I second thatmonkeydlu":3k89stbk said:dang, thats impressive, it's very worth going after, good luck with it.

I second thatmonkeydlu":3k89stbk said:dang, thats impressive, it's very worth going after, good luck with it.
i think it's very difficult to order the battler in minkoff format, why dont use ccoa battler instead like fmbs on xpReturned":2xbhuulg said:it is awesome... you will make it able to use minkoff white tyes stile battlers?
yeaaah my first "when will it be out?"
dude the more you ask, the more you'll wait.
Verdeni":3ukk7bx3 said:yeaaah my first "when will it be out?"
dude the more you ask, the more you'll wait.
OMG wut? 0.o Isn't that a little immature?
trebor777":3op9ezhg said:yeaaah my first "when will it be out?"
dude the more you ask, the more you'll wait.
Dont worry I feel what you're saying but what if somebody purposely asks the question multiple times just to annoy those who are patiently waiting.trebor777":1wgnkc1l said:oh :p got something I've noticed in rmvx, that was in rmxp before:
- you can't have loop animations without scripting.
so well :p i'll try to change that!
I'll also, create a "pause" feature, so you can pause an animation whenever you want it in your script(and it'll also pause a battler action). So you can do those awesome moment where everything stop except a hero, casting a huge technique. and then everything is back to normal.
About my "Reaction"
yes it was the first but if you don't do it on the first then everybody will do it... and as i did other scripts before I had similar comments. So I'm just super annoyed and over-reacting with those kind of comments.
Eh i'm going to put a penalty system! That's going to be awesome:
Each time someone asks me to "when is it released?", i'll count it, then multiply it by 2, that'll give you a number of days.
When I'll be completly finished, I'll wait this number of days to release it.
I'm going to put a counter in the 1st post (we already have 1)
AHA I'm a genius, :lol: I should have think of this rule before! :grin:
Thanks Zeriab and the other people wishing me luck
Ohhhh hmmm I was skeptical about that idea within the first few seconds of reading it but now that I think of it and look at the animations tab that's a pretty neat idea. I mean it's simplistic and, the user will have more control over the animation.trebor777":2ufiqhiv said:BassCrossTreble > Well, i don't know if you are aware of that but there is something in your rmvx project database something called "animation".... that's what I'm going to use.