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[VX] Party Changer

It's because your line of code is too long for the text field.
Try something like
sys = $game_system
cmd = Vocab::Party
I simply load the game demo, and get this...
Script 'Large Party' line 97: TypeError occured.
underfined superclass 'Sprite'
Will of e-mailed you the screen shot, i copied your custom command, large party and party changer scripts. All 3 under materials. I didnt add into any other parameters just made new lines for just those 3. As I also added in your bestiary and a SBS custom battle system from another chap. Any help would be nice!
Long story short me and my soon to be wifew are making a rpg. She is doing the story and artwork and me the scripting/map making lol.

Link of error pic included.
hmm :sad:

i put that line of code into a script event command in a parallel process event again and the error was gone but the Party command still showed up in-battle. i put it into the troop event thing, too, but it didn't seem to do anything either.
sorry dargor! :sad:

am i at least putting the code in the right place? i really appreciate the help.
This has been working great for me.  Thanks for making it. :D  I was wondering if I could put in some suggestions to improve it?

Switching during a battle is great because it can make things so dynamic, but could there be a limit on how many times actors can be switched?  For example, you'd be limited to 2 switches in a turn and you can only switch again in like x turns after you do so.  Unlimited switching during battles could make a game too easy.

Also, can you make it so Dead actors can't be switched out?  Maybe allow us to set states where we are unable to switch actors during battle because of a status effect.

I'd just like for these things to be heard, at least, in hopes for the better script. :)  Thank you.
Mr. Bubble":7t9i6k2h said:
This has been working great for me.  Thanks for making it. :D  I was wondering if I could put in some suggestions to improve it?

Switching during a battle is great because it can make things so dynamic, but could there be a limit on how many times actors can be switched?  For example, you'd be limited to 2 switches in a turn and you can only switch again in like x turns after you do so.  Unlimited switching during battles could make a game too easy.

Also, can you make it so Dead actors can't be switched out?  Maybe allow us to set states where we are unable to switch actors during battle because of a status effect.

I'd just like for these things to be heard, at least, in hopes for the better script. :)  Thank you.
Well it always depends on the difficulty of the monsters, right?

And look at FFX. Party switching in-battle was more tactical, because only one character was effective against magic monsters, only one was effective against summons, only one character was effective against flying animals (as all the others missed most of the times), etc etc.

If you would implement something like that, it's not necessarily easy.
It's because I force the command to be added to the party window. it will be changed in the next version.

@Mr. Bubble

I like the idea of not switching an actor because of its state. I will add that.
And you're not supposed to switch with a dead actor, I will fix that.

I will post a new demo soon.

Take care!
Can't wait for the new demo :D

Good Luck!

Edit: Is there any other demo for this? because I can't find it on the first page... or anywhere :)

Because I just copied the scripts raw from the topics, didn't see a demo, it makes me think that there is a demo somewhere though because of this being a "new" demo :)

????? 'Party Changer' ? 260 ??? NoMethodError ????????

undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

Any Ideas what i should do? I have the custom commands, and large party script in order with it, i dont know what the problems is. IT seems it doesn't know wtf each does >.<
I have updated the script to version 3.1 I have fixed a couple of bugs and it now supports multiple parties.
I have also added a demo in the first post.

Take care!
I got this error when trying to start a new game:
line 278: NoMethodError ocurred:
Undefined method 'add_reserve_actor' for #<Game_Parties:0x1388f38>

I have a save game where I used v2.3 of this script and made a party of 8 characters. The saved game starts fine, but when I enter a battle....
Script 'Window Selectable' line 100: NoMethodError ocurred.
Undefined method `' for: NillClass
I have a question that you're probably going to find kinda dumb but I looked all over the thread and I couldn't find a definitive answer^^; So here goes: How do I set the maximum number of actors that are allowed to be in the party? I'd like to have just four members in the party at all times, if possible.
Old saved games using an older will not work. They don't contain the informations of the newest version. The reason why you have the first error is because I want this script to be 100% compatible with my multiple parties script. I just forgot to prevent using a multiple parties method when not using it. I'll fix that.

This feature belongs to the Large Party script. Go into the configuration module (at the beginning of the script) and change the value of Max_Members to 4.

Take care!
This script is fantastic. Thanks a ton.

I had two questions concerning it:

1) For the in-battle party changer, is there a way to set it up so the party function is only disabled if there are no characters in my reserve?

2) I'm using Lettuce's stat point distribution script, along with the patch you made for it to work with your custom commands script. Regarding the function in the large party script that allows you to see a character's stats when you hold down shift, is there a way to have Lettuce's stat screen pop up instead of the default stat screen?

Thanks again.

EDIT: I figured how to switch in Lettuce's stat window, though I'm sure my methodology in doing so was harder and messier than necessary (I'm new to this scripting thing). If you have an answer for me on question #1, though, I'd very much appreciate it.
1) I though I already add that... I'll take a look at it.

2) I'm glad you managed to add your own window! Codes are always messy at first, it's normal.
I've encountered an odd problem with the way I set up Lettuce's stat window to show up in place of the default stat window when you hold down the shift key. The windows pop up fine both in the menu party changer and the battle party changer. The problem I am having is that when my first character dies in battle, the game completely freezes when the battle is over and I return to the map screen. This does not happen if any other character dies. I know this is not a problem on your demo. If the first character dies on your demo, he is sorted to the bottom of the character list and the second character becomes the first.

How can I get mine to work that way again? Was my way of programming this just way off? Please tell me if it is. Any help I can get on this would be much appreciated. Thank you again.

EDIT: I guess I just need to learn to take a breather before I make posts. I'm not quite sure what my problem was, but by taking the primary part of the script I edited and pasting it into a clean copy of your script in the applicable place, I got the script to work. I must have edited something I forgot about in my original script before I knew what I was doing.

EDIT 2: I figured out what the problem was. I had the on-map party changer feature set to false. If that feature is set to false and your first character dies, the game freezes up, apparently because it can't switch your dead character for another character on the map screen.
I'm back again, Been using Prexus' Party changer until I can get this working, and I now believe I know the Cause of the error

I fear that the problem is that your Script isn't compatible with DerVVulfman's Animated battlers: Enhanced, If this is true... would there be a way you could make this compatible with it?, I can change party members outside of Battle [Thanks to the awesome demo] But when I go into battle and try to change members it comes up with the Usual Error

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk29 ... Error2.png[/img]

It would please me greatly if you could make this compatible, or simply give me step by step instructions of a way to do it myself, so you don't have to edit the whole script

Good luck :)
Thanks for the informations. I'll take a look at DVV'S CBS and try to fix this problem :thumb:

EDIT 2: I figured out what the problem was. I had the on-map party changer feature set to false. If that feature is set to false and your first character dies, the game freezes up, apparently because it can't switch your dead character for another character on the map screen.

I'll fix that too.



Hello. I have a question, I want to check with you. When selecting party members in both main menu and the scripted party selection window, is it possible to have a character to be fix in the first slot. So he/she can't be removed? Thanks.

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