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[VX] Party Changer



Dargor":3vx2jlfy said:
Make sure the @max_members variable in the Large Party script is higher than 4.

The @max_members variable is currently set to 5.  It allows me to place 5 members on the party in the changer menu, but the 5th person is never actually added to the party, and is excluded once I leave the changer menu.

EDIT: I still seem to be getting that bitmap error I described in an earlier post as well. Sorry, I don't necessarily like having to give you all these problems to fix. >.> I hope you don't hate me for it. :P
Kafei":2t8mjpr5 said:
Dargor":2t8mjpr5 said:
Make sure the @max_members variable in the Large Party script is higher than 4.

The @max_members variable is currently set to 5.  It allows me to place 5 members on the party in the changer menu, but the 5th person is never actually added to the party, and is excluded once I leave the changer menu.

EDIT: I still seem to be getting that bitmap error I described in an earlier post as well. Sorry, I don't necessarily like having to give you all these problems to fix. >.> I hope you don't hate me for it. :P
If you are not using the side view battle system go to the game_party script under game objects and try changing  MAX_MEMBERS = x as well. That seemed to work for me after playing around. xP
mudducky is right. Even if I added my own max_members variable, you still need you modify the default Constants MAX_MEMBERS. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough about it.

You still got this error even with version 2.3?



The error is caused by clearing the party members on the script at around line 458 when you press the Reset button:
  # * Clear Members
  def clear_members
    for member in $game_party.all_members

The for..in is accessing the every party member even if only one member is selected.. The problem arises when the height of the window is remade.. I really can't explain the exact detail on what's causing the error... but just consider this code:

  # * Clear Members
  def clear_members
    remove_member(@members[0]) until @members.size <=0

Instead of iterating through all members, why not just remove the members that were added?



That seems to work. Thanks. :P

EDIT: Another bug. Disabling the save feature with an event causes the order feature to gray out on the menu (although it doesn't actually prevent you from using it.) It disables saving, but doesn't gray out the save option. I assume that it's simply graying out the wrong the on the menu.
That's it. I forgot to clean up this method before posting version 2.0.

Probably just a little error with the Custom Commands script.
I'll update both scripts as soon as possible. :thumb:

Take care!



In the create_command_window of Custom Commands Script, just replace @command_window.draw_item(4, false) with @command_window.draw_item($game_system.menu_commands.index(Vocab::save),false) so, no matter where the Save command is, it will be disabled correctly. also, do that on the other commands as well if you wish... or just wait for Dargor's update ^__^

I found another bug, when you disable the Party menu, it will be grayed out. But when you put your cursor there, it will continuously play the buzzer.. the bug is in the  update_command_selection.



Loving the Party Changer script but unfortunately I am also getting the cache line 80 error and I have locked.png in the system folder T_T
When i go to Change Party members in battle, this comes up

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk29 ... /Error.png[/img]

and it's a problem in this line of code

  # * Actor X Coordinate
  def screen_x
    return self.abatvx_bypass_x if self.abatvx_form_bypass == true
    if $game_system.abatvx_mirror
      return 544 - ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][0]
      return ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][0] #AT THIS LINE [Not a comment]

and its part of the Sidewiew Battle System by DerVVulfman

I'll show the code

It's the battle formation, it's exact line is 124

# ** Animated Battlers VX Add-On #1:
#    Animated Battler Formations
#    by DerVVulfman
#    version 1.0
#    05-20-2008
#    RGSS2 / RPGMaker VX
#  Rather than reinstitute  the formation system  I included and hardwired into
#  "Minkoff's Animated Battlers - Enhanced", I decided to use an outside script
#  that is highly customizable.  With this add-on,  the end user can design the
#  battle formations  for the actor battlers.   They will start out  and remain
#  lined up in the order the end user sets up.
#  The system recognizes the  'Mirror Effect'  system  in Animated Battlers VX,
#  and will adjust and reverse the battler positions accordingly.  You need not
#  worry about  creating duplicate  formation entries  for both left  and right
#  sided formations.
#  This system allows you to create multiple formations.   This is accomplished
#  by the way you use the 'ABATVX_FORMATION' array.  The syntax is as follows:
#  ABATVX_FORMATION = { id => [ formation set ], id => [formation set],... }
#  So...  with that,  you can make  multiple sets  of formations  which you can
#  switch to while the game is running..
#  Now...  each formation set holds the x and y position for each actor battler
#  in combat.  Not by their 'Actor ID' mind you,  merely by party member order.
#  So the first member in your party,regardless of their position in your actor
#  database, will be first battler position defined in the formation set.  The
#  layout for each formation set is as follows:
#             [ [Battler 1's X & Y], [Battler 2's X & Y],... ]
#  Most people would set a formation set with allowances for 4 battlers. But if
#  you wanted to use a large party script  to increase the number of members in
#  your battle party, you can add more than 4 battler arrays like so:
#  ...ON = { 0 => [ [350,200], [395,235], [440,270], [485,305], [530,340] ],
#            1 => [ [530,200], [485,235], [440,275], [395,305], [350,340] ]  }
#  There's only one script call you should be familiar with right now, and that
#  is the script call that changes the formation you want to use in battle.  By
#  default, the system uses the formation set by ID #0.  But you can change the
#  formation being used with the following call:
#  The call is simple:  $game_system.abatvx_form_id = number
#  Where the number is the ID number of your formation.  That's it.
#  Free to use, even in commercial projects.  Just note that I need some form
#  of due credit... even a mere mention in some end titles.

