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Sweetie, Des LEFT ME IN CHARGE WHILE HE WAS GONE. It's not like I stole the kingdom or anything.

I havn't recieved a PM since beofre this RP started.

And Nin popped in before when I asked you about the sword to stick up for you. I'm sure he thinks he's being NICE and HELPFUL and A GOOD FRIEND to you but from my perspective it's a case of lets gang up on the mod because she says please and thank you she must be easy to push around.



Ninjitsu":afrhylfr said:
Well, without the sword, your guy would look kinda gay...
Like he was going to the beach or something.

I seriously doubt he has anything menacing planned with the sword.

Does that seem to be contradicting? I mean, we could argue this for awhile, but to me all it seems to be is a post directed toward me saying that my character without the sword looks horrible. And well like I said above if you read it,  I left an apologetic note. The same goes for the PM. And by the way, I find it funny how you think we are ganging up on you, when all Nin did was simply point out something Des had said earlier and now I'm just defending myself. And again I say, I only came here to defend myself, not to gang up on you and attack you when your in such an annoyed mood. By the way, on a final note, we or at least I did not know that Des had left you in charge of this thread, and I did not accuse you of hijacking his "kingdom". All I said is that if he did leave you in charge he should have or at least you should have told us.
(Sorry was at school entire dasy and I think I have my account on always logged in, but yeah I'm in)

I'll be reading up on all the posts and making my intro sometime withuin the next few hours!
Name:Ryuutaros Nogami
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Starter: Totodile
Hometown: Personnet Town
Appearance: http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p66/ ... okemon.png[/img]
Short biography:
Ryuutaros, Ryuuta for short, is a childish teenage boy who loves break dancing. His hometown is Personnet Town. His parents had an accident when he was still young. His starter, Totodile is given by a mysterious dancer who brought him up taught him to dance. He is kind to all of his Pokemon and occasionally take them out for time together. Although he may be childish as he can be, he's a tough guy during battles.



Try reading the topic, cupcake. No new characters are being accepted.
Wumpi":2b4gwddm said:
Try reading the topic, cupcake. No new characters are being accepted.

Oh damn, missed it again. I'm sorry to have constantly bothered you, Wumpi. I'll stay away from the RP forums until I learn to read throughly.



You'll have to wait until Evvie returns for an answer to that, sweetie :)
imo we can still accept people for random trainer encounters, gym trainers, etc, but there's no gurantee that anybody will get in at this point. people can still submit characters but note that you won't be in the main group so there will be diffetrent stadards (more relaxed even).

tomorrow night I come back and I'm going to catch up on things. if anybody has been giving Wumpi a hard time they're going to be in big trouble.

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