike that, I'm 90% done with one of the cities. Two or three more maps, and I'm finished.

EDIT: Done with one city. two more cities, 3.5 more dungeons(esques) areas, half a castle, 5 mysterious places or so, and some stuff here and there and I'll be done with mapping.

... :shock: :eek:uch: :down: :cry:
Spook's back in, so he's working on maps. I'm mostly working on RGSS Studio, but I'm trying to keep my game moving. I've been doing a lot of concept art lately - my favorite part. Next, I'll be working on events.



Multitasking to finish the prologue ending cutscene so that I can re-upload my demo that was due about seven months ago ;D
Also half-drawing some concept art but it doesn't turn out so well when I only pay half-attention to it ;-;
Recently reinstalled Microsoft Office OneNote on my laptop. It's an extremely handy tool for staying organized. So I'm dumping all my word documents and concept art into one space so I can look at it all at once.
I was thinking about getting RPG Maker XP again and starting a new project that would use some tilesets from a site I found with awesome tilesets. But that determination turned into fury when the link to the site goes to an error page. I didn't save any of the tilesets and I can't find them anywhere else! They were so great too.

(I'm talking 'bout this site: http://yms.raindrop.jp)



About to start working on AR's main story. AR has 6 main characters and we [as in me and my co-writer] just got finished from writing 4 full fictional biographies. After the last two are finished we'll finally be able to move on to continuing the story.



ughh... having the hardest time of my life trying to figure out how to get Collos (my card game for AR) to have strategy and be fun at the same time

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