  # ==============
  #                   ID      Battler 1   Battler 2   Battler 3   Battler 4
  ABATVX_FORMATION = { 0 => [ [350, 200], [395, 235], [440, 270], [485, 305] ],
                       1 => [ [485, 200], [440, 235], [395, 270], [350, 305] ] }

# ** Game_System
#  This class handles system-related data. Also manages vehicles and BGM, etc.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_system.

class Game_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :abatvx_form_id           # Formation ID
  # * Object Initialization
  alias init_game_system initialize
  def initialize
    @abatvx_form_id = 0                # Initial formation

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Actor X Coordinate
  def screen_x
    return self.abatvx_bypass_x if self.abatvx_form_bypass == true
    if $game_system.abatvx_mirror
      return 544 - ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][0]
      return ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][0]
  # * Actor Y Coordinate
  def screen_y
    return self.abatvx_bypass_y if self.abatvx_form_bypass == true
    return ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][1]

Is it that this system is not compatible with DerVVulfman's sideview battlers, or is it that I am doing something wrong, any help would be appreciated

If it's not compatible with sideview battlers, I will just forget about this script for now.
Ok, I'll try that soon, but I am uncertain on how to limit how many characters I have in my party, it seems to show me having 4, how do I close that limit? what line of what script, sorry I'm a noob at scripting, but I have tried to get this thing working for an hour, I'll have a look through the comments again and see if I can figure it out :)

Edit: Ok, I've tried setting the max number of party members to 4 and keeping it on 6 on the Large party sheet. neither worked, example

  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @max_members = 6                        # Maximum number of party members

  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @max_members = 4                        # Maximum number of party members

Tried this

#     1)  To change the maximum # of actors allowed in the party, use:
#           - $game_party.max_members = x

I tried using it in an event and using advanced => script, is that the way I'm supposed to do it?

keeps coming up with the same line 124 error

I also tried
  # * Actor X Coordinate
  def screen_x
    return self.abatvx_bypass_x if self.abatvx_form_bypass == true
    if $game_system.abatvx_mirror
      return 544 - ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][0]
      return ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][4]
  # * Actor Y Coordinate
  def screen_y
    return self.abatvx_bypass_y if self.abatvx_form_bypass == true
    return ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][1]


  # * Actor X Coordinate
  def screen_x
    return self.abatvx_bypass_x if self.abatvx_form_bypass == true
    if $game_system.abatvx_mirror
      return 544 - ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][0]
      return ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][-4]
  # * Actor Y Coordinate
  def screen_y
    return self.abatvx_bypass_y if self.abatvx_form_bypass == true
    return ABATVX_FORMATION[$game_system.abatvx_form_id][self.index][1]

doing that wouldn't let me enter a battle just had an error in the spriteset_battle.

I'll try more until you post a reply on what I'm supposed to do :)

Edit 2: Now another error has arisen, now I cant get into battle at all

This comes up

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk29 ... Error2.png[/img]

I'm so frustrated :(
i love your script dargor! it's awesome :grin:

but i need a little help: how can i make it so the "party" command doesn't show up at all in battle? i was able to disable it so the option is there but always grey, but i don't want it there at all.

also...is there a way to make it so actor 010 has to be one of the 4 party members, but he doesn't have to be locked as the first person?

thank you so much! you're a scripting genius :kiss:
To remove the Party command in-battle, use the following line of code in a script call event command:

Ok, I'll fix that. 

I will. I just want to release version 3.0 before. It will include multiple parties and some other stuff. :thumb:

Take care!

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