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I said we were some years before the Hoenn games, which are set in an undisclosed time compared to all the other generations.

Even if that were not true we're obviously using D/P stats because there's shit like Magnezone and Croagunk and Electicire on the list. If we weren't using D/P information they wouldn't be there! Try reading up before you try to come up with bullshit loopholes, cupcake.
I understood the generation's and all just that I didn't know what original pokemon stats were. And of course their where Future generation pokemon despite the fact that In any Pokemon anime,manga or whatever. It's just that they weren't on the island or region. All I'm saying is that I didn't knew what bracket of skills and techniques we were using.



Protip: If there's gen4 pokemon in the dex, it's using gen4 information. Otherwise you have pokemon without movelists.
Captain Obvious...

Wake up Zen.
(Wumpi: He apologizes for making you put up with this. Thank god you aren't Atemu. She would have kicked him by now.)
Sorry wumpi, Just how I thought of it. Like I said I thought that gen4 pokemon would have gen 4 moves and since we were in the past gen 1 pokemon would have gen 1 moves and skills. This was just a slight confusion I'm sorry to despain for it. And another question, If I caught a cubone will it be able to use his bonearang or whatever it is?



you stay away from cubone, bitch

Not right now, considering the current pokemon are around level 5 and Bonemerang's learned at level 21. Catching new pokemon'll be up to evvie too, though.



Des, I know this is probably stupid for me to ask but it was left unanswered... Can I still play an active role in the RP or am I stuck to playing as an opponent trainer later on in the RP since there are already 5 people as the main group?
sorry, seijin, but the main group is too big. we're actually trying to cut them down (as zenrdy just got kicked). I'll let you know when you can show up, if you still want to.

ok zenrdy's gone. that was a cool way of narrowing down the group to a core set of trainers. thanks for taking the hit, zen. you might be able to show up here and there in the future as a recurring rival. I'll let you know.



JD you can still join in. Zenzen's out and Seijin has yet to post so I assume he's not interested. That's 4 out of a possible 5. Unless Des says differently, there's still one spot.

Shall I consider you number 5?
Despain":2lco5g4i said:
sorry, seijin, but the main group is too big. we're actually trying to cut them down (as zenrdy just got kicked). I'll let you know when you can show up, if you still want to.
If it's too big for Seijin, it should mean that JD cant "fit" either, yes?



Ninjutsu, you seem to like just coming into a thread to contradict me. You're not even IN this RP and you've been doing it. Stop it now, I am not in a good mood with you at all and I think you'll find that if you keep pushing me that I can be far worse than Atemu.

Des said that under the assumtion that JD was still in. My offer remains.
Well, my justification on posting in here is that since Zen was kicked out, he posted and nothing was said.
If you guys plan on making the rule that no one can come into OOC threads and point out facts, I'll gladly adhere to it.
Just saying that if one of them can get in to fill in the last spot, its should be the one who asked first.
Nothing against JD, nor any slant towards Seijin.

Then again, I am no one to contradict the way you guys run this. Just take my words with a grain of salt.

By the way: If I "have an issue" and would like to address it, would you mind if I PMed you, Wumpi? I wont come into foreign threads to attack you.



You posted in here just to contradict me before too, cupcake. Before Zenzen was kicked. Hey, excuse gone.

(It's a pretty lame excuse anyway since that has NOTHING TO DO with you coming in to whine and because it's rather clear why he hasn't been ansewred. I havn't answered him because I don't know and Evvie hasn't ansewred because he's not here.)

And if you really consider it 'attacking' me I'd prefer you didn't do it at all. I'm open to reasonable suggestions but when I say something it's usually for a reason and I don't appreciate you just waltzing in to contradict me.

JD, my offer remains. If you still want in you have a place unless Des says otherwise. Seijin I'm sorry if this seems HORRIBLY UNFAIR to you. If you'd asked me yourself to reconsider then I would have been happy to but I'm afraid Ninjitsu's blown your chances by annoying me.



First of all, from what I can infer from your post Wumpi, it seems like you're accusing me of sending Nin to complain about it, which of course whether you care to believe me or not is not true. Second of all, I did send you a PM asking whether I can post in the Victory Road RP while you were online. Whether you decided to ignore me or you simply did not see it or forgot about it is by all means not my fault. And if you were not the one I sent the PM to I apologize about this statement since I forgot to save the out box message. As for ruining my chances about being in the RP? It seems a tad bit unfair that you are taking control of Des's RP no? Or is that part of the power of being a Mod. Also one thing I want to add to this statement as an apologetic note is if Des made you leader of this thread while he is not here forgive me, because I have not seen that stated here.  By all means let JD get the opening, I believe that he will be more suitable and by far more capable than me to post in this RP. I only came here to defend my case, and in Nin's defense can you show me how he has contradicted you in this RP other than in the post he said earlier? Because, I have checked his posts and they seem only to compliment you or not even involve you since his posts are correcting Zens. 

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