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[VX] RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System 2.6 Translated + A

jarhead31":1rvsmym2 said:
The script looks and plays great. I just have two problems, though. One, if the dual attack or double attack skills are supposed to show multiple attacks, that isn't happening. Two (and more annoyingly), every skill I use is preceded by the Rise2 animation. Do you have any idea as to why this is happening?

Because of the way this script handles skill use, those skills no longer function properly when using this script.  You are not the first person to report such a thing, so I am in the process of writing addons for new sequence animations for these skills.

The gripe you have about rise2, well that is a part of the original system.  It simulates a spellcast animation when you use a skill that does not have an associated script-defined custom animation.  It's an integral part of the script

If you wish to use a different character animation for skill use - go to line 456 in the config (first script) and locate "START_MAGIC_ANIM".  The id should currently be 44.  Change that to whatever Skill Animation ID from the game database that you'd like to use.
Ok I changed the script and put the battler inside the folder and renamed them but when I go to battle it will say Unable to find file Graphics/characters/"$whateverinamedit_1.png_1.png"
devildesk":gzsvobed said:
Ok I changed the script and put the battler inside the folder and renamed them but when I go to battle it will say Unable to find file Graphics/characters/"$whateverinamedit_1.png_1.png"
The name of the resource for character's graphic should exactly be $whateverinamedit with NO _1.png after it.
The character charset is $charname    - WITHOUT a _1
The animated battlers graphic should ONLY be in your resources tool.
If you can't figure out how to fix it, then just rename your battler to $whateverinamedit_1.png_1.png
If you just can't get anything to work, I would suggest getting it working without animated battlers first.
great script! Do you known where exactly is the code that makes the animation for the skills be displayed?
I mean, at line 456, of the first script, there is "START_MAGIC_ANIM" and the values:
["m_a", 44,  4,  0,  52,  0,  0,  0, 2,false,""]
What I want is to know, how the system recognize that 44 is the animation to be displayed.
I need that to make it compatible to a script I have.
Thank's for script, you did a great job!
44 Is the animation that it uses on the character who casts a spell as a spell casting animation.  The animation performed on the target is taken from the game database.  If you are looking at animations and sequences, the part of the script that interprets those are in the second script.  It seems what you are specifically looking for could be either method around line 924: "def battle_anime" OR in the third script, line 1196: "def anime_action"



While using minkoff's animated battlers I noticed there attack animations are off when the attack it looks like they swing there weapon twice.  Do you know what is causing this?  It happens in your demo also.
I've had no luck, trying to figure out the script logic
What I want is to fuse this battle system script with the skill learning script I have.
This script makes you learn skills during battle, according to your actions, for example, if I order my character to attack with his sword, when it's his turn, instead of attack, he will learn a sword skill and will perform it. But in the original script, an animation displays over the character's head, right before performing the skill, as a sign that he learned the skill. If someone ever played SaGa Frontier, then it will be easier to understand.
I managed to make it compatible with the battle system script and it works fine without displaying the animation, but it would be better with that.
I'll try again later, thanks anyway!

I think I'm getting the hang of it, I took a look at your add on and I think I should be able to accomplish my objective now. In your add on, you edited a part of Class Skill to make melee skills look like normal attacks. Do you known of any other way of modifying this part? Like doing it from Class Scene_Battle? In XP, I think there was a command called iterate but I don't known if this is the right command nor do I known how to use it.
dark_persona":3ka29at8 said:
I think I'm getting the hang of it, I took a look at your add on and I think I should be able to accomplish my objective now. In your add on, you edited a part of Class Skill to make melee skills look like normal attacks. Do you known of any other way of modifying this part? Like doing it from Class Scene_Battle? In XP, I think there was a command called iterate but I don't known if this is the right command nor do I known how to use it.

This part of the script is more part of the animation sequence interpreter than it is Scene_Battle.  If you choose to try to do your work here, your options will be very limited with what you can and cannot do.  I guess I'm still unclear on what you are doing and what kind of script you're trying to use.  Is it possible to link to the script you're trying to merge ?
Well, that wasn't quite as helpful as I imagined.  Maybe try posting in script requests, but I have a feeling that you're on your own with this one.
Yeah, awesome job. Really appreciate the ranged fix as well.

My major problem is also the slip(poison) damage. It only works on one enemy at a time. :(
I've got a question... is it possible to use normal characters as battlers for the 'heroes' and Minkoff for the enemies?
AmberRei":oxvqx4vn said:
I've got a question... is it possible to use normal characters as battlers for the 'heroes' and Minkoff for the enemies?

The script currently does not support enemy animated battlers.  Possibly in future versions...
kyroray":quymhs5i said:
Gah.. I'm pretty sure I place the scripts to right places. My character is cut in 4 to 6 pieces.
You need to configure your script for all characters using animated sprites, or all using "default" style.  The required changes are included in my original post.  I can easily see your problem by looking at your screenshot.  The animated battler is displayed incorrectly, but the rest, who are not animated battlers look fine.  Make sure you catch all the proper configuration edits as well as making sure your animated battlers are formatted for the standard 4 frames (horizontally) by 11 poses (vertically).  If you are using a non-standard sprite, as long as all the battler sprite sheets are uniform, then simply set the values for ANIME_PATTERN and ANIME_KIND to your frames and poses values, respectively.

This script does not support having 3 "normal" or default battlers, and 1 animated battler.  Either all or nothing.

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