I've got my hands on a Sata-to-USB cable to transfer all my files over to my new computer.
Steam makes it surprisingly easy. I was afraid I'd have to download and install everything all over again. But there's a simple trick to move installed files over to a new HDD. So it only takes minutes rather than hours or days.
So I have RPG Maker MV at least. For non-Steam related software, Idk what I'll do. RM Ace, I can still install the old fashion way with an activation key or whatever. But I got Rmxp from an old distributor before Degica took over. I don't really neeeed RMXP but its nice to have if someone else needs support. I managed to reinstall it once before somehow but I'll have to go through my old Emails to seeif I was given a new activation code or what. And if that's the case, see if it still works. It's been so long, I just don't know.
Yes! The "new" activation code I got from customer support back in 2010 still works.
Steam makes it surprisingly easy. I was afraid I'd have to download and install everything all over again. But there's a simple trick to move installed files over to a new HDD. So it only takes minutes rather than hours or days.
So I have RPG Maker MV at least. For non-Steam related software, Idk what I'll do. RM Ace, I can still install the old fashion way with an activation key or whatever. But I got Rmxp from an old distributor before Degica took over. I don't really neeeed RMXP but its nice to have if someone else needs support. I managed to reinstall it once before somehow but I'll have to go through my old Emails to see
Yes! The "new" activation code I got from customer support back in 2010 still works.