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[VX] Party Changer



Alright, error time.

Initially, i have two actors present. Thats fine, i enter the menu, they show, no problems.
Then, i accept, and RE-enter the menu, and this happens;
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/ ... 222112.png[/img]
For reference, 'Keif' is actor [3] Aria is actor [4].

Also, setting arrange in menu to 'false' only grey's is out, and doesn't actually prevent the player from using the feature. (not that annoying to me, as i intend to remove that altogether.)

Any suggestions?
Oh, i DO have all three of the scripts implemented in proper order.



Dargor, I love your scripts, but I am having the same problem as arion.  I will have characters locked into position, and I can't remove them.  But the people won't even be in the party, or joined yet.  Any ideas?  I really would love to use this script.
I probably did something wrong with the members array. I'll take a look at it.

Edit: Try the new version (1.9.3), it should be OK now. Oh and a little reminder, it still requires the Custom Commands script! :thumb:

Take care!
I love the idea of the script, but I have a few problems...

1.) My 6th and 8th members, strangely, are locked into the party without having being met yet.

2.) My 1st character gives an error when selected.

Script 'Window_Base' line 235: NoMethodError occurred.

Undefined method 'face_name' for nil:NilClass

3.) Going into the menu before or after choosing the available characters provides the following:

Script 'Party Changer' line 1197: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method 'menu_commands' for #<Game_System:0x226e0f0>

4.) Choosing more than the max number of party members gives the same error as #2.
1) Simply edit the @forced_party variable in Game_System
2) Are you using version 1.9.3?
3) Do you have the Custom Commands script? You need this script.
4) Do you have my Large Party script? You need this too.
some errors

1) when select the first char it says "Window_Base' line 235: NoMethodError occurred.

Undefined method 'face_name' for nil:NilClass

2) when i select the third char it take the 4 and if i get other char show me same error that 1)

well i hope it helps you to improve the script good luck
I'm getting the same errors, "Window_Base' line 235: NoMethodError occurred.

Undefined method 'face_name' for nil:NilClass.

I'm using 1.9.3

Any suggestions as to how I may fix this?



Using your scripts, latest editions:

1) Same bug, selecting first character  it gives you a

"Window_Base' line 235: NoMethodError occurred.
Undefined method 'face_name' for nil:NilClass"


2) Fourth character,  "Window_Base' line 235: NoMethodError occurred.
Undefined method 'face_name' for nil:NilClass"

3)When selecting no locked party members, you get:

"Script ** Party Changer' line 626: NoMethodError ocurred.
undefined method 'party_locked=' for nil:NilClass."
Doesn't work for me, I have the "locked.png" in the system folder, i have the large party script, and the custom commands script. I get an error coming from this line in the Cache script.

    if filename.empty?
        @cache[path] = Bitmap.new(32, 32)
        @cache[path] = Bitmap.new(path)
Instead of just fixing this bug, I'll rewrite a part of the code and add a couple of features.
I will try to post the new version this weekend.

Take care!

If you have suggestions for version 2.0, feel free to share them! :thumb:
can't wait for new versions of script, but I don't understand how to get the party and arrange selectors in the main menu to open to the party menu, could someone help?



Suggestion.  Quicker way to 'remove' (not just disable) the menu changing effects.
(Partly because i have custom menu pages that get over written when implementing this script, yay for rgss illiteracy)

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