Ray Finkle":1dwy1z6u said:Nobody cares about that VX crap. Give the XP script SDK compliance!!! SDK SDK SDK SDK SDK SDK SDK!
van helblaze":pxg6ioa8 said:i wish it would be easier to add and change menu commands
Dargor":366aywhg said:Party Changer
by Dargor
Version 1.10.1
---> http://rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=43211.0 <---
This is an RMVX version of my Party Changer script! It does not contains all features from my XP Party Changer but I'll add these features gradually.
To call the scene use $scene = Scene_PartyChanger.new
Some features might not work without my Large Party script.
- Supports large party
- The party changer is available in battle
- You can display an actor's detailed status when pressing SHIFT (It also works in battle!)
- It's possible to lock an actor in the party and in the reserve (Refer to the script header for more informations!)
- Actors can be forced to be in the party (Yes, it's different than the locked_party feature!)
- Actors in the reserve can get a % of the exp earned in battle
- Party Changer and Party Arrange are available in the Main Menu
- On-map Party Switcher
You will need an icon named locked.png in the Graphics\System directory. (Yes, exactly like Prexus did!)
http://www.freewebs.com/rmxp-ff/VX%5FPa ... 1.10.1.txt
This script must now be used with the Custom Commands script.
All Party Changer variables now belong to Game_System (instead of Game_Temp)
Hope you like it!
Piratekon":39hcv6er said:Doesn't work for me, I have the "locked.png" in the system folder, i have the large party script, and the custom commands script. I get an error coming from this line in the Cache script.
if filename.empty?
@cache[path] = Bitmap.new(32, 32)
@cache[path] = Bitmap.new(path)
Dargor":3rm8ijmv said:Do you have my Large Party script? Cause it seems that the script can't find the max_members variable, which is a feature of the Large Party script...
Deiviara":3sukv4oo said:Well i have tried a lot of things and i still have the error so im going to desist in implement this script, beacues is my first game with the RPG, and maybe i am complcating the things to much xD I will go with 4 chars xD but thanks anyway :D
Dargor":21kxrct0 said:Simply change:
forCode:if filename.empty? @cache[path] = Bitmap.new(32, 32) else @cache[path] = Bitmap.new(path) end
Code:@cache[path] = Bitmap.new(path)